This is a tough one because I see some benefit in using a larger number of buyers but there is also significant risk.
Is it better to rely on 10 people that you trust completely or 100 people that you trust a little or 1000 people that you can't really be sure of?
Along those lines, here's something else to consider. Since I've announced the program, it has been inundated by offers from individuals willing to submit samples. Upon further inquiry, it turns out that about 3 out of 4 of the offers are from either internet sources or other steroid dealers. If the program opened up sample submission for everyone, could as many as 75% of the people submitting samples have a vested financial interest in positive results?
Furthermore, once the identity of the buyers is publicly revealed, their value as an anonymous buyer is nil. Then we'll exhaust those 10 fully trusted buyers (and even the 100 somewhat trust buyers) very quickly. Then we'll move through the 1000 we can't be sure of and then accept buyers for which we have no clue.
Perhaps it would help if you explained the "risk" for a lab that is overtly advertising its capabilities and expertise.
Using TEN individuals is hardly what I had in mind especially if they are well known in BB circles as pro's, semi-pro's, forum moderators, owners or those with extensive connections such that any UGL would be much more hesitant to sell them BUNK.
(Oh and by the looks of the Pharmacon Bolo pic, whoever purchased these products is buying in HIGH VOLUME, which is far removed from what one may expect or need to receive as a cyclist, the latter being more susceptible to selective scamming IME)
It's pretty simple really if one desires reproducible results the samples MUST be obtained by TRUSTED NO BODIES, WEEKEND WARRIORS OR someone similar to your average Meso member! Otherwise I'm inclined to believe selective sample distribution to those whom are "well known in forum or BB circles" is responsible, at least in part for results I've never seen the likes of before.
I'd still like to know why the involved web sites are not being revealed.
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