MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

Just in case people havent heard darius is price matching basicstero and giving an extra 5% discount. Hes also been around much longer. I know basicstero is also domestic which appeals to some. But for those that dont care about international I would get on that shit. Also packs have been arriving in 7 days from darius to the US. I dont really care which one u choose just trying to save some people some money.
Just in case people havent heard darius is price matching basicstero and giving an extra 5% discount. Hes also been around much longer. I know basicstero is also domestic which appeals to some. But for those that dont care about international I would get on that shit. Also packs have been arriving in 7 days from darius to the US. I dont really care which one u choose just trying to save some people some money.
He won't match the promo though I'd the issue for me. I'm sketched on international from China especially, would try Darius bit without the special might as well just wait for domestic.
Understood but that promo only lasts a week or something. Wasnt expecting anyone to turn down that promo. I wouldnt either but I got enough gear right now....was just a thought.
Also his international comes from an EU country at least thats what I read. And according to him he hasnt lost a pack since 2011.
Guys for your information. We are going to implement into our store a referrals system. Every user of our store will get an automated link to our store with his unique code in the web address. You can give this link to friends, publish in internet, advertise as you wish. By opening this link people, who opens it will see the short registration form in our store. As soon as they register and place an order or many orders you will get 5% store credit from they orders made. 5% will be added to your account and you will be able to buy gear. The more people will register in our store by using your link and the more orders they will place and pay for them the more profit you will get. In other countries we have people which order monthly a new descent cycle without paying a cent.
Just for example. John has an account in our store and he has a unique reference link.
He provided it to Sam and Sam sighed up and placed an order for 500$. John immediately receives 5% from 500$ = 25$ to his account in our store as reward for a new invited person. If Sam places the second order for 1000$ John receives 50$. So, 5% from each new order from each invited person. In our CIS shop we have people which have over 100 invited persons and receive every month free gear by paying with this bonuses only.
Also his international comes from an EU country at least thats what I read. And according to him he hasnt lost a pack since 2011.
According to me I can be Prince Charles and Lady Gaga in one personification...
I can say also anything I want. I already raised up this topic. I know how deals are going at Darius much better as you because we supply our products to him. Please discuss his shop in his thread. We have also different types of discounts. And from soon every customer will get an opportunity to receive a lifetime discount up to 15% for all products and all orders in our store with the lowest prices in the market. Moreover to buy gear without paying for it thanks to our referrals system. And I haven`t revealed all our plans for the future yet...
well my pack is 23 days late and counting. Its been stuck in the same spot, darius just keeps telling me to wait. Darius has a great rep and great communication but this shits getting annoying, I want my gear

I'm going to agree with Frank on this one. Posting about problems with Darius should be done in his thread not this one. They are separate businesses selling the same products.