Pharmasource EU pharmaceuticals

Seems like test e is causing problems across the board. Several people using enan from diff labs I know have been having issues.
this is the only lab I've had trouble with the test e

I ran the test that was doses at 384 or something weird. I ran 3 cc a week. Rotated delts, glutes and quads. No prob at all. But also had npp in the shots as well. So
Maybe that helped.
I ran the test that was doses at 384 or something weird. I ran 3 cc a week. Rotated delts, glutes and quads. No prob at all. But also had npp in the shots as well. So
Maybe that helped.
it gave me pip, but was useable. just had to time it so it didn't affect my leg workout, took about 4 days to pass
Why is better ? Dont know what this combo do together. Cyproheptadin like apetite booster ?
Dbol and periactin has a synergestic effect together there are weight gainer. If i remember right the formula is 3mg dbol 1mg periactin per pill. Normal dosage is 5-12 pills ed. Original brand name is Anabolex it sold legal at Domenician Republic.
has anyone experience with pharmastar iso? taking it 20mg ed for 1week now and no sideeffects at all
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I've given up on Test E, even pharma grade Test E was giving me PIP, nothing awful it just lingered way longer than usual. Switched to Test C and no more issues.

This thing about test e is weird, it isn’t the molecule itself, cyp doesn’t hurt, it isn’t the ester itself, tren e or mast e for example doesn’t hurt, but the combination of the two kills me.
This thing about test e is weird, it isn’t the molecule itself, cyp doesn’t hurt, it isn’t the ester itself, tren e or mast e for example doesn’t hurt, but the combination of the two kills me.

Mast E is the only other enanthate I've used, and it was painless. Even Bold Cyp has given me less PIP than Test E overall. But there have been times I used Test E that was smooth as silk, from the same source that later gave excruciating PIP.

I've heard the raws sensitivity to heat can denature it and cause this problem, but who knows. I'll just stick to Test C for long ester Test from now on. Tired of playing Russian roulette with my quads...
STERILE WATER for injection 20ml / 15,- USD

@Necessary Evil here’s the BAC water you were looking for

@picholas anyway quads are fucking hard, I struggle to push the needle into those motherfuckers, but I’m curious to give pharmastar gear a try there, I was crippled by Swiss and Alpha because EO or “wrong” esters, virtually I’m new to pip-free gear, last cycle the only painless (pip intended) thing was tren ace, and I wouldn’t shot lava into my quads for any reason.
@Necessary Evil here’s the BAC water you were looking for

@picholas anyway quads are fucking hard, I struggle to push the needle into those motherfuckers, but I’m curious to give pharmastar gear a try there, I was crippled by Swiss and Alpha because EO or “wrong” esters, virtually I’m new to pip-free gear, last cycle the only painless (pip intended) thing was tren ace, and I wouldn’t shot lava into my quads for any reason.
What part of your quads do you use?