MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

@dany88 Its only been 3 days? I would give it some more time. I started to really feel my Tbol at 3 days. But could have been placebo. Let us know after a week how ur feeling. And have u pm @Darius PharmacomStore ? Cause if not and ur just posting ur complaints on his competitors thread I dont really know what to tell u other than u just look like someone trying to take business away from Darius and put it into the hands of his competitor.

Look man I know these ugls fuck people all the time. But when there is a good one with a rep that has gone out of his way to help people that dont even really deserve it, and every post I read about the man is good with no complaints, I will question someones motives with posts like urs.....he also has his own thread why arent u posting there?....Im sure he will chime in on this eventually. What I got from him is good and I know other members here that are running his gear right now too with only good things being said.

That is all I have to say either pm him or post on his thread.
Must have misread. But there was also a member on here a few pages back running D's Dbol and he said it was good. And I havent found 1 thread about a bad product from D. I am only running his Tbol. My test is from another source. All Im saying is the dude made an account today and the only posts hes made are on D's competitions thread. Just seems fishy to me when I cant find 1 thing bad ever posted about him.
I do to but that doesnt change the fact that one or the other could be shilling to take away profits from the other rep. Thats the nature of the game. But if that is whats happening I think after everything D has done to prove himself here he deserves a little bit more respect.
I just say soon. No exact dates for safety.

By the way, I added now our Pharmatropin HGH in stock into our international store, but we will be able to ship it out only in 1 week. In a meanwhile we will have to buy a big decent refrigerator to our warehouse from where we ship.
Its price (of HGH, not of frig :D ) will be 200$ for 100 IU.
And one more important thing: HGH (even the powder) shall always be stored in a refrigerator. If not it will start loosing its qualities and efficiency already after 12-15 days at a room temperature or higher. Hence if you decide to order our HGH please chose the EMS delivery! We will not ship it by regular mail!

Difference in price between EU domestic HGH and international
It's more then 40 usd.

I read the explanation about the HGH and I really liked it. I'll
Blood serum it and igf as well. Just did baseline few days ago. Will report back in a month and a half.

Hope to receive the package in less then 15 days, ordered from EU domestic.
I usually draw with an 18 gauge since it's super quick, but I ran out of those pins and have been drawing with a 23ga... It sucks, but I have loads of 23ga pins since that's what I use to pin.
I honestly want to pin with an 18ga sometime for shits and giggles because I've heard that's all that was available years ago during the dawn of performance enhancing AAS use.
I honestly want to pin with an 18ga sometime for shits and giggles because I've heard that's all that was available years ago during the dawn of performance enhancing AAS use.
Back in the day, i used to drive down to Mexico and but sus 250 in pre-loaded glass syringes and the needles were 18ga 2inch. Stung a little[emoji16]
Guys, just warm up the oil a bit and it will go much more smoothly. It ensures less pip as well.
Without going into detail, how safe is your shipping to the us considering you're a pretty new source and just got your international site up. No specifics but do you ship with stealth or original labels? Shipments from China must be a little sketchy at least
Without going into detail, how safe is your shipping to the us considering you're a pretty new source and just got your international site up. No specifics but do you ship with stealth or original labels? Shipments from China must be a little sketchy at least
I almost pm'd him this same question.

