MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

You were the one who was crying about it, not me, a solution was offer to you so you can expose frank, help members from getting shit off him, and get reimbursed at the same time. Now if you don't like what he offer, then you should have said "no", tuck your tail between your legs, and continue to use his bunk tren.

Fuck you asshole

I pinned te last tren long ago. Also i allready get my money back from paypal. Thats one reason why i dont want to pay in advance for it.

I can send the tren and give the lab my name and so on. But i dont pay so much in advance.
Guys i still waited for an answer from basic via pn, thats why i didnt answer yet.

As i said i am absolutely willed to send a vial of tren a to the lab. But i just dont like the idea that i pay over 300 $ without any safety...

I asked basic if its possible that he pais the lab after they got my vial, i would istantly sent it to them.

But after checking the latest bloodwork from pharmacom test c, i doubt we need to test anything more of their bunk gear...

We have now atleast 4 bloodworks from pharmacom gear, all of them are more or less bad/very bad. You still want to defend your items ? @Pharmacom Labs
What`s up? I promised here you get your money.
It is enough from me guys. I wanted to keep it calm. But here is the truth. Now I will say what I wanna say. The person under this username is a liar. Do you remember I told you that we had numerous problems on Paypal. The first one claim we received - some gay claimed he had three orders and has not received anyone of them. Prove:

You can see there in German: Kaeufer reagiert nicht auf die Meldungen. Bestellte Waren niemals erhalten.
I know german, but if you put it into google translate you get a very exact translation:
Buyers do not respond to the messages . Ordered goods never received .
1. Buyers do not respond to the messages. He is a buyer. Obviously he meant seller. LIE NR.1. He never send me any messages. Our Email box has no spam filter and I checked this email address. Evidences:

In Paypal you can see the datum - 29th of May. In our mailbox you can see I sent him first message on 30rd of May! I have never had any messages from him and he has never sent anything to me. He also hasn`t reply my messages. Do you know when he did it? Only after I decided to refund his order payment... We will get back to this.
2. LIE NR.2. Bestellte Waren niemals erhalten = Ordered goods never received.
Here is a screen from our store when he has placed 3!!!! orders! Check time intervals in-between!

Guys tell me please where is the common sense to place the next order if s person hasn`t received the previous one? Moreover, not one order, more!!!
3. LIE NR 3. He told here he has our oxandrolone, trenbolone, etc. He tried both and anavar caused joint pain and tren a was not afficient at all, bunk. However on the screenshot above we see he said he has not receive any goods at all.
Further more interesting info... He said here in this thread he is working in german postal company... It is interesting. I have track codes for his orders of coarse. Would you like to see what they say:

German post can not find this parcel at all. Any other universal tracking service shows the parcel has left senders country, export and nothing more... Do you know when this happen? Status is not updated since March. This happen in case of custom seizures in 90% cases. Looks like he has not received his parcel at all. Why did he place the second order? And the third?
One more tracking number as example.

The same. Export and no import. I highlighted with yellow the final status.
So... he claimed us in PayPal and said he has received nothing of goods. Tracking numbers look so that they prove that. Parcel has not reached its destination.
But he said here he ordered in our store and tried our gear, anavar and tren a. I also have pm from him and can easily make a screenshot if required. Controversy. He is a liar. Again. He hasn`t received an goods at all. This is possible. Tracking number says this. By the way in the delivery address he even not always indicated the same address. So. I would consider the case that he did not receive his order indeed. In this case usually a person sends us an email and asks to resend. And we do it. We reship all orders if seized or lost, which has not reached its destination. This condition is written in our rules in our european section, where he ordered from. However we could not know this and never received any mails from him. He continued to order... strange, right? So, i highly doubt now does he received our gear at all? And of coarse I highly doubt if he has tried our anavar and tren a at all!!!
If he received our gear, why he claims us and says that we don`t respond his messages and he has not received anything. After the last order, which we sent he raised a claim and I refunded him the amount of his order. He received both money and order. Or probably he has not received order. I do not know this. Tracking shows parcels are lost somewhere on custom. He is working in a postal service and this is the first case like this we have in Europe at all. We have never any seizures in Europe. And now tracking shows this but it looks like he received orders, he told this at least he used our anavar and tren , which means he received orders. In any cays he lied somewhere. Further, after he raised a claim in our paypal account I sent him an absolutely polite mail email and he has not reply. He replied only after I refund his money. And do you know what he said. First my email:

