[Pharmacom]TestC/NPP/Dbol/Test Base "Off-season" Powerlifting Cycle

DE sqt/dl: hit box squats with 275+ heavy bands. Only did 6 sets of 2 because the low back pumps were too nasty. Hit 5 singles on Speed Pulls with 285(60%) then another 5 for 315(67%).DE Bench
DE Bench: blue bands+190lbs. 9 sets of 3. Good speed with all the grips I used. Hit JM Press, tricep rollovers, some cable rows supersetted with bent over rear delt flys, then some heavy lateral raises.
ME Sqt/DL: worked up to 405 with sumo deficit deadlifts. I hit 405 with 35's. This is what I hit last time, but last time was conventional pulls. So my hips are definitely stronger. Hit some Good Mornings and Russian Twists for accessory work.