Pharmasource EU pharmaceuticals

Which is another thing, could it be progesterone related? Other than the leaky nips ppl complain about I never see ppl post any other symptoms/sides. I have caber, but I read the whole heart valve thing so I really rather not run it....
Only way to really know for sure would be to get bloods.
Anyone run the workhardt arimidex, if so did it work for you?
@pharmasource what would you recommend dosing it at?
Running test at 500mg & npp at 400mg, kinda having a little gyno issue (taking 20mg nolva and .5mg arimidex daily at the moment)

All I run is the workhardt arimidex. I like it. However, I think I had a much easier time dialing in the AI dose with aromasin. Too much arimidex can crash you hard and dick no work. It’s much harder to crash your estrogen with aromasin.
I prefer aromasin over adex as well. I took the nolva for a week or 2 after the lump went away and I don’t run aromatizing compounds anymore besides a 200mg hrt dose. Only flare up I had was with tren and b6 knocked it out but it was due to prolactin.

Once yopu stopped the nolva, how'd you dose the ai after that?
All I run is the workhardt arimidex. I like it. However, I think I had a much easier time dialing in the AI dose with aromasin. Too much arimidex can crash you hard and dick no work. It’s much harder to crash your estrogen with aromasin.

How were you dosing it?
Hmm sounds like alot of people are running or have ran the primo? May I ask what dose was everyone's sweet spot?

But no worry guys will be NEW LOW SOLVENT LINE in MIGLYOL812 ( viscosity is still very good and Miglyol812 is much tolerated - its pharma grade , created like drug carrier )