Pharmacom labs BAD

Obviously you didn't read through any of the links I provided yet here you are, asking me to explain myself to you.

Again, if you took some time to read

If I did this, YOU would have insinuated even more heavily that I am disparaging a source for financial gain, than you have today.

your comment replying to me, in the context of the comment you made here minutes before talking about suspicious posts, shills, behind the scenes deals, is a serious accusation.

And you did this, without reading links, providing evidence and even in your own words

You are another fool, exactly the type of person I described, running defense for sources you admit you know nothing about, critiquing other users more than the sources.

the less people like you, the better quality products and customer service meso users will recieve.

placing doubt on fellow customer concerns with no evidence is not good for the consumer, if anyone is a shill it is you, wether you know it or not

Well, I may be an idiot but so are you.
You did not get what I meant, at all, and I am not "insinuating" anything.
But according to you, i am defending the source.
I didn't place any "doubt on customers concerns".
Where is that?
You are manipulating this in the way it pleases you and I couldn't care less for it.

I certainly don't disagree with the principled stance you are trying to exhibit here but where has this been?
Even being able to do it, you wouldn't practice what you preach, since you are so concerned about customers being ripped off, because people would think you do it for financial gain.
This is bs.

However, you have now redeemed yourself; you have had the chance for a bit of swagger, here, to take issue with someone questioning the all talk no action, and what kind of "harm reduction" all that awareness has produced.
So this you write: "i think it has to do with a lack of masculinity, and years of subtle propaganda from large companies themselves" you do in reverse.
They defend so as not to be accused and so do you.

I respect + appreciate all the members that, instead, are on sources threads, every day, pushing for accountability, real change and improvements, even if they get accused by others or the sources themselves to have an "agenda" to bring them down.
You do you and philosophise about the lack of masculinity, in the meant time.
To each their own.