currently not, but will be available in April. We announce it. Over 99% of orders from Europe arrive fine. We have now 11 packages sitting at ISC sorting facility over 8 days. Not sure, what is this, just waiting it a queue to be processed or a seizure... It should not be a seizure actually, because ISC is not custom plant, it is USPS sorting center. We have seen longest delays 13 days there, after which packages were successfully delivered untouched.
i will get in touch with you.
If some 3-letter agencies or anyone was trying to bust us, first thing they would do is placing a trial order to see where we ship from. Providing tracking numbers immediately after a package is shipped makes their job much easier. If at least one week passes, it is safer for many pretty obvious reasons. This is a request from our company head and this is regular practice in such cases, many sources have similar safety measures. This does not delay the delivery of packages itself.