MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

Yeah pharmacom has really stepped up in the last few months with
Before It was just another UGL labs that many ppl said it was good but some other said it was bad because of counterfeit.
WoW their marketing has improved a shit load!
I hope they will really deliver quality oils and keep doing it, because fuck it I'm gonna switch to use only pharmacom oils/orals if the blood keep coming back good.

UGL is a fucking nightmare and I'm tired of labs being good at first and then shit after a while, I'm tired of shit campaign one against another like alin with balkan vs vermodje, or like alpha pharma that everyone praise like the best of the best and then there are loads of bad bloods floating around that ppl just ignore.

If I have to pay just a bit more but can put my mind to rest about quality/safety etc. I don't care! My hard earned moneys will go to pharmacom.

IF they don't go to shit of course, I'm not a fanboy, first time my blood will come back bad, I'll fucking trash them on everyboard, unless they give a good explanation :)
Bro, I like your post! :)
If I remember right, you placed already 4 or 5 orders in our store. So, I think you personally are satisfied with the quality of products we provide...
As for what you said about labs being good at first and then shit after... it is for sure not about us. We are in the market since 2006. Almost 10 years. Our first vials looked primitive and we had no such equipment as now, but our priority was always the quality. Vermodje tried to compete with us in Moldova and CIS countries a lot. They did very bad things, tried to break our e-mails and sites, attaked them, they tried to compromise us by producing vials similar to ours (we had no check codes that time yet) but without active agent inside and many other dirty things.. That was on of the reasons why we implemented the check codes.
So, we are developing almost 10 years, we are far not in the beginning and still produce high quality gear and are going only to improve and expand our limits. We are considering now for example to start producing Aicar, but high quality raw material is very expensive, by times more expensive as this fore GW1516 and dosages to be taken are higher. So there will be no demand probably, but we are still going to produce a test batch and check. However, this is another story...
I wanted only to touch the topic about the quality of our products. It is simple. We started as lot of UGLs. Someone just takes all profit and uses it in personal purposes and someone as we invest it in high amounts into new equipment and developing... that is the difference. It would be absolutely stupid for us to make purchase all this expensive equipment and make statements about pharma grade quality if the first blood work after our test would show the values within the references for men... Clear that in this case nobody would buy anything and absolutely does not matter which and how many production videos we published here. This is not our way...
Well i can say that people with real pharmacom usually have nothing but good things to say. But I also think that choosing the right reps for your gear is almost just as important. Darius has proven to be as honest as they come. If your domestic line gets fully stocked and you run your camp like he does I believe you won't be able to stock up fast enough
@basicstero Is there any incentive for getting blood work with your store? Credit towards future orders or anything? I know Darius gives $100 credit in his store if you do a log and get blood work. I do feel like this has been touched upon in this thread, but I can't remember. Please no comments from anyone about reading the thread to find the answer. I've been following this thread since the first post, but that was 31 pages and about a month ago. I've been leaning towards trying pharmacom for a while. Before this thread and the pharmacomestore/Darius thread. Just trying to decide who I'm gonna go with to get it. Basic or D.......
@Pharmacom Labs
You may have already addressed this but, im sure you test your rawss, could you post lab results for raw powder?
I have already published here chromotographic results of raw materials and final products several pages ago. I do not have never results yet.
@basicstero Is there any incentive for getting blood work with your store? Credit towards future orders or anything? I know Darius gives $100 credit in his store if you do a log and get blood work. I do feel like this has been touched upon in this thread, but I can't remember. Please no comments from anyone about reading the thread to find the answer. I've been following this thread since the first post, but that was 31 pages and about a month ago. I've been leaning towards trying pharmacom for a while. Before this thread and the pharmacomestore/Darius thread. Just trying to decide who I'm gonna go with to get it. Basic or D.......
Yes, first 10 persons with blood works after our testosterones (nothing more can be for sure detected by a blood work) get 100$ bonus to the next order in our store.
@Pharmacom Labs

As you know i had certain orders at your shop now but let me ask one question.

