

New Member
I took advantage of their recent sale and ordered some gear. I've haven't ran pcts or anything besides the gear in the past and haven't had any gyno issues(luckily). But i wanted to do it the right way this time so i'd like to hear what you guys think I should do as far as my weekly injections. What else I should order for pct. I'm also wondering if this will be enough for a full 12 week cycle.
My current order:

Pharmasust 300 (2 vials)
  • Blend of 4 testosterones:
  • Testosterone propionate 36 mg/ml
  • Testosterone phenylpropionate 72 mg/ml
  • Testosterone isocaproate 72 mg/ml
  • Testosterone decanoate 120 mg/ml

Pharmatren (1 vial)

  • Trenbolone acetate100 mg/ml

I'd appreciate any advice given :)
I took advantage of their recent sale and ordered some gear. I've haven't ran pcts or anything besides the gear in the past and haven't had any gyno issues(luckily). But i wanted to do it the right way this time so i'd like to hear what you guys think I should do as far as my weekly injections. What else I should order for pct. I'm also wondering if this will be enough for a full 12 week cycle.
My current order:

Pharmasust 300 (2 vials)
  • Blend of 4 testosterones:
  • Testosterone propionate 36 mg/ml
  • Testosterone phenylpropionate 72 mg/ml
  • Testosterone isocaproate 72 mg/ml
  • Testosterone decanoate 120 mg/ml

Pharmatren (1 vial)

  • Trenbolone acetate100 mg/ml

I'd appreciate any advice given :)

Why blend? You would've gotten result from a simple Test P, E, and C and probably saved $$$. As for tren A. you're going to need more then 1 vial to complete your cycle.
Is this a joke? 2 vials of sust and 1 vial of tren for a 12 week cycle? Come on man. You should have saved your loot.
dont use tren you are definitely not ready. i would research more before you start cycling its strongly suggest to use test only first cycle. sustanon needs to be run EOD maybe you could get by with 3x a week
dont use tren you are definitely not ready. i would research more before you start cycling its strongly suggest to use test only first cycle. sustanon needs to be run EOD maybe you could get by with 3x a week

I've done several cycles. If i did EOD how much should i do?
Wtf, did you do any planning at all.. 1 vial? That's enough for maybe 3 weeks at a low dose, which would be completely pointless..

And you've ran cycles in the past but never used a PCT?
Wtf, did you do any planning at all.. 1 vial? That's enough for maybe 3 weeks at a low dose, which would be completely pointless..

And you've ran cycles in the past but never used a PCT?

i tried using a pct in my last cycle but couldn't find one, i did a 12 week cycle and got off and kept most my gains and never got gyno somehow. But i wanna use one this time, just don't know what to get and when to use it with what I'm taking.
I've tried looking up what other people do and it seems to vary a lot based on the gear and just opinion. That's why i wanted to see what you guys would recommend based on what I'm gonna take and how i should take the sus and tren.
And let's clarify something. Research does not equal asking every single question that comes to mind in this thread. You aren't even remotely educated enough to even start asking questions, let alone have already done a (fucked up) cycle.

Im asking how i should take what i have. Im asking what i should take a long with i have in order to doing safely. If you can't give advice towards that end then please don't bother responding to this. Like i said i've tried researching what i should take and it doesn't seem to be a straight forward answer which is why i was asking for direct opinions. Not trolling comments..
Only one trolling here is you! If you would take a few hours and research.. Use fucking Google!!!! You would find the answer clear as day.. But instead you sit here wasting our time because your fucking lazy....
And we are telling you not to take any gear or anything until you've done some proper research. No one here is going to spoon feed you on what you need to do, you need to take it upon yourself to figure it out and then ask us if your proposed cycle looks legit (if you want a set of second eyes)