MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

what is the end result here? do enough people here on this forum feel that this supplier is good to go. Bottom line let's hear it???

Your tagline is 'must put in the work for real results', the same is true for researching a source ;) anybody that gives a good-to-go will be crucified if things went bad (or labelled a shill from the start). A few of us have put in early orders (as did I for a buddy). They have been around for a while but not as basicstero. There are labmax results and bloodwork from a reseller (Darius), but we still have yet to see direct bloodwork on meso. So it's still a situation you have to assess for yourself! The last few pages have a lot of information
I understand where you're coming from. the problem with Darius. is at lot of his stock is pretty much depleted at least stuff one is looking for. I will keep my eye out on this post and see what becomes of things thanks for your input highly appreciate it
People will not believe this. What you do is common for scammers. Just sell as much as you can right before the first bloodworks are coming in.... not saying that you do this, but sometimes, less is more...

I would agree if pharmacom hadn't been around so long and had plenty of blood work done and posted in other places.

I think the other major difference is the amount of time, effort and dollars spent by pharmacom to market their products. Plus the promotion makes perfect sense in that if Basicstero can convince the majority of members that ordering international through them is safe they reduce expenses (and likely numerous headaches) greatly by not having to use a number of resellers and shippers here in the US.

This feels like a piece of a well put together marketing plan to me.

Having said all that I do want to caution Frank on one thing. Disclosing that any member has ordered from you in this or any other thread is in bad form and potentially puts that person at risk if he lives in the states. Other than that I say keep up the good work.
I would agree if pharmacom hadn't been around so long and had plenty of blood work done and posted in other places.

I think the other major difference is the amount of time, effort and dollars spent by pharmacom to market their products. Plus the promotion makes perfect sense in that if Basicstero can convince the majority of members that ordering international through them is safe they reduce expenses (and likely numerous headaches) greatly by not having to use a number of resellers and shippers here in the US.

This feels like a piece of a well put together marketing plan to me.

Having said all that I do want to caution Frank on one thing. Disclosing that any member has ordered from you in this or any other thread is in bad form and potentially puts that person at risk if he lives in the states. Other than that I say keep up the good work.
I agree, great marketing plan!
I agree. Although people don't like to make conclusions here (positive ones at least), i have to say good job so far in being open and responding to feedback and ideas. Now it's just a matter of testing the gear itself and hopefully it stays good and consistent and shows that pharmacom tests their raws. I'm hoping to have finally found a lab that i can not worry about quality on a daily basis. so I'll find out soon when i start everything i got. I've been burned so many times by shitty bathtub ugls that i kinda took a last leap of faith and ordered a huge 30+ week blast from basicstero and another rep of test, npp, pharma mix 2, eq500 and eventually deca.
Been running their sus 300 for five weeks now and im liking it alot, also started npp almost two weeks ago and today in the gym i had less shoulder pain than i have in a loooong time.
I will be ordering again for sure. Take this for what its worth !!!
Does the 10% off for meso members combine with the current special?
Im wondering the same thing... When we buy the 300 worth to get the free 200 does the 10% still apply??? I mean if not its still a great deal i was just wondering so i know when and if i make a order..
He is crushin darius on prices.. Everything is cheaper.. I mean hell the bold 300 is 34 dollars cheaper... Plus a 10% discount.. Man idk this is looking pretty good... I mean i love that darius has a been around a while and has proved his self but i mean of this place ends up being as stand up as darius its going to be hard to resist or beat these prices.. Nice job franky!
Not saying anything good or bad about this supplier but when I read signatures may be required... Wow! Is anybody really stupid enough to do that? I hardly ever stop by here nowadays but as a guy who has been around and seen a lot, signing for anything is just crazy.

roasthawg said:
Do either of the shipping methods require a signature? I'm sketched on international delivery and have been waiting on the domestic site to get stocked to try you guys out but this special might force me to pull the trigger.
To be honest, I am not sure about this, I do not ship myself. I think yes, signature is required, but I am not sure.

Requiring people to sign reminds me of how this happened:
“Operation Raw Deal.” …. the sting has netted more than 11.4 million doses of steroids, along with 242 kilograms of raw steroid powder from China, $6.5 million in cash, 25 vehicles, three boats, 27 pill presses and 71 weapons.

‘Operation Raw Deal’ Nets 124 Arrests Nationwide To Date

Most of you weren't around when this happened, but I was. A lot of good people went down. Nobody should ever sign for anything. In case any of you think I don't know what I'm talking about... I was a mod here on meso for years in the early to mid 2000's. And yes, my avatar is me.
Not saying anything good or bad about this supplier but when I read signatures may be required... Wow! Is anybody really stupid enough to do that? I hardly ever stop by here nowadays but as a guy who has been around and seen a lot, signing for anything is just crazy.

roasthawg said:
Do either of the shipping methods require a signature? I'm sketched on international delivery and have been waiting on the domestic site to get stocked to try you guys out but this special might force me to pull the trigger.
To be honest, I am not sure about this, I do not ship myself. I think yes, signature is required, but I am not sure.

Requiring people to sign reminds me of how this happened:
“Operation Raw Deal.” …. the sting has netted more than 11.4 million doses of steroids, along with 242 kilograms of raw steroid powder from China, $6.5 million in cash, 25 vehicles, three boats, 27 pill presses and 71 weapons.

‘Operation Raw Deal’ Nets 124 Arrests Nationwide To Date

Most of you weren't around when this happened, but I was. A lot of good people went down. Nobody should ever sign for anything. In case any of you think I don't know what I'm talking about... I was a mod here on meso for years in the early to mid 2000's. And yes, my avatar is me.

I ordered at so many different sides, i allways had to give my signature...

How can your goverment say you knew whats inside the package ? Couldnt you just say you expected something different ?
Haha, not sure what country you're from my friend but here in the US, all you have to do is receive it and have it in your possession. Have the lessons of the past really been forgotten here so quickly?
EMS (express mail service) has always required signatures.If not go with the shitty regular parcel that takes 2 weeks or more from a turd world nation.

I'd be more worried about signing for a kilo of raw powder, but that's what private mail box services are for.
Yes, it had to be signed for. However, it was the best packaging job I ever seen. It was wrapped like 3 different times with saran wrap then bubble wrap over the top. It took me 15 mins to get it opened
Ok i have the dianabolos (darius) and i have no strenght increase or sex drive no hungry. Today i eat 10pills :-D ( week two ) and nothing happens lol..i also have halotest but only 10..after 2ed i feel little pumps....i have read that turinabol are very good and next time i will order these..i hope thats the real deal. I think pharmacom has not good stuff to create a dbol like the pink thais peace
I finished a pack of their var. Started at 50 mg and later upped to 100mg. Got joint paint at wrists and knees. Isnt that a sign for winny ?
I finished a pack of their var. Started at 50 mg and later upped to 100mg. Got joint paint at wrists and knees. Isnt that a sign for winny ?

Some report joint pains from Var too,atleast what i have heard.Maybe give more detailed info about how you felt etc. during cycle? i personally dont get joint pains from Var and i only tryed winny once and did not like how much joint ache i got from it.