You say pharmacom is in business for 10 years now and i know there are some big russian forums where pharmacom products are discussed. There must be at least a few bloodtest, mass specs or other tests or not ? Wouldnt it be possible to post some of them here, maybe to even translate them into english language ?

Do we have some russian speaking members here who could help with that ?
@Pharmacom Labs

As you know i had certain orders at your shop now but let me ask one question.

You say pharmacom is in business for 10 years now and i know there are some big russian forums where pharmacom products are discussed. There must be at least a few bloodtest, mass specs or other tests or not ? Wouldnt it be possible to post some of them here, maybe to even translate them into english language ?

Do we have some russian speaking members here who could help with that ?
Blood tests yes - dozens of them.
mass specs - no, because it is expensive and prohibited in russia. no one lab will test such substances on commercial base. it is illegal. Russians have kind of a joke, if you want to get sure, whether you bought real gear, go to the FDCS and ask them to perform a test... results will be free, but long... loses if trying to explain in english. In Russia lot of customers prefer to by from Belorussia, it is cheaper. But this is contraband and as per the russian criminal codex if trying to smuggle gear and busted, you can get up to 7 years in prison. This is the same article of the criminal codex as contraband of firearms, mass destruction weapon, nuclear weapon, etc. Just crazy. The funniest is that lot of guys have absolutely no notion that it is so strictly forbidden and violate the law unintentionally.
As for blood works, I already published here a couple of results, will try to get more.
I must say I am VERY impressed with the videos and with the website. Interested in seeing bloods from some members here.

And here is a picture of Astro's lab/production line!
@Pharmacom Labs

As you know i had certain orders at your shop now but let me ask one question.

You say pharmacom is in business for 10 years now and i know there are some big russian forums where pharmacom products are discussed. There must be at least a few bloodtest, mass specs or other tests or not ? Wouldnt it be possible to post some of them here, maybe to even translate them into english language ?

Do we have some russian speaking members here who could help with that ?
Meso typically does not accept blood work as acceptable unless it's from one of our own members that used the gear. Off board bloods can be bogus.
@Notits, you are quite welcome my bro! It's been a second sinc3 I've posted anything amd i couldn't help it. I hope alls well with you.
I was wondering where you were, when i first got here i saw you on here every day then you kinda disappeared.
Good to see you back!!!
And i think you finally chased nick , urban group, Heisenberg outta here!
I finally got everything. It's been a long time coming. So I'm straight with pharmacom and basicstero.
Well, I would like to comment this. The delivery itself took only 4 days by EMS. Nitrust can confirm this. 2-3 days for prepairing the gear and 7 days in total if shipped by EMS. This is absolutely not long. The problem was that our shippers did not send it within 10 days before, yes, I admit this claim and Nitrust got compensation for this. We are working on it and push our shippers. So we will do our best to make international shippings as fast as possible. EMS takes now 7-10 days. Regular mail up to 20 days longest. Everyone can decide during ordering, which delivery service to chose.
Nitrust, I think also you confirm that all vials came this time with original labels and boxes and check codes sticked.
Meso typically does not accept blood work as acceptable unless it's from one of our own members that used the gear. Off board bloods can be bogus.
I agree, blood works can be photoshoped easily, that`s why I am waiting for blood works from you guys since we sold here the first vial. Please provide results and we give you 100$ bonus to the next order in our store for this!
How many pills come in the packs when you buy orals?
100 pills. All infos about each compoung is available on our site. I am working now on checking all info, half-lifes, side-efffects, descriptions, also correct the texts, soon we will upload this ti the site and provide proper information and descriptions.
By the way, we receive last time lot of questions about our pills. Customer become pills in whithe boxes and we have on site still black boxes. Our customers doubts, whether they are genuine. Guys, our dark boxes are old design. We started to pack blisters in new white boxes. Photos as example:
They do not have check codes. The blisters are hardly to counterfeit.
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