Pharmacom test p 100!!!

OP lose all e-mail notifications too?

That's exactly what I was thinking... lmao

Why have a delete button when you are saving the information on another server.
don`t be a child. every, absolutely every source keeps customers info. even if they swear they don`t they do, you just don`t know about it. the delete button deletes orders from the online server, and this makes it safe that your data won`t be stolen if it is hacked. however our server won`t be hacked. backups are done in order not to lose all important info and all enhancements of our site, which we implement almost daily. backups are also used for mass emailing so that our customers know about new promos, news, etc. backups can not be hacked because 1.they are on the server, which is never connected to internet. 2. they are physically encrypted 1. on a hardware lever. 2. on a software level.
What are you talking about dude???

Naps just got hit and had customer info posted online and now this guy just admitted to doing the same!!!
no, we are not doing the same. i am not aware about details with naps, but they obviously kept all info on their online server and without any encryption, this was their fault i guess. we are secured from all sides as compared against them.
You sir, have lost your damn mind. How COULD you know whether or not it's bunk or underdosed? AL SHOWED they sent out underdosed test p amps, so obviously it happens! Pharmacom PHARMA Test P100 Lab Test Results - Anabolic Lab

Shit happens man, Pcom is dealing with Chinese raws just like everyone else. I'm sure they have deals in place with their suppliers due to their purchase volume, but shit can STILL happen.

Your statement about this OP needing to pin gear again and go get bloods redone is fucking ludicrous and downright rude.

Your statement about not wanting to believe it's possible sums it all up. Well, believe it. Your little blessing Pcom isn't perfect, no one is. I think Pcom puts out a good product overall, I've bought a lot of their shit. I don't, however, believe mistakes CANNOT happen. You sir, are delusional. I really doubt this guy is trying to get a few free bottles of the cheapest test available... We cannot crucify members who show us bad bloods, it's backwards.

Wow!! Slow down buddy!

I never said that: they can't deliver an underdosed product. And by the way 87mg out of 100 is not underdosed for pharmaceutical standard. Isn't it 20% +\- even for FDA approved medicines?

87mg it's 13% underdosed. Not nice but not deal

You wouldn't even notice it! So give me a fucking break! Even if this test P was underdosed by 50%!! 50 fucking percent! It will
Not give you a total test of 330 ng!

There is something wrong in that bloodwork. The guy reported increase of strenght and that the cycle was going ok. Not spectacular but ok. with 330 total test?

I still don't see the whole
Bloodwork posted.
Just a pic with his hand showing just free test and total test.
I want the whole thing.

Bad bloods have been posted in the past and when posted correctly and with a story that didn't have holes all over... We didn't bash anyone.

But come one... Have you seen this guy? Promo from US store? Never been one lately! Now it's
Not domestic store anymore it's international? Oh no I don't have the order is anymore. But didn't he say that he had the confirmation email? There you can find the order is and tracking.
It's the email disappeared?

Before calling me mad go read again the fucking thread and how this clown has presented the problem of his underdosed test p.

To me it all looks like bullshit!
If it's not... Then prove it. Until then I'll trust more AL
And my own experience. Everytime I sended shit to
Simec it came back well
Dosed. Everytime I drawn blood on pharmacom products I was satisfied.

So... When someone has a plausible story and can prove that they have made a mistake... I'll be the first to help him kick Frank ass. Until then... I'll call bullshit on this kind of thread that sometime pop up randomly.
He just said it's stored even though it was deleted.

I'm cool with you seven but I am clueless why you're defending a source without giving a member the benefit of the doubt brother.

Look man OP said he ordered from THE DOMESTIC STORE and got free shit. That's not fucking possible. That's it, that's all I've been having a problem with it. Why would you say you got free shit when you clearly did not?
Wow!! Slow down buddy!

I never said that: they can't deliver an underdosed product. And by the way 87mg out of 100 is not underdosed for pharmaceutical standard. Isn't it 20% +\- even for FDA approved medicines?

87mg it's 13% underdosed. Not nice but not deal

You wouldn't even notice it! So give me a fucking break! Even if this test P was underdosed by 50%!! 50 fucking percent! It will
Not give you a total test of 330 ng!

There is something wrong in that bloodwork. The guy reported increase of strenght and that the cycle was going ok. Not spectacular but ok. with 330 total test?

I still don't see the whole
Bloodwork posted.
Just a pic with his hand showing just free test and total test.
I want the whole thing.

Bad bloods have been posted in the past and when posted correctly and with a story that didn't have holes all over... We didn't bash anyone.

But come one... Have you seen this guy? Promo from US store? Never been one lately! Now it's
Not domestic store anymore it's international? Oh no I don't have the order is anymore. But didn't he say that he had the confirmation email? There you can find the order is and tracking.
It's the email disappeared?

Before calling me mad go read again the fucking thread and how this clown has presented the problem of his underdosed test p.

To me it all looks like bullshit!
If it's not... Then prove it. Until then I'll trust more AL
And my own experience. Everytime I sended shit to
Simec it came back well
Dosed. Everytime I drawn blood on pharmacom products I was satisfied.

