Pharmacom test p 100!!!

I'm just glad I read the entire thread as I was debating on making the switch to pharmacom since 24k called it quits.
this is why it's important to read the entire thread and wait to see how things play out when new people pop up and start posting bloodwork, good or bad
I just read through all 14 pages of this. Man this community is awesome, the majority of you are like unbiased gear detectives. Haha love it guys keeping everyone safe. Really appreciate this board, really learned a lot so far. Glad to see pharmacom is Still chillen for now, thinking about using them for my first cycle.
I've never read a post so intently in my life, this post has everything, the drama the betrayal the dectiveness. Frank barely even lost his shit on this guy too.

And I thought @Dema was being a dick but turns out he was right all along.

This is like a steroid soap opera
I just read all 14 pages. It was like a good storybook. When Frank said he ordered 3 bottles of test p I was thinking come on Seven you should be calling him out since he posted the pictures of 3 bottles with only half a bottle used. Also, his comment you don't throw away your empties...?
I just read all 14 pages. It was like a good storybook. When Frank said he ordered 3 bottles of test p I was thinking come on Seven you should be calling him out since he posted the pictures of 3 bottles with only half a bottle used. Also, his comment you don't throw away your empties...?

Lol yeah man I messed up there, I couldn't get over the promo he kept sayin he got at the domestic store.
Damn that was a long drama filled thread, super crazy man but I have to give it to the people that can call out the BS from the get go. At first I'm like damn get off his back everything seemed a little off but I'm sure he was just frustrated. But then I see what the outcome is and I totally understand
However, i just noticed this... something is wrong, the story of this guy is shady.
1. he said somewhere here he is taking test p 100 mg daily for about 5 weeks if i remember right. he did the blood work at week 5. he placed his order on 25th of May. order was delivered fast within a couple of days. Obviously 5 weeks did not pass yet. even 4 weeks did not pass yet. does not match.
2. he said he is using it 100 mg daily, but he ordered only 3 vials of test p! and on photo he showed on the second page we see 2 full vials and one used. what`s wrong?
3 vials are even not enough for 5 weeks to inject 100 mg daily.
and the guy has vials left to send to simec... it is physically not possible.
also he says lh and fsh are down but we did not see it on the blood work, they are not shown. testosterone is not nendrolone, it does not shut down the axis after one-two injects, it requires weeks. but only one vial used... not possible.
due to these conclusions I find it hard to believe this guy...
Sad that such members are wasting people's time with allegations and shit like this that doesn't even turn out to be credible. I'm not sure I'd even waste my time/energy replying to all you fucktards whining about stuff if I was Frank or Darius. Is there any UGL in existence that falls within the good graces of the majority here? Everyone gets smeared eventually. It seems the bigger a UGL you are, the larger a target you are as well.
Was op odiem? Lol. But seriously I bet he didn't even get gear from domestic supply that was just a cover.

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Was op odiem? Lol. But seriously I bet he didn't even get gear from domestic supply that was just a cover.

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Pretty fucked up. I bought into it for a minute :( made me feel like a dummy :oops:. I was pretty sure it was a guy I know in real life he dropped too much info in his posts...still might be him idk. Needs his ass kicked :mad:. If someone is willing to go that low to get some free gear they'll be sucking dick on the corner before you know it.:eek:
Pretty fucked up. I bought into it for a minute :( made me feel like a dummy :oops:. I was pretty sure it was a guy I know in real life he dropped too much info in his posts...still might be him idk. Needs his ass kicked :mad:. If someone is willing to go that low to get some free gear they'll be sucking dick on the corner before you know it.:eek:

I missed out on this thread, but the story never really did add up. He's from a state I know very well, kinda crazy when I seen that.

Like you said tho it's crazy what one will do for a few vials.

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Dude was full of shit. Said he was using 4 weeks and picture showed he only used 1/2 a bottle. I can't believe frank really deals with shit like this daily. Doesn't seem to be worth it.