yes, some guys here do ask about DHB.
Let me say, I myself would like to try it also.
However, I do not think it is in as much demand as they make it seem; only a few guys ask about it (on all boards, maybe less then 10 guys this year I see ask about it). Also, keep in mind it will likely only be able to be at lower concentration (such as 100mg/mL) AND is known to give most users bad PIP. So at a low concentration and chance of PIP, it is not so easy to use for most.
I do not believe DHB would be very demanded long-term (maybe I am wrong). I think guys are interested to try new things -- they hear about something and get excited to think maybe that new thing is the secret best thing -- but then once they try it, the may not order it again and will simply go back to more traditional compounds. Not many people have actually used or plan to use DHB.
If Pharmacom can afford to risk introducing it knowing it may just be tried and not bought repeatedly or consistently then maybe consider it, but do not make a lot at first, just some to see if there is real demand. Also, know at first many will buy to try it, but later they may not buy again -- so the initial sales could be big but not represent long-term demand.
Here are the MOST demanded compounds I have seen in the past few years:
Trestolone (MENT) at least 100mg/mL or greater conc. oil.
Superdrol (methyldrostanolone) 10mg tabs and maybe an oil.
(I believe these will have the best chance for consistent demand and long-term users/sales)
There are other good ideas to add (some not AAS) and I will be writing a more detailed suggestion to Frank later when he and I are not so busy, but for now I wanted to at least post this opinion.