MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

It could be you killed your estrogen, happened to me as well, was on their var and had joint pain and tought... this is damn winnie... but nope.. it was the aromasin :)
Im 4 weeks into pharmacom mix 3 (1ml e3d). Nothing else.

Cant say anything about the mix yet. Switched from cutting directly into bulk mode. Energy is good, weights are going up. But i think thats normal after 4 weeks of bulking.
And what do you think about it? Im thinking of picking up some mix2

I feel nothing yet. Maybe its to early. Will pin for a few weeks and hope thats its not bunk. Bought 2 of them together with the var :/

I would really wait for blood results mate...

I ordered some tren a from pharmacom too. They should arrive in the next days.

Btw. Both vials had legit varification codes on them, so they are def. directly from pharmacom.
Do you guys actually make your own hgh or is it rebranded Chinese crap. Pharma *like* oils and pills i can believe but hgh idk about. Never seen anyone talk about the gh
I'm still waiting the answer about the HGH
Sorry for delayed reply. I asked our technologist to provide me the technical background & test results and was waiting till I get them to furnish my explanation with proofs. All this chemical things... It is a bit difficult again, I try to transmit this Info how I understood it in simple words.

I start from afar. Human growth hormone (HGH) is a polypeptide hormone. There are differents isoforms of HGH. The human body has 5 genes responsible for production of HGH by our body. They all are located in the 17th chromosome. But they are responsible for production of different types (isoforms) of HGH. The main isoform is a "full-value" growth hormone consisting of 191 amino-acid residues. It has the molecular weight 22127 amu (22 kDA). (This value is very important, because we use it in our tests to find proper raw materials. I explain later). It is synthesized and secreted by the anterior pituatary gland. However, for example one of the genes is responsible for producing another isoform of HGH by a women placenta as example. And this growth hormone is chemically different, another isoform. Generally in our blood stream can be found several types of HGH (at least 5 isoforms). However only one of them is a full-value HGH with 191 amino-acid residues. Its chemical formula is C990 H1532 N262 O300 S7. And this form is the main form which can be found in our blood. The second isoform which can be found in blood has molecular weight of only 20 kDA. In this form are missing amino-acid residues from 32 to 46, that is why the molecular weight is less. There are also shorter forms of HGH with less molecular value. You will see in the attached file the description of each isoform, the number of residues and molecular weights of each isoform.

By the way, I am sure you heard about different peptides which become popular now, they are a part of this complex structure, for example HGH Fragment 176-191, which consist only of indicated residues.

So...cbass00, while replying your question I say you are right, the most sources sell crap and you will see it in the results attached. Lot of manufacturers buy raw materials and sell HGH under their own brand. At this the most factories producing HGH are located in China. This is the same situation as with sport nutrition. There are only several factories, which produce raw materials for BCAA, different acids, etc. And they all are in China. Most of brands buy the powder, add aromatics and resell the products under their own brand.

Well, if you ask me, whether we produce HGH ourselves or use "chinese crap", I reply that we do not produce HGH ourselves and buy raws from Chinese manufacturers. BUT: what we buy is for sure not crap. We tested lot of raw material manufacturers and the results are attached. Last time we had kind of a "call for tenders" between HGH manufacturers in the beginning 2014. Our employee made anonymous small orders at the main manufacturers available in China and we tested the samples. By the way, we included into the tests also the most famous brands of growth hormone Kingtropin and Jintropin, which were bought anonymously from resellers. These are samples Nr. 4,11 and 12 in our tests. These were samples bought not as raw material, but as final products, in packages, at retail price, etc. As you will be able too see both of them did not consist any HGH at all... Famous brand means not always quality guarantee as you can see. I guess that were fakes, because we bought them not directly from manufacturers, but anonymously at resellers. Other samples we bought as raw material directly from manufacturers, had HGH, but not all of them as well. Sample 2 and sample 5 were not HGH. Only 7 of 12 tested powders were HGH.

However, this is not the end of the story. As you can see in results, 3 of 7 HGH samples had not the "full-value" HGH with 191 amino-acid recidues and molecular weight 22 kDA, but that were "cut" isoforms of HGH with the molecular weight about 17 kDA and only 153 amino acid residues. Lot of manufacturers produce not full-value HGH and sell it as a growth hormone. Only 4 of 12 examined samples had real full-valued HGH with 191 residues.

This is also not the end of the story... the quality can be good, but there is also the question about the weight content of HGH. We took the same amount of the powder from each sample and performed the tests and found out that samples have different amount of HGH itself. You can see the values in mg in the file attached.

