Lol hoping we dont get exit scammed with this jan 3rd stuff because I just placed the largest order I ever have with the china scares and due to my current successful cycle...
But to speak on quality: I am running a 10 week cycle of sust 250 pharmacom ampules w their adex and their clomid for pct.
I am only on week 5 and I have to say; the results I am seeing are far superior to any sustanon I have run in the past. There is ZERO pip, my gains are DRY, I have striations out the ass on my pectorals and deltoids, and my fat is absolutely melting off.
I know that test is test but I believe that these vials are all properly dosed, they are so clear compared to the yellowish test I am used to. This shit is FIRE.
in the past w other sources I have experienced: extreme pip, to the point where I can barely walk. Infection, leading to massive swelling and redness on my ass. Sustanon/test “flu” upon starting cycle, where I have felt so sick I could not get out of bed. Extreme bloat and water retention despite regular use of AI. I HAVE EXPERIENCED NONE OF THIS ON THE PHARMACOM GEAR. Its a godsend there are people like this who ACTUALLY GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THEIR CUSTOMERS HEALTH.
it sucks that this china shit is going on because I am now a die hard pharmacom fan and will never purchase gear from another vendor. DONT BE FUCKING CHEAP WITH YOUR HEALTH, IT IS WORTH THE PRICE.