Google translation:

Translation is not very good, but generally clear. I just aksed him why he placed orders if he hasn`t received them and told I would like to solve this situation calmly.
A bit later I checked tracking numbers, noticed, that they show that parcels have not reached their destination and sent him the following email.

Google translation:

I just told him that we are no scammers and that I found that parcels have not reached its destination, so we would willingly reship them again.
However now I am not so sure if parcels came or not. It also does not wonder me that he received parcels however postal service says nothing about it. Very interesting considering that he works in a postal service...
In response I received a message from him that I am a liar and scammer, my gear is bunk, etc...

So guys, you see the entire situation. It is very questionable who is a scammer and a liar here. If he has not received orders he would gladly agree to get them reshipped. I kindly offered this. However he said here in audience, in this mail and also in PM here that my gear is bunk. Which automatically means he received it! First of all and he tried it secondly.
You wonder guys why I don`t trust anyone and always ask any evidences. Do you know how many cases like this... this is not bad yet, i have much worse cases to solve, if not every day particularly very often.
And now he says he does not see any sense to ship his gear to a lab, etc... Very interesting.
Why shall I believe to this liar? He lied in any case, independent on does he received orders or not. Also he got money refunded for his order. I told him an email as well that I will completely reimburse money for bunk gear if lab test shows it is bunk. Would you guys not agree? Especially considering that I undertake all expenses for testing. You repeat often sources shall prove their gear is legit. I can prove it. I take all expense and the only thing he shall so is first of all to make a photo of this vial. Nobody has seen it at all. Considering what tracking number says I doubt that he has it in hands at all. After this he shall only send this vials and oxandrolone to Simac. It is very easy and confidential for him, cause he lives in Germany. Every regular customer, which have concerns and wanna take his money back, would agree without any delays. What do we see in this case? He does not wanna do it. He finds lame excuses not to do it saying that he does not trust me and is afraid he will not get his money back. I do not see here any problem at all. I promised here in audience I will reimburse all his expenses. We can do a compromise. I can send this amount to a third-side person, a member which is respected here. Nitrobuste shows photos of his vials, anavar, sends them to Simec, shows me payment confirmation and after this the third person transfers money to him. So there is a guarantee that I am absolutely honest-mindest. However now we can see only excuses... Is it all you wanna see guys? Who needs excuses? Do they help us? Never! Don`t be a fucking pussy and be a man of your word, you said previously you will do it, so do it! Audience want to see as many results as possible! I admit if result will be bunk.
Is it not what you wanted to see guys? You all have the best chance for this. If there will be done a photo before, vials with closed cap will be sent to the lab and result shows - bunk, I immediately agree and we really start investigating this. Pharmacom has a very serious approach and attitude to such things and we will do our best to rectify it, if this is a case. But prove it! You never had a chance better.
I am tired of liars.
p.s. I have just read his pm. he told me he has no anavar anymore... it is so expected foe me... How can I be sure at all that the vial which will be sent will have our oil inside. He told anavar is stanazolol. It would be impossible to counterfeit a pill. But he has no more left... very convenient... He had expressed joint paint and he still continued to torture himself and used it up... Now I do not have any evidences at all whether he has our gear or not. In any case I require here photos of the full stock he received.
People shall be responsible for their words.
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Fuck you asshole

I pinned te last tren long ago. Also i allready get my money back from paypal. Thats one reason why i dont want to pay in advance for it.

I can send the tren and give the lab my name and so on. But i dont pay so much in advance.

