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Was just looking at the us.basicstero site looks like there gonna have ever kinda test ester available in amp or vial form. I cant wait to get some sustanon amps! Im a buy em all lol

I hear ya man, I cant wait till the domestic opens on this stuff
Are you ever going to offer clen? Or did I miss it.

I think I recall they are only planning on offering albuterol. I may be mistaken but I seem to remember that being said. IMO, albuterol is better than clen. I feel as if the results are the same and the sides are weaker with albuterol, at least that has been my experience.
Well you make a purchase and when your done it will tell you how much credit you earned in my case it was 200$ then i got to choose 200$ worth of gear for free[emoji4]
I know there was a member whos on his npp. How is the npp treating you bruh. Cause if my guy doesnt pull through i need a back up plan
I know there was a member whos on his npp. How is the npp treating you bruh. Cause if my guy doesnt pull through i need a back up plan
That would be me!! Its been abot 3weeks and what im noticing is a lot less joint pain in my shoulders but no real size or strength gains yet.
Npp is weird for me I don't notice much of npp no matter how high I run it and no matter what lab it is, npp is a weird one for me. I defiantly don't respond to it like is like to. Here soon I thought bout doing a anavar test eq npp and tren run and see how that goes.

Figured I'd throw in the npp with the tren cause I see slot of people swear by it
Man now im getting excited to see where it goes from here. Im pinning 100mg eod but thats on top of 600mg sus both from pharmcom
Npp is weird for me I don't notice much of npp no matter how high I run it and no matter what lab it is, npp is a weird one for me. I defiantly don't respond to it like is like to. Here soon I thought bout doing a anavar test eq npp and tren run and see how that goes.

Figured I'd throw in the npp with the tren cause I see slot of people swear by it
I ran test tren npp. But next cycle after i run just test. I kinda feel 19nor the body gets use to but it could just be me
Guys, FYI, China does not work on 01/05 - 03/05, hence we will accept the orders but will be able to ship them only on 04/05. Tomorrow is the last shipping day before holidays.
Guys, FYI, China does not work on 01/05 - 03/05, hence we will accept the orders but will be able to ship them only on 04/05. Tomorrow is the last shipping day before holidays.
Does that mean you are not shipping for 2 months after ti day. I am a little confused. Thanks