Were they bulk bagged or blister pack?
I've been taking 50mg ED of blister pack var from basicstero.
It's my first time with var so I don't know what legit var is supposed to "feel" like, but I get wicked calf and lower back pumps just from mowing my lawn and forearm pumps that last hours after I workout.
Is 50mg too much to be taking it if was 100% legit? Sure. Which means it's probably under dosed, but I expect all var to be under dosed, so for buying it at the promo price, I'm happy with it.
I get a good calf pump just by exhausting the muscle at the gym
Mind and muscle connections it take time for any gear to kick in we all know this as in another thread I said
( It feels like it's working I had it at 30mg said I wouldn't go higher than 40 also had limp dick) now
5 days after that on 40mg sick started getting hard as a rock I was banging my wife as usual
But I wasn't that much vascular as var should have
I changed my diet went on a broccoli tuna water diet for 2 wks (carbs on weekends) that got me dryer stoped the var ate normal for a 1 1/2 wks went back to broccoli tuna diet
I stoped car before my diet change my wife says I look.way better
Was at 247lb now at 215lb I wanted to be a lil cut but gear isn't a miracle drug it helps the process