MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

Er, if the cyp is as under dosed as the last blood work indicates, wouldn't your TT drop either way?

Yeah...that's a possibility I've thought about.

Will have to dig back around for the other guy's bloodwork to see what his pin schedule was. pin schedule and amount are different.

Was pinning 125mg (.5mL of 250mg/mL) 2x per week of my known good test cyp.

Now pinning 1mL 3x per week of whatever is in this Pharmacom vial.

If there is no test in it, based on half life, my TT should be 600-700 on my next bloodwork. If there is any test in it, even if it's underdosed, my TT will be higher than that.
This is the first blood test. Page or two back I posted what I was taking.

Haven't pinned anything but NPP (2x 1mL so far) and HCG (1x 250iu so far) since those bloods were drawn Saturday, and will be getting bloods again this Saturday.

If test levels drop from here, it's probably NPP. If they stay the same or go up, it's test cyp. HCG could and probably will increase your testosterone will influence the final result in any case. I thought you are taking nothing except NPP.
It's not going to influence my test levels enough to matter.

I could have just kept pinning my test and pinned the NPP on top of that and if my levels went up we'd have the same results.
Also, HCG is out of the system in what, 4 days? Last HCG shot was Monday morning and only 250iu. Won't have any affect on Saturday's blood work if I don't pin any tomorrow.
Regardless of the HCG, if this stuff is really NPP my test levels will drop because I stopped pinning test.

It's not like the HCG is going to magically inflate my TT or keep it where it's at.

Is this some old school pharmacon or a knock off?
What to do?
Following this tread from the start and made my first ordered in May! All came nicely and good stuff! Now I'm back against the wall because custom is taking all orders now!! It's Eu domestic orders to Finland! Trying to ask for other country to send them from but ***** is the only place! Asking for ship them inside something else than m3 brown letter! But no! Now they don't even bother to answer my emails!
What to do? Any other country in Europe to get good stuff like pharma has!! Props for that!
What to do?
Following this tread from the start and made my first ordered in May! All came nicely and good stuff! Now I'm back against the wall because custom is taking all orders now!! It's Eu domestic orders to Finland! Trying to ask for other country to send them from but ***** is the only place! Asking for ship them inside something else than m3 brown letter! But no! Now they don't even bother to answer my emails!
What to do? Any other country in Europe to get good stuff like pharma has!! Props for that!

Im not the smartest person ever, but maybe order from somewhere else?... yep

Is this some old school pharmacon or a knock off?
yes, these are our vials.
What to do?
Following this tread from the start and made my first ordered in May! All came nicely and good stuff! Now I'm back against the wall because custom is taking all orders now!! It's Eu domestic orders to Finland! Trying to ask for other country to send them from but ***** is the only place! Asking for ship them inside something else than m3 brown letter! But no! Now they don't even bother to answer my emails!
What to do? Any other country in Europe to get good stuff like pharma has!! Props for that!
Bro, our european store is on vocation till the 26th of September. We informed everyone about it, it is mentioned in news page. As soon as it start working we will be ready to ship / reship.
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What to do?
Following this tread from the start and made my first ordered in May! All came nicely and good stuff! Now I'm back against the wall because custom is taking all orders now!! It's Eu domestic orders to Finland! Trying to ask for other country to send them from but ***** is the only place! Asking for ship them inside something else than m3 brown letter! But no! Now they don't even bother to answer my emails!
What to do? Any other country in Europe to get good stuff like pharma has!! Props for that!
Let's go ahead and NOT put shipping info or methods out in public forum again. I.E BROWN ENVELOPES ect ect...:mad:
Last NPP pin this morning, 1mL
Did NOT pin HCG

Blood will be drawn Saturday and should have results next Wednesday.
I am eager to see this result, however i am absolutely sure in our quality. In other case we would receive tons of complaints.
Guys, we have our second warehouse. In is in another location and has only test p and dbol in stock now, but now it`s working. For testing period we set international prices, so you have a chance to grab some gear in a domestic store at international prices!
I repeat, now you will be able to order there only test p and dbol!
It is impossible to combine items from both domestic warehouses into one parcel; they are in different locations!
Guys, in the time span between the 1st and 10th of October there are holidays in the country, where our lab is located. 10 days of local holidays, our international store will not ship orders during this period. I just would like to inform you about it in advance. We will accept orders all the time, but if you order after the 28th of September they will be sent only on 11th of October! Or you can order now so that we could ship it before the 1. of October!
US domestic and EU domestic sections will work in normal mode!
Sorry for possible inconvenience!
Also don`t forget about promo offer in our international store! You can get up to 200$ bonus!
Details are here:
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