MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

He said a few weeks last week. I'm hoping this holds true and by next week it is stocked. This is what a lot of us are waiting on. The fresh line of domestic will all have the full range of security on vials right?

I think he said he is being intentionally vauge with specific dates which makes sense. A friend ordered during the domestic trial and for those vials the unique identifiers and scratchoffs were not there because they had applied the labels in the States before reshipping (consider customs).
Anyone seen any reviews of pharmacoms masteron products? More specifically the pharmacom m mix 300 (mast e 200mg / mast p 100mg).
Mates, I have some news. We decided to implement a couple new features into our store. They are not ready yet, but I created tickets for our web designer and soon they will be ready.
1. We implement the system of automated life-time discounts. The more orders you place the bigger discount you get. We bind this discount to your account, so all your orders shall be placed from the same account.
Customers with 3 paid orders get 5% lifetime discount in our store (for all products and future orders)
Customers with 6 paid orders get 10% lifetime discount in our store (for all products and future orders)
Customers with 10 and more paid orders get 15% lifetime discount in our store (for all products and future orders).
The customer, which placed his 3rd,6th or 10th order will get an email with information about his discount.
Orders will sum up from different sections of our store. For example, you can place 4 orders in the US domestic section and 2 orders orders in the international section. In total 6 orders = 10% discount. This offer will be actual for all 3 sections of our store: US, EU, International.
2. It is a small enhancement. If you put HGH into your shopping cart you will not be able to chose regular mail as delivery service. Only EMS will be available. This is due to the fact that HGH shall be always stored refrigerated and starts loosing its qualities and efficiency after 12-15 days if not refrigerated.
Fuck it, I'm taking advantage of the $200 bonus gear to try pharmacon. Placed order buddy, thank you.
$200 bonus gear? I must have missed that in this thread.
We implemented our system of promo offers.
Here are the conditions for the current promo:
1. It is actual only for orders from our international section (US International. EU International, International Worldwide)
2. Every customer whose order amount is 100$ or higher (excl. shipping) become 35$ bonus and will be able to chose products from the drop-down list during ordering process for value 35$ max.
3. Every customers with order amount 200$ will be able to chose free gear for the value 90$.
4. Every customer with order amount 300$ will be able to chose free gear for the amount 200$!!!
Simply speaking place an order for 300$ and get extra FREE gear on your choice for the value 200$!
This promo offer will be actual till 08 of May 2015.
Man I am so iffy on international I've only been ballsy enough once but damn. I don't even see a option on the website for insurance as the faq shipping section says...
Man I am so iffy on international I've only been ballsy enough once but damn. I don't even see a option on the website for insurance as the faq shipping section says...

I think i can remember that theres no need to buy an insurrance but im not sure. Must be some pages back.
Man I am so iffy on international I've only been ballsy enough once but damn. I don't even see a option on the website for insurance as the faq shipping section says...
I'm with you bro, almost pulled the trigger based on the current promo but thought better of it. Waiting out the domestic instead.
When in the sam hell will the domestic be in stock. I remember a month ago they said a Couple weeks. I will only buy domestic! Heres an idea, ship 1/2 of your stock from int warehouse to domestic warehouse, raise the price a lil on domestic for your own shipping cost... Done.. Watch you domestic store sellout in days!
Got my parcel for 6 days.
Packaged very well , it took 10 minutes to open . Signature is not required.There is a unique code for each product and they're checked on official website.
Got my parcel for 6 days.
Packaged very well , it took 10 minutes to open . Signature is not required.There is a unique code for each product and they're checked on official website.
What shipping method did you go with?
If you do standard shipping there won't be sig required. Sig is only required when using EMS. I do online sales (eBay/Amazon) for a little side cash and I've never had a problem with standard shipping from China. Years ago I used to import counterfeits as well and had no problems. Small packages aren't under much scrutiny. It's always a risk though, ymmv. A few pages back he mentioned he will re ship in case of seizure so that made me feel better about it. Fuck paying for an insurance policy lol.
Edit- also wanted to mention the recent increase in China sellers on eBay US site. It's now VERY common to see individual items for sale direct from China for super cheap. They used to only sell in bulk but now they sell individual items themselves. What this means is that there are THOUSANDS more small individual packages being shipped from China to USA every day due to eBay sales. Small packages blend in. Just my opinion.
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Yes but not every country has same rules when packed is seized, for example in my EU country if they seize a package and it has illegal stuff in it, well you get a call from police, sometime you can get even a police car at your house bringing you at the station, for questioning and you can even get prosecuted for it, ofc it will never make it to the court, because they don't have any proof it's you... but it's still a hassle and money wasted for a lawyer.

so I'll go always domestic over international if I can, It would be much cheaper as international, but I'm not risking it.

If you do standard shipping there won't be sig required. Sig is only required when using EMS. I do online sales (eBay/Amazon) for a little side cash and I've never had a problem with standard shipping from China. Years ago I used to import counterfeits as well and had no problems. Small packages aren't under much scrutiny. It's always a risk though, ymmv. A few pages back he mentioned he will re ship in case of seizure so that made me feel better about it. Fuck paying for an insurance policy lol.
Edit- also wanted to mention the recent increase in China sellers on eBay US site. It's now VERY common to see individual items for sale direct from China for super cheap. They used to only sell in bulk but now they sell individual items themselves. What this means is that there are THOUSANDS more small individual packages being shipped from China to USA every day due to eBay sales. Small packages blend in. Just my opinion.
Was just looking at the us.basicstero site looks like there gonna have ever kinda test ester available in amp or vial form. I cant wait to get some sustanon amps! Im a buy em all lol