Pharmasource EU pharmaceuticals

Bold ace hurt as hell, prop. the same. Both make strong ,,flu-like,, reaction

This is the perfect example of a compound that is so good on paper, actually I think it would be my favorite, but human body just can’t take it, I think no one can actually stand bold ace (I never tried bold prop but blindly trust what you say about).

I’ve heard many people mixing cyp with und. and found it a good compromise, anyone?
The next time i stock up on drugs bold cyp is on my list to try. EQ and the long ester is such a turn off for me.
I was on 30mg test p ed, 30 mg dbol ed, 60 mg drol ed, 12.5 mg exemestane eod and milk thistle. All pharmastar, except milk thistle of course. Stopped the use of dbol and drol when I saw the ALT results. Got a bunch of other liver tests a few days later which didn't show any liver damage. My physician said it could be due to muscle damage, as they would also release ALT, if strained excessively .
Of course your liver enzymes were elevated dude you were using 2 orals with milk thistle lmao
Of course your liver enzymes were elevated dude you were using 2 orals with milk thistle lmao
Of course, that goes without saying! However, it is very much elevated. Also, are you saying Milk Thistle is raising the ALT values as well? Got any source on that, because the research papers I have read says it helps lowering the ALT values and are protecting the liver.
That is really high (says my doc), according to the links on my lab results the interval should be between 10-70 U/L

My reference values are 1-31 (GOT) and 1-38 (GPT), in the last blood work I had 326 (meaning 32.6) GOT and 923 (92.3) GPT. I had those levels when I was younger also, I did a ton of exams, and he cause seems to be “stress” nothing more than just “stress”, no liver damages, nothing.

@TorroXL my friend, did you receive the link I sent you?
My reference values are 1-31 (GOT) and 1-38 (GPT), in the last blood work I had 326 (meaning 32.6) GOT and 923 (92.3) GPT. I had those levels when I was younger also, I did a ton of exams, and he cause seems to be “stress” nothing more than just “stress”, no liver damages, nothing.

@TorroXL my friend, did you receive the link I sent you?

Oh ya, I’m In trouble now[emoji52]
Of course, that goes without saying! However, it is very much elevated. Also, are you saying Milk Thistle is raising the ALT values as well? Got any source on that, because the research papers I have read says it helps lowering the ALT values and are protecting the liver.

I think he’s trying to say that milk thistle isn’t helping much. Try drinking fresh squeezed lime juice daily, it’s very good for the liver
As far as I know, if you want to be covered in a broad spectrum regarding liver, you should take Milk Thistle, NAC and most importantly TUDCA.

I personally have the first two. Thoughts on NAC by the way?