So... When someone has a plausible story and can prove that they have made a mistake... I'll be the first to help him kick Frank ass. Until then... I'll call bullshit on this kind of thread that sometime pop up randomly.
I'm not one to call either person a liar/fraud/whatthefuckever until we have more info. Now, I don't like how we beg our members to do bloods, and then IMMMEDIATELY shit on them for unsavory results. Is something up? Obviously. Just not enough evidence to me to support either side yet.
Wow!! Slow down buddy!

I never said that: they can't deliver an underdosed product. And by the way 87mg out of 100 is not underdosed for pharmaceutical standard. Isn't it 20% +\- even for FDA approved medicines?

87mg it's 13% underdosed. Not nice but not deal

You wouldn't even notice it! So give me a fucking break! Even if this test P was underdosed by 50%!! 50 fucking percent! It will
Not give you a total test of 330 ng!

There is something wrong in that bloodwork. The guy reported increase of strenght and that the cycle was going ok. Not spectacular but ok. with 330 total test?

I still don't see the whole
Bloodwork posted.
Just a pic with his hand showing just free test and total test.
I want the whole thing.

Bad bloods have been posted in the past and when posted correctly and with a story that didn't have holes all over... We didn't bash anyone.

But come one... Have you seen this guy? Promo from US store? Never been one lately! Now it's
Not domestic store anymore it's international? Oh no I don't have the order is anymore. But didn't he say that he had the confirmation email? There you can find the order is and tracking.
It's the email disappeared?

Before calling me mad go read again the fucking thread and how this clown has presented the problem of his underdosed test p.

To me it all looks like bullshit!
If it's not... Then prove it. Until then I'll trust more AL
And my own experience. Everytime I sended shit to
Simec it came back well
Dosed. Everytime I drawn blood on pharmacom products I was satisfied.

So... When someone has a plausible story and can prove that they have made a mistake... I'll be the first to help him kick Frank ass. Until then... I'll call bullshit on this kind of thread that sometime pop up randomly.
Sampei, calm down please. i confirm. he placed an order in our store. this is not a subject for doubts. I found his order and he ordered test p indeed.
another thing i agree with you, i would also like to see the full report and other values like FSH and LH.
Look man OP said he ordered from THE DOMESTIC STORE and got free shit. That's not fucking possible. That's it, that's all I've been having a problem with it. Why would you say you got free shit when you clearly did not?

Pretty sure Pcom already addressed this, but - it doesn't really matter that much because they just acknowledged he had made an order of that prop.
don`t be a child. every, absolutely every source keeps customers info. even if they swear they don`t they do, you just don`t know about it. the delete button deletes orders from the online server, and this makes it safe that your data won`t be stolen if it is hacked. however our server won`t be hacked. backups are done in order not to lose all important info and all enhancements of our site, which we implement almost daily. backups are also used for mass emailing so that our customers know about new promos, news, etc. backups can not be hacked because 1.they are on the server, which is never connected to internet. 2. they are physically encrypted 1. on a hardware lever. 2. on a software level.

no, we are not doing the same. i am not aware about details with naps, but they obviously kept all info on their online server and without any encryption, this was their fault i guess. we are secured from all sides as compared against them.

Maybe you should check the details before calling me a child. Naps said they had someone on the inside that works for them steal the information and sell it. This happens with corporate secrets all the time. You just opened a can of worms telling people you keep their information.

Keeping customer information for 2-6 months is reasonable until the transaction is complete. Keeping information besides e-mail any longer is doing a dis-service to the people paying your salary.
I'm not one to call either person a liar/fraud/whatthefuckever until we have more info. Now, I don't like how we beg our members to do bloods, and then IMMMEDIATELY shit on them for unsavory results. Is something up? Obviously. Just not enough evidence to me to support either side yet.

Sure but because this dude is a no one here and pharmacom until proven has behaved properly.
I'm not gonna jump
The gun on them and will first question the legitimacy of this guy.
It's the same as if a
Newbie with 10 posts come
And accuse you of something.

I'm gonna fucking rip
Is story apart to be almost 100% sure he is not bullshitting us... Before jumping on you.

I'm not for let's shit on any sources just because they are all piece of shits.
PH provide a
Good service at the moment.
They made mistakes? Sure.
But they always tried to fix it and I never seen them doing anything shady. They were the first to start offering simec testing on any of their products.
That's a huge thing and I really respect their choice. Of course it's a marketing thing but everything it's about money nowadays.

I'm not saying they will always be the best.
They are not the best but they are probably almost the only source (and pharmacist) that survived the meso rape.

So yeah I'll believe them first instead of a John Doe that can't even tell where did he buy the vials etc.
Until proven wrong! If they are at fault they need to pay for it and to be held accountable for

But we need facts.
Sampei, calm down please. i confirm. he placed an order in our store. this is not a subject for doubts. I found his order and he ordered test p indeed.
another thing i agree with you, i would also like to see the full report and other values like FSH and LH.

When I wrote that post I didn't read your post confirming his order :)
Sure but because this dude is a no one here and pharmacom until proven has behaved properly.
I'm not gonna jump
The gun on them and will first question the legitimacy of this guy.
It's the same as if a
Newbie with 10 posts come
And accuse you of something.

