@Cumminstech @Silentlemon1011
The only studies done( that I am aware of) show that in both the 191 and 192 0.4 percent of patients develop a immunological response to protein itself. 26,000 patients who have been treated with 192 amino acid residues , 0.02 percent of patients have had growth deceleration associated with binding capacities. No evidence exists to indicate that the methionine on the N-terminus of 192 amino acid residues causes antibodies to growth hormone.
THAT BEING SAID! Most studies are performed on people with GHD, they already have a very high anti-body level to HGH...Another problem is that most antibodies that were measured in those studies is based on antibodies to Escherichia coli proteins and not the antibodies to met-HGH!
Most long term problems with 192 come from dirty Chinese products! Ecoli is now a dated method that they still can't get right in China
Also based on some industry experience..... Modified solid state synthesis is what pharma appears to be doing now.....that's a whole other ballgame!