You already got refunded?!?!? Why didn't you say that before? Like I said, I hate to side with sources, but you are starting to sound like a reverse scammer.
You already got refunded?!?!? Why didn't you say that before? Like I said, I hate to side with sources, but you are starting to sound like a reverse scammer.
I refunded him the last order, yes. And i also promised him to reship all orders if he has not received them as he claimed. He replied nothing to this. I promised him to refund his money paid for orders if Simec tests prove our gear is bunk, as you see he finds excuses not to send samples to the lab...
As for me everything is clear.
Frank. I wrote i never got the ordered thinks. And thats true ! Your dbol is not dbol and your tren is not tren at all. Im not the only one with that opinion. So i never get dbol or tren. Whats unclear about that ?

I wrote you too that im not sure about the test e and that i am willed to pay for it.

Anyway, i am still willed to spend a vial of tren a. You refund the money so its yours anyway imo. BUT I DONT PAY A FEW HUNDRED DOLLARS IN ADVANCE.
Yes you do pay a few hundred dollars in advance. You paid for your order in advance didn't you? Or did Frank send you the gear first then you paid?

That was before i claimed back my money for the bunk gear.

@tacevedo continue to suck pharmacoms dick if all the bad bloods, mass specs and bad reviews of members are not convincing you.

And you call me a reverse scammer ? GOD, if the tren would only contain the half of what it claims, i would buy 20 of it and still would be happy to pay the premium price.
Frank. I wrote i never got the ordered thinks. And thats true ! Your dbol is not dbol and your tren is not tren at all. Im not the only one with that opinion. So i never get dbol or tren. Whats unclear about that ?

I wrote you too that im not sure about the test e and that i am willed to pay for it.

Anyway, i am still willed to spend a vial of tren a. You refund the money so its yours anyway imo. BUT I DONT PAY A FEW HUNDRED DOLLARS IN ADVANCE.
The choice seems VERY clear here, PUT UP, OR SHUT THE FUCK UP!!
The choice seems VERY clear here, PUT UP, OR SHUT THE FUCK UP!!

Ok im out of this thread. The rest of franks gear will land in the garbage.

One last tip frank. I never had to sign for your packages. Your resellers sends them wrong. Tracking ends at greece borders. I could have claimed that and got all the money back. Thats for the reverse scamming claim.
That was before i claimed back my money for the bunk gear.

@tacevedo continue to suck pharmacoms dick if all the bad bloods, mass specs and bad reviews of members are not convincing you.

You were refunded some money and have been offered to be reimbursed for the testing publicly. What more can you ask for?

Unmmmm Millard's mass spec test showed the test e to be accurately dosed.
Ok im out of this thread. The rest of franks gear will land in the garbage.

Like I said you had the chance to help members, get reimbursed for the test, get reimbursed twice for your gear, since you forgot to mention that along time ago, what the fuck do you want? Like I said if you are not here to help the community and expose ugls, then please get out of here, and don't let the door hit you in the vagina in your way out.
Frank. I wrote i never got the ordered thinks. And thats true ! Your dbol is not dbol and your tren is not tren at all. Im not the only one with that opinion. So i never get dbol or tren. Whats unclear about that ?

I wrote you too that im not sure about the test e and that i am willed to pay for it.

Anyway, i am still willed to spend a vial of tren a. You refund the money so its yours anyway imo. BUT I DONT PAY A FEW HUNDRED DOLLARS IN ADVANCE.
Didn't you say you were on 100mg a week of the tren and that by the second week you were getting night sweats, weird dreams and strength gains? I can quote your posts if you want. But now you're on 150 msg a day apparently and you feel nothing? Seems strange to me. You sure do change your mind a lot...
Wow think Nitro's trying to rip people off...not good at all and makes a bad situation worse. While I am not taking sides in this kerfuffle I don't take kindly to people trying to rip off a supplier.
This guy has ulterior motives, to say the least. First off, he gets a refund, second, he will get reimbursed fully, if he sends his gear in to get tested (Frank committed to pay) third, if it is bunk, the community benefits, and he gets a new order. It's a win, win for him. If it was me, I wouldn't be fumble fucking around, making excuses...if you're not making this up, send that shit in man. You have literally NOTHING to lose. My opinion, of course.