Pharmamix 2 PCT

Paul H

New Member
Hi, I'm coming to the last 4 weeks of my 16 week course of a pre mixed blend of Trenbolone Acetate (225mg/wk)
Drostanolone Propionate (300mg/wk)
Testosterone Phenylpropionate (225mg/wk).

I had a 3 week break at week 8, not by choice but because I ordered the 2nd half of the course and it got stopped at customs.....My dick still worked thankfully....

Anyway, my issue is my PCT. I thought I had it sorted, but the more I read on line, the more conflicting info I get. I'm no biologist, so I don't need to know the science, I just need to know the when, what and how much.. ..

I've not run HCG as it's hard to get in the UK for some reason (unless anyone on here can recommend a reliable source), but I've got my clomid, arimidex and nolvadex. There is a lot of conflicting info about these 3 SERMS, does anyone have any concrete recommendations on how to take them, and which ones to take.

BTW, I've seen great gains, and the only real side effects I've had are bastard night sweats (and my jizz has turned to wallpaper paste - weird) and slightly sore nips, but no real atrophy, gyno or acne.

Any help will be appreciated, I know I've opened myself up to some 'you should fkin know this already dude' comments but I'll take them, along with constructive advice :)
