MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

Dear Customers! Our site this weekend, unfortunately, is working intermittently due to regular DDOS attacks (who is hindered by our work and the actual PROMO). We will try to get back to normal work as soon as possible! I have some good news - the BLACK FRIDAY PROMO will be extended until the end of November! We love and appreciate our clients, because with your help we improve our service and comfort for every fan of our brand!
Sincerely yours, Pharmacom labs Team!
Dear Customers! Our site this weekend, unfortunately, is working intermittently due to regular DDOS attacks (who is hindered by our work and the actual PROMO). We will try to get back to normal work as soon as possible! I have some good news - the BLACK FRIDAY PROMO will be extended until the end of November! We love and appreciate our clients, because with your help we improve our service and comfort for every fan of our brand!
Sincerely yours, Pharmacom labs Team!
Black Friday promo for all warehouses?
Hello, I have received an urgent letter from customs, asking me for a lot of documentation about the shipment, I have 10 days to respond or they will return it.

i wait and that they return it? How long would it take to send it back to me? I've been with this package for more than 1 month
Hello, I have received an urgent letter from customs, asking me for a lot of documentation about the shipment, I have 10 days to respond or they will return it.

i wait and that they return it? How long would it take to send it back to me? I've been with this package for more than 1 month
Do NOT reply to that letter and you will have no trouble.
This letter simply means your package was seized.
But you do not yet have any legal trouble as long as you do NOT claim that pack (do NOT reply to the letter in any way).
IF you reply or make any claim to ownership of the pack, you may face serious legal issues.
For all you know, the pack was not yours and you have no idea what this letter is all about -- if anyone asks, you know nothing and it must be someone sent something to a wrong address.
You have never taken possession of the pack and you must not make any claim that it was intended to be yours.

Do not worry, Basicstero gives a free reship attempt for all paid items in an order; s, all is not lost yet and you can get one more try for free.

Contact the source by using the "Contact US" page on the Basicstero site and explain your pack was seized -- the source will offer a free reship with this proof of seizure.
Seizure risk is just part of this lifestyle -- you must accept the risk that comes with trying to import illegal things and accept the loss.

the "Contact Us" page on the source's site is your best and most efficient way to contact the source (see link below):
***Be sure to check your Spam Folder after contacting customer service because in the past some people complain they did not get a reply when in fact their email service filtered the reply to spam.

While such losses are annoying, they will not have any significant impact long-term to your life; BUT, if you reply to the letter and/or have legal issue, you will have to endure some serious consequences which may have a long-term negative impact in your life.

own personal opinion from years of experience and I copy/paste share to try to help others):
Do NOT reply to a seizure letter -- nothing happens.

Never respond to the seizure letter or anything, then nothing may be proven that you have done illegal (you do not possess anything and it can not be proven you ordered -- after all, someone may by mistake send you something illegal right now without you even knowing or any enemy is mad and sends something to make trouble -- just sending is not enough unless you do something to prove you intended it to happen such as trying to recover the pack).

Nothing, not even a prescription, makes such a pack legal -- never attempt to recover a seized pack. In the big picture it is very small loss. I have lost many times (with other sources for GH specifically, I endured BIG losses and costs over $5000 values order) -- i take it as part of the business and move on. Never worth risking legal costs and trouble or fines and jail.

This source offers a free re-ship so you may take advantage of that offer and maybe not even lose any value. But even if you were to lose value, it is not worth taking any serious legal risk trying to recover a seized pack. Just ignore the letter if you get one.

I understand you may already know all of this, but please understand it does not hurt for me to tell anyone and I am only looking out for my fellow member of our community.

Wishing you the best brother and hope some of this info will be helpful.
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Do NOT reply to that letter and you will have no trouble.
This letter simply means your package was seized.
But you do not yet have any legal trouble as long as you do NOT claim that pack (do NOT reply to the letter in any way).

Do not worry, Basicstero gives a free reship attempt for all paid items in an order; s, all is not lost yet and you can get one more try for free.

Contact the source by using the "Contact US" page on the Basicstero site and explain your pack was seized -- the source will offer a free reship with this proof of seizure.
Seizure risk is just part of this lifestyle -- you must accept the risk that comes with trying to import illegal things and accept the loss.

the "Contact Us" page on the source's site is your best and most efficient way to contact the source (see link below):
***Be sure to check your Spam Folder after contacting customer service because in the past some people complain they did not get a reply when in fact their email service filtered the reply to spam.

While such losses are annoying, they will not have any significant impact long-term to your life; BUT, if you reply to the letter and/or have legal issue, you will have to endure some serious consequences which may have a long-term negative impact in your life.
Thanks bro im going contact in "contact us"
UPDATE: EXTENDED to the end of November 2021

Hello to everyone! And special HELLO for our US customers!

Basicstero launched this promotional AGAIN! this time for the US Domestic (W3) Warehouse!!!

BLACKFRIDAY PROMO #2. This promo will be from 11/25 until the end of November 2021!

