I know you guys are all anxiously awaiting my gh experience. PS emailed me and apologized so here it is.
I gave gh a shot 2 years ago. I ran 3 iu per day of sero's for about 6-8 months to see if it was what it was cracked up to be. For me it was not. The sides weren't unbearable but it definetly affected my sleep which didnt help. And I held some water through the whole run. It did help me stay lean but at my age it didnt help much else. All in all the negatives for me outweighed the positives. I may run it again in another 10 years or so.
Negatives - price, no muscle gain, it killed my sleep due to numbness etc. and water weight.
Positives - stayed lean but that is pretty easy for me, my skin looked pretty good from it.