Pharmagrade and DirectDispenzary

Comments are on very good IQ level. Nice ;)

Its quite simple guys..if you want to buy it, write an email and order it, if not, move on... or like SilentLemon said - fuck off

Its first post because we wanted to post only our offer, not here to discuss about weather or give comments about policits and what kind of needle you need to inject or if you can drink out of the ampoules or are big boys now, you should know this.

We are scammers based on what? Because there are no pictures with meso sign and date? Yeah, very convenient.

We can also send you some tit pics when you order it. You can choose size as well D, B, ...

If you think pharma prices are too high, do not order, if you think we are scammers, do not order, if you think this is bullshit, do not order..

If you wanna give it a shot, try it.

No hard feelings guys


Quite simply put.
If you did your research, you would know that Meso is a Harm reduction board.

Harm reduction includes:
Personal harm
Financial harm.

As such, we go after people if we believe that you could harm members of this community.

So, it's not quite as simple as leaving you alone.
So members will continue to go after you and troll

There ARE hard feelings
Because you COULD be trying to fuck Meso members.

Once you understand this, you'll have 3 choices

1. Meet the rules and expectations
2. Leave
3. We make you leave.

up to you amigo

totally agree. I mean what is wrong with people here. Can't we be nice to this poor schmuck and handle him with kid gloves?

Lol amazing
Well, at the end of the day everyone can get hurt and screwed by anyone, even Meso members.

You have plenty of other sources, cheaper as well, some of them might have pharma grades too, or at least very similar to it.

You can remove my thread, amigo.

Was nice reading your answers.

Well, at the end of the day everyone can get hurt and screwed by anyone, even Meso members.

You have plenty of other sources, cheaper as well, some of them might have pharma grades too, or at least very similar to it.

You can remove my thread, amigo.

Was nice reading your answers.


However, the reason for the extreme questioning is this:
No threads are removed.
@Millard is the only Mod/Owner.
He doesnt shut down threads.
That wouldnt be transparent and would be perceived at favoritism.
So, the only way at Meso to hold sources accountable is by members questioning and attempting to ensure no funny business is up.

There is no banning, no shutting down competing sources
Our only way of defending ourselves and members is questioning

So like I said
You can provide

1. Testing incentives
2. Testing
3. Stock pics
amongst other things (I wont bother to list everything unless you're serious about giving s fuck)

Or we will eventually drive you out/pollute this thread to the point that no member will ever buy from you

Your choice amigo
Sorry it's not Friday. Come back on Friday!

Your intro sux anyway so you gonna get roasted till you are well-done.