Pharmasource EU pharmaceuticals

David mentioned that some else was taking over the emails ,pms .

He move to" brewing " . I forgot if this was taking place after the promo or during the promo.

Any ways if your are hiring let me know :D. Jk
Since there have been a lot of questions about DHB I thought I'd share my experience.

1st injection 1ml DHB & 1ml test cyp into glute. Even though injection was to upper/outer quadrant of glute I had a small amount of muscle soreness in the bottom of my glute. It was very mild, felt like the last day or so of DOMS, but only affecting the bottom 1/4 of the muscle.

3.5 days later, 2nd injection was the same mix but in the VG. I had never injected into this muscle before. After about 1-2 days my VG was sore if I pressed on it, and it's still about the same now (4.5 days later), maybe a little less. If I don't press on it or sit at a weird angle I don't notice it.

I was heating both vials under hot water from the faucet for about 30 seconds before wiping the top with alcohol and drawing.

Unfortunately I've stopped with DHB for this cycle, because it seems to cause anxiety in me. I don't think I've ever seen any complaints of anxiety for DHB, but of course everyone responds differently. I'm not an anxious person and the only thing that has ever given me anxiety before is too much marijuana (damn edibles). Even stimulants like ephedrine and salbutamol don't give me anxiety.

I will probably give it a try again some day, I picked up 4 vials so I have plenty leftover.
Since there have been a lot of questions about DHB I thought I'd share my experience.

1st injection 1ml DHB & 1ml test cyp into glute. Even though injection was to upper/outer quadrant of glute I had a small amount of muscle soreness in the bottom of my glute. It was very mild, felt like the last day or so of DOMS, but only affecting the bottom 1/4 of the muscle.

3.5 days later, 2nd injection was the same mix but in the VG. I had never injected into this muscle before. After about 1-2 days my VG was sore if I pressed on it, and it's still about the same now (4.5 days later), maybe a little less. If I don't press on it or sit at a weird angle I don't notice it.

I was heating both vials under hot water from the faucet for about 30 seconds before wiping the top with alcohol and drawing.

Unfortunately I've stopped with DHB for this cycle, because it seems to cause anxiety in me. I don't think I've ever seen any complaints of anxiety for DHB, but of course everyone responds differently. I'm not an anxious person and the only thing that has ever given me anxiety before is too much marijuana (damn edibles). Even stimulants like ephedrine and salbutamol don't give me anxiety.

I will probably give it a try again some day, I picked up 4 vials so I have plenty leftover.
Soreness on low glute was because maybe you didn't go deep enough and y have some leakage.
As far as anxiety from personal expirience no with dhb but when I start a compound that i haven't tried before (injectable especially) i always got anxiety for 2-4 weeks , then it goes away. Also it's not strictly directed to gear
This time will need a longer time to re-stock. Because like I wrote, we are preparing own lab and I will be be a brewer.
But very soon we will have full stock of HILMA BIOCARE products, some SISlabs products and may be some Pharmacom, or Balkan products.

Regarding pharmacom are you planning to put in stock also stanozolol inject oily solotiun? it is the only one brand That make this molecule in oil. Surely will be a best seller
Hey Bro, just curious...what mg is your DHB per ml? I brewed some at 100mg/ml, and I'm having problems with it holding. After about three days I can see the oil start to crystalize.
100mg/ml. Its pretty smooth. My bottles are located in a space that never gets below 73ish degrees
DHB has the reputation for some delayed PIP. Might want to watch out for that.
3rd injection today. 3ml DHB into the glute. The past 2 inj. gave some pip the first day and the following day it goes away. Now the 1ml subQ injection I gave still stings like a bitch. I guess it depends where you inject it. But the glutes don't give me any problems
This time will need a longer time to re-stock. Because like I wrote, we are preparing own lab and I will be be a brewer.
But very soon we will have full stock of HILMA BIOCARE products, some SISlabs products and may be some Pharmacom, or Balkan products.

Will you still carry generic HGH?
To be honest it’s looking like longer then 14 days. My package has been stuck in customs for two weeks now with no update. Will let you know when things change. So far total T/A is around three weeks and counting.
Good looking out. Not beating on the source. I know the orders were flooded tho esp with the sale
My second pack took 12 days just to hit customs. And it's been stuck at customs for 3 days and just moved this mornimg
Okay first of all, this might come of as if I am promoting Pharmasource, but at this point, I don't think he needs any promoting any more.
Anyway, I just wanted to share my experience with this Yohimbine, Salbutamol and Tada/Sil (10/25).

Holy fucking hell!

First a little background, I am a 50 year old guy and I have been juicing for about 3 years, mostly cruise and blast.
Currently I am on 400 mg Test p and 600 mg Mast p weekly. I just got some Yohimbine from Pharma, because I do suffer from a limp dick sometimes, even on sil/tada and I wanted to shred a bit of fat too (I am currently at ~11%)

This is what I usually administer daily (morning 5am o'clock, fasted state, don't eat before 9am):

Test p
Mast p (Mood/Libido/Hardening)
Salbutamol 10 mg (Strength/Fatloss/Lipids)
Tada/Sil 10/25 mg (Erections/Blood pressure)

In the evening, at bedtime:
Ketotifen 1 mg (Better sleep/Salbutamol aid)

I usually get an okay wood from the above Sil/Tada pill, but nothing like a teenager.

Sooo, this morning I added 10 mg Yohimbine. As I said before Holy fucking hell. I have never felt such a effeect from any drugs before:

Random extreme hardons, just reading a text from my woman makes me rock hard, like nothing before (well for many years anyway)
Elevated mood, but I do understand why Yohimbine can make some people anxious

Jitters like hell, much more than salbutamol alone
Elevated heartbeat

Excessive saliva production

The bad side effects is nothing I cannot cope with and I cannot wait to fuck the lady again, when on this combination.

Anybody else experienced the same thing?
10 days exactly TD. But here was a time that took like 21 days.

Just a smart advice :cool: order your stuff two months a head of time before starting cycle.
Be ready for everything /have everything on hand.

1,-check your inventory ( Pct, oils, meds etc ).
2- order what you are missing.
3,- double check your list
4- if you have everything time to take step
5- start your cycle..

Don't be a mid cycle ordering to complete your cycle. Be proactive.
Good night players.