I'm gonna fucking rip
Is story apart to be almost 100% sure he is not bullshitting us... Before jumping on you.

I'm not for let's shit on any sources just because they are all piece of shits.
PH provide a
Good service at the moment.
They made mistakes? Sure.
But they always tried to fix it and I never seen them doing anything shady. They were the first to start offering simec testing on any of their products.
That's a huge thing and I really respect their choice. Of course it's a marketing thing but everything it's about money nowadays.

I'm not saying they will always be the best.
They are not the best but they are probably almost the only source (and pharmacist) that survived the meso rape.

So yeah I'll believe them first instead of a John Doe that can't even tell where did he buy the vials etc.
Until proven wrong! If they are at fault they need to pay for it and to be held accountable for

But we need facts.
I'm not saying pharmacom the company is bad. I never once said that
I'm not saying pharmacom the company is bad. I never once said that

Man did I accuse you of that?
You can be a nice person and saying the truth, but sure as hell you are not really good at explaining yourself.

You have spent 20+ posts not delivering the correct informations and contradicting yourself.

NOW let's forget about it ok? Send that vial to simec and let's wait the result. If it comes bunk or as somethingelse you will get my apology and frank will need to give us a proper explanation.

Until then... I still think you should properly draw blood and tell us more precisely for how many weeks you have pinned. How much and how did you know the test c bought from the other source was bunk?
Wow!! Slow down buddy!

I never said that: they can't deliver an underdosed product. And by the way 87mg out of 100 is not underdosed for pharmaceutical standard. Isn't it 20% +\- even for FDA approved medicines?

87mg it's 13% underdosed. Not nice but not deal

You wouldn't even notice it! So give me a fucking break! Even if this test P was underdosed by 50%!! 50 fucking percent! It will
Not give you a total test of 330 ng!

There is something wrong in that bloodwork. The guy reported increase of strenght and that the cycle was going ok. Not spectacular but ok. with 330 total test?

I still don't see the whole
Bloodwork posted.
Just a pic with his hand showing just free test and total test.
I want the whole thing.

Bad bloods have been posted in the past and when posted correctly and with a story that didn't have holes all over... We didn't bash anyone.

But come one... Have you seen this guy? Promo from US store? Never been one lately! Now it's
Not domestic store anymore it's international? Oh no I don't have the order is anymore. But didn't he say that he had the confirmation email? There you can find the order is and tracking.
It's the email disappeared?

Before calling me mad go read again the fucking thread and how this clown has presented the problem of his underdosed test p.

To me it all looks like bullshit!
If it's not... Then prove it. Until then I'll trust more AL
And my own experience. Everytime I sended shit to
Simec it came back well
Dosed. Everytime I drawn blood on pharmacom products I was satisfied.

So... When someone has a plausible story and can prove that they have made a mistake... I'll be the first to help him kick Frank ass. Until then... I'll call bullshit on this kind of thread that sometime pop up randomly.
Sampei, calm down please. i confirm. he placed an order in our store. this is not a subject for doubts. I found his order and he ordered test p indeed.
another thing i agree with you, i would also like to see the full report and other values like FSH and LH.
However, i just noticed this... something is wrong, the story of this guy is shady.
1. he said somewhere here he is taking test p 100 mg daily for about 5 weeks if i remember right. he did the blood work at week 5. he placed his order on 25th of May. order was delivered fast within a couple of days. Obviously 5 weeks did not pass yet. even 4 weeks did not pass yet. does not match.
2. he said he is using it 100 mg daily, but he ordered only 3 vials of test p! and on photo he showed on the second page we see 2 full vials and one used. what`s wrong?
3 vials are even not enough for 5 weeks to inject 100 mg daily.
and the guy has vials left to send to simec... it is physically not possible.
also he says lh and fsh are down but we did not see it on the blood work, they are not shown. testosterone is not nendrolone, it does not shut down the axis after one-two injects, it requires weeks. but only one vial used... not possible.
due to these conclusions I find it hard to believe this guy...
Last edited:
I'm not saying pharmacom the company is bad. I never once said that

Dude why didn't you just say from the first fucking post, "I ordered 3 vials of test p from the domestic store?" Why all the promo talk and free shit?
However, i just noticed this... something is wrong, the story of this guy is shady.
1. he said somewhere here he is taking test p 100 mg daily for about 5 weeks or over 5 weeks. he did the blood work after 5 weeks. hi placed his order on 25th of May. order was delivered fast within a couple of days. Obviously 5 weeks did not pass yet. even 4 weeks did not pass yet. does not match.
2. he said he is using it 100 mg daily, but he ordered only 3 vials of test p! and on photo he showed on the second page we see 2 full vials and one used. what`s wrong?
3 vials are even not enough for 5 weeks to inject daily.
due to these conclusions I find it hard to believe this guy...
One vial at 100mg day will last 10 days max. From
The pic the vial doesn't even look empty (the one open) so he could have pinned max 5-6 days?
Draw blood 5 hours after the pin.

Story looks like a joke :)