Pay for new orders and get free bonuses in addition to them:

$50 USD bonus for orders over $100
$150 bonus for orders over $300
$250 bonus for orders over $500
$500 bonus for orders over $700
$700 bonus for orders over $1000

These conditions work for orders from the US Domestic (W3) Warehouse only!

Hurry! The goods are already disappearing from stock FAST!

PLEASE NOTE: Bonuses are picked during the ordering process and shipped together with the main order. No promo code is needed. In case of seizes only paid items are reshipped. Pharmatropin is not participating in this promotion. Nothing new with these terms and conditions - only the usual rules for Basicstero promos.

Please, see quote below for the announcement from the source:
Dear Customers! Our site this weekend, unfortunately, is working intermittently due to regular DDOS attacks (who is hindered by our work and the actual PROMO). We will try to get back to normal work as soon as possible! I have some good news - the BLACK FRIDAY PROMO will be extended until the end of November! We love and appreciate our clients, because with your help we improve our service and comfort for every fan of our brand!
Sincerely yours, Pharmacom labs Team!
Anyone got the tracking number from the first round of Blank Friday sales? Got the order dispatched email 2 weeks ago, but never got the tracking number, the source said there is "personal issue" to get tracking number, which I don't quite get it - if the package is dispatched, there should be a tracking number?
Anyone got the tracking number from the first round of Blank Friday sales? Got the order dispatched email 2 weeks ago, but never got the tracking number, the source said there is "personal issue" to get tracking number, which I don't quite get it - if the package is dispatched, there should be a tracking number?
Typically tracking is not given out until the pack as cleared outgoing (origin) country's customs.

On the source's site under the FAQ it states this is not less than one week and will be uploaded when they can do so (as it explains in the FAQ linked in the "code" box below, there should not really be a need to ask customer service because they will upload it to your dashboard when they they are ready).
From my own personal experience, this is usually this is a few weeks (approx 3 in my experience) from he time the order ships.

To be clear, I am talking about orders from warehouse W2.
USA domestic W3 is a much faster T/A time with pack usually arriving in one week to the the final destination and before tracking is even uploaded.
I do not have personal experience regarding W1.
Can you please answer my PM? Thanks.
@PHL Official
If you do not see a reply here, try using the "Contact Us" on the Basicstero site for your inquiry.

The "Contact Us" page on the Basicstero site is your best and most efficient way to contact the source.
***Be sure to check your Spam Folder after contacting Basicstero customer service because in the past some people complain they did not get a reply when in fact their email service filtered the reply to spam.

Board reps, posts, even PMs are not as efficient nor direct - may get overlooked or take time to be relayed to the appropriate personnel.
This is a big World-Wide company; Reps/PR/Marketing people are mostly busy relaying information/news/announcements and may not even have the ability, access, nor authority to see private account and order information.
(it is a good thing though, that the company only allows specific person ability to access private info for customer security reasons :) ).
Also, please, for your own safety never state any personal information in a public post.

Please try the "Contact Us" on the source's site to communicate directly with Basicstero customer service.
I can try my best to offer any info, insight, or advice I have from my own experience.
What do you need help with?

However, I can only see what any other customer can see; I do NOT have any ability, access, nor authority to see private account, order and payment information etc. (it is a good thing though, that the company only allows specific person ability to access private info for customer security reasons)

I think this source has been experiencing more DDoS attacks knocking their system offline so that may have hindered their ability to receive your inquiry.

If you needed help with something private/secure such as an order or payment, please try using Basicstero's "Contact Us" again.

Please, for your own safety never state any personal information in a public post (and, I have no way to evaluate how secure message board PMs may be or may not be -- it is your choice; but please just be safe about things).

As of this morning, I was able to access the site and it seemed like it was all up and running.
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Each milliliter contains:
- Trenbolone Base 25 mg / ml.
- Testosterone Base 50 mg / ml.
- Stanozolol Base 25 mg / ml.

PHARMA MIX 5 is an explosive mixture of three non-essential drugs that are incredibly fast and effective. Due to its composition, PHARMA MIX 5 is considered one of the best pre-workout stimulants in the world, just one injection of 1 ml of PHARMA MIX 5, 1-2 hours before training, will give you the opportunity to feel all the strength hidden in you.

PHARMA MIX 5 Effects:
+ Reduces the percentage of body fat and increases muscle relief.
+ Quickly increases strength.
+ Acts stronger than the well-known pre-workout complexes.
+ Increases secretion of insulin-like growth factor.

Has anyone already tried it? We will be glad to hear your opinion, feedback, suggestions or questions.

Anyone got the tracking number from the first round of Blank Friday sales? Got the order dispatched email 2 weeks ago, but never got the tracking number, the source said there is "personal issue" to get tracking number, which I don't quite get it - if the package is dispatched, there should be a tracking number?
Hi, unfortunately, for security reasons, the track is not issued immediately, but do not worry, the number will definitely be issued to you as soon as it becomes possible.
Tried "Contact Us", never got a reply, that's why I contacted people here.
Tried emailing website no response someone help me out please
Messages are answered in turn, so it may take some time to receive a response, if you haven't been answered, try sending the message again, it's possible that it just didn't get through.