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How reshipments work? Should I see updates for shipping and tracking in my dashboard? I was told I was reshipped last weds. Is there any way I can get info instead of ‘I’ll get back to you’. I’m hoping for a confirmation mail? 8)

How reshipments work? Should I see updates for shipping and tracking in my dashboard? I was told I was reshipped last weds. Is there any way I can get info instead of ‘I’ll get back to you’. I’m hoping for a confirmation mail? 8)

From my experience, a new pack is sent out that will have the exact same items as the original order (you are not able to make changes).
I have never heard of an update on the dashboard for re-ships.
They simply hear your request, review it, and if it is legitimate that you need a re-ship the warehouse is issued orders to send a replacement pack.
In most cases the customer may hear from whomever they were communicating with that a reship was agreed upon, but in some cases I have seen it simply sent out, nothing else said, after the confirmed the situation qualified for a re-ship.

Lost packs are rare and seized is even less common, so they are all handled on a case-by-case basis by an individual -- not automated like orders.
Of thousands of packs, only a few get lost, so it is simply handled individually by a human NOT via computer program or automated system.
Why are orders taking so long ? And it sounds like some have been getting seized even from new EU shipping ? What’s going on

Nature of the beast. International ordering is a crapshoot.
Customs workers are doing their jobs. Damn over achievers.

here in the quote below you can see the source mentioned that approx 11 packs did get stuck/lost in the postal system.
There have not been any reports of seizure letter nor do we see anyone on the forums/board even claim to have a letter -- only speculations.
Nonetheless, it does appear there may have been 11 lost/delayed packs and you can see the source clearly is open about it and I am confident if these do not show up soon there will be re-ships issued.

currently not, but will be available in April. We announce it. Over 99% of orders from Europe arrive fine. We have now 11 packages sitting at ISC sorting facility over 8 days. Not sure, what is this, just waiting it a queue to be processed or a seizure... It should not be a seizure actually, because ISC is not custom plant, it is USPS sorting center. We have seen longest delays 13 days there, after which packages were successfully delivered untouched.

i will get in touch with you.

If some 3-letter agencies or anyone was trying to bust us, first thing they would do is placing a trial order to see where we ship from. Providing tracking numbers immediately after a package is shipped makes their job much easier. If at least one week passes, it is safer for many pretty obvious reasons. This is a request from our company head and this is regular practice in such cases, many sources have similar safety measures. This does not delay the delivery of packages itself.

OF those 11 delayed pack, and I can not say too much (see quote below for some more details regarding possible cause of postal service delay), but just know my personal opinion is strongly leaning towards most if not all being lost by the postal system and we may see over time if any were actually seized (I think they got stuck in the ISC not customs).
... customers could indicate the state in full and some only abbreviation. We have a field to fill by customers. Now US customers have to chose state from a drop-down list. It might seem that this is not relevant, but it is relevant. USPS has a number of very specific rules and most customers are not even aware about them.
You can find those here
Our new EU warehouse was not aware of them too and did not follow them. We think the reason of stuck packages could be in this. We really think this can have an impact, because packages with info filled correctly should be processed automatically by a machine.
We have also some other changes, which i will not reveal here, because the less public info regarding how we ship is available the better for all.
We really hope the new revised way of shipping will fix those issues we had with stuck packages at ISC. Packages, which did not arrive, will be reshipped for free, of course.
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Will the reship have a new tracking number?

yes, it is it's own separate shipment so it should have a new tracking number unique to that new pack.
As for obtaining the re-ship tracking, I am not sure the automated email goes out for re-ships. As with any pack it would not be given out until after the pack has left the warehouse nation of origin.
But then you would nee to be given it individually as (I already mentioned) i do not think it gets uploaded to the dashboard (like I said, re-ship is rare so, to the best of my knowledge and maybe I am wrong if something has changed/updated, the website is not programmed to have a place for re-ships).

If after a few weeks you are worried about the re-ship, use the "contact us" (preferred so you get directly with someone who can look at orders) again or ask one of the reps here if they can individually look up or find the re-ship tracking. Someone will need to do it by hand since I do not think it is automated like the original order emails.
IMHO biased opinion that would be the 2nd thing the 1st would be to obtain your payment info in an effort to calculate your approx monthly turnover. Once they have determined it's large enough to warrant further investigation they would place a test order. It's a hassle for them to obtain the budget for test orders so they tend to avoid it unless you have gotten their attention via some other route. ( for example re-mailer busts, competitors reporting you, press articles, TV exposes etc etc )

"If some 3-letter agencies or anyone was trying to bust us, first thing they would do is placing a trial order to see where we ship from. Providing tracking numbers immediately after a package is shipped makes their job much easier. If at least one week passes, it is safer for many pretty obvious reasons. This is a request from our company head and this is regular practice in such cases, many sources have similar safety measures. This does not delay the delivery of packages itself."
Any recent bloodwork or lab tests here ? Would like to try this lab
I use from pharmacom; test Enanthate300, boldenone 300 , tren ace 100, winstrol, arimidex and letrozole. This last order i buy masteron i tell you later how this works. The test is good, boldenone i prefer vet grade i can see a difference on this ( not saying pharmacom bold doesnt work) winstrol absolutely yes! Destroy my liver and cholesterol so yes! Tren ace is good but i try order stronger tren. And the ai’s both are good. So yes pharmacom is a really nice lab at this moment
I use from pharmacom; test Enanthate300, boldenone 300 , tren ace 100, winstrol, arimidex and letrozole. This last order i buy masteron( first time i buy from pharmacom) i tell you later how this works. The test is good, boldenone i prefer vet grade i can see a difference on this ( not saying pharmacom bold doesnt work) winstrol absolutely yes! Destroy my liver and cholesterol so yes! Tren ace is good but i try other stronger tren. And the ai’s both are good. So yes pharmacom is a really nice lab at this moment
I use from pharmacom; test Enanthate300, boldenone 300 , tren ace 100, winstrol, arimidex and letrozole. This last order i buy masteron i tell you later how this works. The test is good, boldenone i prefer vet grade i can see a difference on this ( not saying pharmacom bold doesnt work) winstrol absolutely yes! Destroy my liver and cholesterol so yes! Tren ace is good but i try order stronger tren. And the ai’s both are good. So yes pharmacom is a really nice lab at this moment
Thank you mate ! :)
Any recent bloodwork or lab tests here ? Would like to try this lab

there are many HPLC results (actual chemical analysis from 3rd party accredited analytic labs) posted.
Check the AL project and also if there is a product not posted there that you would like to see, I can look up if I have access to any HPLC results from SIMEC.


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