When we chose suppliers of raw materials for HGH we:
1. Work only with suppliers offering the full-value HGH with 191 amino-acid residues. This is very important for the efficiency of HGH. I just provide the first scientific article I found to this topic:
You can read there one simple sentence: The 20 kDa form has been reported to have weaker diabetogenic and lipolytic actions than the 22 kDa form. And the shorter form are even weaker.
2. In addition to the that we control also the weight content of HGH in the powder.
Guys you can see, that we totally examined the samples and used several testing methods: electron spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and PAGE (polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis). So we are absolutely sure in the results.
If you buy our HGH you can be sure that this is full-value HGH and each vial has the manifested 10 IU.

p.s. Probably someone will ask, why the test result is so old. I reply. As I said, it was the last result when we organized a "call for tenders" and chose one of several raws suppliers. We chose one supplier and now there is no need to check other suppliers. We buy big batches of raws from this only supplier, perform the chromatographic analysis of each new raws batch we buy and this is enough. Since 2014 this supplier offers and provides us raws of enough high quality and we know to value stable partnership relations and provided high product quality.
I hope herewith I thoroughly replied the question about our HGH.
I can not attach the file. cause it exceeds the allowed size. Here is the link:
And one more thing: i translated this file today into English, so I hope it will be enough clear for you, whatever some mistakes in the terminology, etc. are possible.
I have to add that i tested many many labs in the last month. I never felt anything from test or tren so i discontinued most of them after a few weeks. I dont want to prejudge pharmacom here.

I will pin everything i have from pharmacom. I have a really good feeling with this lab, especially with basicstero as a reseller.
I'm a little over a week into 50mg/Ed of test prop and tren a from Darius. I've had some mild night sweats so far as the only side from tren, but to be honest I'm not prone to many sides from a wide range of pharmaceutical drugs. So far my sense of well being and libido has increased, strength gains are slowly coming, I'm getting bigger and more vascular... Can't complain yet. All the other UGLs on this board conduct business in a manner akin to a high schooler so based upon demeanor, I trust basicstero and Darius over every other retard UGL posting on these boards.
I should also note I've never felt the need to jock a UGL on this site because I've come to the conclusion 99% of them are garbage... And you can count on me to express my discontent if my results on pharmacom gear are lackluster. Honesty is my game, not nut hugging.
Do either of the shipping methods require a signature? I'm sketched on international delivery and have been waiting on the domestic site to get stocked to try you guys out but this special might force me to pull the trigger.
I found it out. Our shippers have told to me that signature is NOT required if shipped by regular post. If shipped with EMS it is required if the parcel comes to your home and you receive it there. But if you don`t open the door and pick up the parcel layer from their office it seems like signature will not be required.

Does the 10% off for meso members combine with the current special?
Sorry, negative. 10% discount + our promo offer is really too much, we will have too many expenses.
By the way guys, if someone still doubts this promo offer is true or thinks we are scammers, please go to the official site of Pharmacom Labs, use the contact form and ask this question directly:
You will get direct confirmation of this promo offer from Pharmacom labs!
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Any update on when domestic is gonna be available? The deal for international is super tempting but I'd just as soon pay a little more and not deal with the anxiety of customs and signatures and whatnot.
That was a great response. I like this guy :D

Between basicstero and darius, the parmacom rep is looking real good. T-minus 2 weeks until i start my gear!
Any update on when domestic is gonna be available? The deal for international is super tempting but I'd just as soon pay a little more and not deal with the anxiety of customs and signatures and whatnot.
I just say soon. No exact dates for safety.

That was a great response. I like this guy :D

Between basicstero and darius, the parmacom rep is looking real good. T-minus 2 weeks until i start my gear!
By the way, I added now our Pharmatropin HGH in stock into our international store, but we will be able to ship it out only in 1 week. In a meanwhile we will have to buy a big decent refrigerator to our warehouse from where we ship.
Its price (of HGH, not of frig :D ) will be 200$ for 100 IU.
And one more important thing: HGH (even the powder) shall always be stored in a refrigerator. If not it will start loosing its qualities and efficiency already after 12-15 days at a room temperature or higher. Hence if you decide to order our HGH please chose the EMS delivery! We will not ship it by regular mail!
I've done VARs many a time. have never gotten any joint pain. now speaking on Winny that's totally different monster there can't do it at all I get so incredibly tight from it that it's even difficult to scratch my back without getting a cramp or having major lower back pain or even calf pain. but never a problem with the VARs just my own experience
Idk I've seen quite a few labmaxes on here and other places showing that it is var. Maybe try to see if you can match up your batch number with the guys that did them
@dany88 ok so u just joined today and ur first and only post was on darius's competitions thread. And every other thing I have read about his products have been good. Not saying what ur saying is not true. But why dont u pm @Darius PharmacomStore and see what he has to say about it.
@MEEKmlz you have tested turinabol and you say its good..? do your strength increase..? i have the dbol,halo at home i can make a photo if you wish...i had already balkan pharm dbol and that was nothing...:( time i will order turinabol and enanthat 300..other people write that turinabol and var is very good from pharmacom labs and the dbol defently not ok
i joyned today because i will get real stuff soon and i would like to hear your real stuff...i bought terapy ranbaxy balkan pharm dbol and nothing iam little dissapointed :(..a friend took the pink thais and he increase with his strength and libido..
I am using Darius's Tbol yes and I had gains almost instantly and my strength increased too. I cant speak for his Dbol but everyone that posted about it , at least the ones I have read said it was good. Like I said Pm him.
my strenght dont increase i had little pumps and little more sexdrive in the first 3day then nothing more...i think that cames from the halotest..then the halos was empty ( 10tabs )...


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