Pharmacom test p 100!!!

Put your tin-foil hats on...

This Derek guy is really a Naps guy, they wanted to prove other dealers keep your information so you will order from Naps again.. Mission Accomplished:eek:
I'd say don't do it cause they have your info but I think we know what you look like already:

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So what do you know.... Looks like I was right all along... You ordered only 3 test p vials... Your pic after you got bloods is only missing at MOST 6ml... So you not even 6 days in and got bloods 5 hours after pin... Your story is complete bullshit pcom should not pay for Simec and if you truly wanna do yourself a favor keep pinning and get bloods later on.. Untill then crawl into a hole.. Your making shit up for no reason other then to troll
Well, Frank's post makes sense to me... Sucks to see that someone is trying to scam for some prop. Shit, do GH or Primo next time?
Derek a lot of people here want to believe you, but you have to have your shit together. As far as i am concerned it is always us, the consumers, versus them, the producers. The way you have laid facts out is not, however, very good. Just be professional. If bunk shit is floating around you have to get the word out. If you don't lay it out professionally no one is going to care though.

As far as bloodwork not being good enough, i would tend to disagree. If it is coupled with some good anecdotal evidence and real world experience from a veteran i think that is all you need. Sure, blood work could be screwed up, but if you couple it with real world experience like....i gained 5 pounds in 12 weeks, i gained 10 pounds on my bench on a 12 week cycle, and other tidbits, then yea,sorry i'm going to believe the consumer here. Why? Because i know most if not every underground outfit has cut gear for a profit, mislabeled gear, or just straight up taken the money and run at some point. Hell, they are making counterfeit sustanon/omnadren amps when production cost on an honest product would only be slightly more per amp.
Why would he lie for test P? It's so cheap. Hell I would have gave him some if I knew him. I want to believe him but man Pharmacom has a really good point.......idk
I won't stand for any UGL they are here to make money. But I can't stand people who try to gain free shit because they got scammed out of their money by somebody else. Classic case my humble opinion
Why would he lie for test P? It's so cheap. Hell I would have gave him some if I knew him. I want to believe him but man Pharmacom has a really good point.......idk

There are plenty of people who would lie for free test-P.

I just can't believe how inept this guy was at delivering his story. Even if he isn't lying, and I think he is now, he shouldn't be shooting gear.
There are plenty of people who would lie for free test-P.

I just can't believe how inept this guy was at delivering his story. Even if he isn't lying, and I think he is now, he shouldn't be shooting gear.
I get you. But damn if it's true that's way more energy than I'm willing to spend to get free gear. I'd rather spend all that time and energy at the gym gettin GAINS!
I get you. But damn if it's true that's way more energy than I'm willing to spend to get free gear. I'd rather spend all that time and energy at the gym gettin GAINS!

Yeah, I agree. I would never bother doing something like this, for one I like to think of myself as having integrity. And two, the work vs. reward is deff not worth it. W/e.
One vial at 100mg day will last 10 days max. From
The pic the vial doesn't even look empty (the one open) so he could have pinned max 5-6 days?
Draw blood 5 hours after the pin.

Story looks like a joke :)
That's was why I asked how long a vial lasts, because if he only got three vials, he won't have anything left to test
However, i just noticed this... something is wrong, the story of this guy is shady.
1. he said somewhere here he is taking test p 100 mg daily for about 5 weeks if i remember right. he did the blood work at week 5. he placed his order on 25th of May. order was delivered fast within a couple of days. Obviously 5 weeks did not pass yet. even 4 weeks did not pass yet. does not match.
2. he said he is using it 100 mg daily, but he ordered only 3 vials of test p! and on photo he showed on the second page we see 2 full vials and one used. what`s wrong?
3 vials are even not enough for 5 weeks to inject 100 mg daily.
and the guy has vials left to send to simec... it is physically not possible.
also he says lh and fsh are down but we did not see it on the blood work, they are not shown. testosterone is not nendrolone, it does not shut down the axis after one-two injects, it requires weeks. but only one vial used... not possible.
due to these conclusions I find it hard to believe this guy...
He stopped responding after this post by frank. But he is still checking in. I bet money on it he is full of shit.
I just read all 13 pages to find out the OP had enough gear for 30 days and said he was 4 weeks in and had 2.5 vials out of the 3 left. He stirred up all this shit and now he's MIA. Wtf is wrong with people?
I just read all 13 pages to find out the OP had enough gear for 30 days and said he was 4 weeks in and had 2.5 vials out of the 3 left. He stirred up all this shit and now he's MIA. Wtf is wrong with people?
Sad thing is he seemed so genuine. I was starting to believe him and get a lil worried all at the same time