MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

Without going into detail, how safe is your shipping to the us considering you're a pretty new source and just got your international site up. No specifics but do you ship with stealth or original labels? Shipments from China must be a little sketchy at least
You know, I have heard, that risks depends on to which state to ship. I have heard that states with the zip codes beginning from 1,2 or 3 are the most safe... However, I am new as retail store here, but i am not new and have experience as Pharmacom Labs sales manager responsible for bulk orders and we have stable bulk customers and ship to the USA bulk orders last 3 years! And for this time we had no one seizure yet! Of course some conditions shall be observed, but I will not go into the details. I do not see any problems with the states at all, especially considering that orders you make are small and do not need large parcels. We ship to Europe products from China and with original labels and even there seizures of small parcels are a rare phenomenon. However, depends on the country.
As for labels, by default we ship all items in original packages and with original labels, with check codes. If you want, you can write a comment and we can ship with stealth labels. However our experience shows that if a parcel with any oil substance is opened at custom does not matter what kind of label it has, it is very likely you get a seizure letter.
Nitrust has described how we pack our items. He needed 15 minutes to open it... We pack with as much discretion as possible.
The shipment methods are great from you guys. I need alway 15min to open time i will order turinas and enanthate ...friend of me too...yesterday my power is little gone up...but iam not sure about dbol...after 2weeks i use it for now..right on the picture is pharmacom i have only now 5tabs...20150426_080111.jpg
I have wrote a pm to mr. D i waite for my order...i am out now, if i get my order i will repliey to turinas.... greetings from austria near graz arnold s ;)
The shipment methods are great from you guys. I need alway 15min to open time i will order turinas and enanthate ...friend of me too...yesterday my power is little gone up...but iam not sure about dbol...after 2weeks i use it for now..right on the picture is pharmacom i have only now 5tabs...View attachment 23328
Man it looks more likely like Balkan advertising as like Pharmacom.
I have wrote a pm to mr. D i waite for my order...i am out now, if i get my order i will repliey to turinas.... greetings from austria near graz arnold s ;)
Ok, you are from Austria... We ship always in original packages to Europe and the blister seems to be cut, we never do this. Or probably you cut it. And one more thing, Mr. D shall be Darius I guess. Sorry, but this is another guy.
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I have used Balkan dbol they are pink and kicked ass you will know in days if they legit and they should be soft can't break have to cut if u do.also u will feel almost an opiate high euphoric/well being strong etc..that's my opinion of Balkan dbol.
By the way. About original packages. Here is the full range of our orals in new packages:
The shipment methods are great from you guys. I need alway 15min to open time i will order turinas and enanthate ...friend of me too...yesterday my power is little gone up...but iam not sure about dbol...after 2weeks i use it for now..right on the picture is pharmacom i have only now 5tabs...View attachment 23328

Dude... thats not pharmacom
when the new orals will come in the domestic EU?

I'm very interested in the tadalafil and anadrol!
I can not say now, depends on demand. We have to sell the rest of our old design packages first. But I do not think it takes a long time.
I can not say now, depends on demand. We have to sell the rest of our old design packages first. But I do not think it takes a long time.

Well you don't sell any tadalafil or anadrol so you could add at least that while You wait to deplet the old box of the other products.
By the way, are you saying this really seriously?!!! What has observed the community? We sold almost 300 vials and only 1 or probably 2 posts about crimps, which have been crimped not with pinpoint accuracy? And the half order from 300 orders, which went the wrong way, probably by USPS fault and we compinsated it. So, tell me please, where did we fuck up? Really? You are absolutely right. LET`S BE HONEST! Where are other 300 feedbacks? I asked almost everyone in the emails with tracking numbers to leave here feedbacks. But I do not see them... this is not my fault. And we have not received any claims. Here people publish mostly, what they are unsatisfied with. And all happy customers just keep silence or are not present here. I received a lot of pm`s, where users were absolutely happy with the quality. I am still here only cause I am a verifiable reseller? Again, really? I am not reseller, I am Pharmacom Labs itself. A part / member of Pharmacom Labs team.
I hear often here Darius` name. I have absolutely nothing again him, he is a nice guy, one of the oldest Pharmacom resellers, he pushed Pharmacom Labs products into the US and worldwide market and did his best to make the brand worldwide famous. This is his huge merit. So,if you want to order from Darius, please order. Everyone has a choice. But please let`s do the things clear. Do you think Darius has another products? Or he does not have such crooked crimps? All vials of all genuine Pharmacom sources / resellers are produced in the same conditions and on the same production facilitity. Every reseller gets from time to time vials with such crimps. Yes, here the situation went in not the best way and you`ve seen in the very beginning a couple of bad crimps, only a couple from hundreds sold! Do you really think that such things don`t come up with other resellers? Don`t be childish please.
Your point of view is absolutely unfair. If you all guys had seen all 300 reviews, I do not think you would have been so skeptic. And I provided here links to other boards and never read there any negative feedbacks yet. It means something...
The only things we`ve done wrong is missing check codes (which will be rectified with the ext restocking) and a bit bad luck with reshipping.That`s all. Ah yes, some typing mistakes on boxes only boxes and in the insirts (only due to abscense in the team of english native-speakers; and all resellers have by the way absolutely the same mistakes on boxes and in the inserts), which absoluteIy does not influence the quality. I provided here lots of evidencies about... I even will not raise this point again. So, I can only repeat my question, where did we fuck up? I see in this thread by the way only the same usernames, which are unsatisfied with something... Nevertheless, the thread is shown very very lot of times and most of customers seem to be absolutely satisfied and happy, they just do not write it here...
You haven`t even see the blood work results to draw such inferences. Nobody has seen the test results yet. However, we have already seen only positive feedbacks after first injections from DeM0NiCs and other only positive feedbacks on other boards, where we are present a longer time. So, please let`s be honest, wait for results and not to draw unfair/subjective conclusions beforehand.
Too many words. dyslexia and ADD kicked in. fucking brain was thinking about tits 2 paragraphs in.
The shipment methods are great from you guys. I need alway 15min to open time i will order turinas and enanthate ...friend of me too...yesterday my power is little gone up...but iam not sure about dbol...after 2weeks i use it for now..right on the picture is pharmacom i have only now 5tabs...View attachment 23328
Thats Balkan are you sure its from pharmacom? Cause their packing is black and blue it say dianabolos on the package
He said a few weeks last week. I'm hoping this holds true and by next week it is stocked. This is what a lot of us are waiting on. The fresh line of domestic will all have the full range of security on vials right?
I just hope he has a high stock. Pharmacom tren is no where to be found right how and I know there is a lot of anticipation for this stuff on other boards as well.