PharmGear EU labs supplier ,USA domestic, Top Notch Pharma labs


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We want to introduce ourself

We are PharmGear the place for Pharm grade steroids ,pharma pct products ,HGH and anything steroid related

We carry most well known brands as Phyzer, Bayer, Sopharma,Ahfas Hellas, Organon,TN-Pharma , Biotech

We are group of people ,fellow and present bodybuilding competetors, who want to bring out the best top notch brands at one place at best prices.

We don't supply bunk UG labs , the brands we carry are lab tested ,as we are here for the long run ,our intend it's to develop this seller-user relationship over time.

We are mostly proud to be TN-Pharm supplier our top notch brand ,all of the injectables vials are overdosed in flaxseed oil , and orals as well.

Check out all of the TN-Pharm rare products as Testosterone Gel ,male and female variations as well DNP spay , thermogenic fat burners,for external use ultra fat burners in oral forms and many many more etc

This is our place where you can check our website PharmGear

We offer 10% discount on orders over 500$ and 15% on orders over 1000$

Worldwide shipping

Shipping from inside EU to EU

USA domestic Shipping for some products

We accept BTC,XMR,ETH,BCH, and soon more crypto currencies

100$ store credit if you buy from us and post the lab results here on Meso

Contact us for any questions, inqueries , bulk orders or cooperations at

Hope to see you soon
So, let me get this straight...

It's not Friday.

No lab tests posted though you talked about them.

You're brand fucking new here and are offering a 10% discount on orders over $500 and a whopping 15% off for orders over $1000. Wow! Sounds amazing!

You need to post up your price list. What do you have in Europe and what do you have available in the USA? What country or at least region of Europe are your products being sent from?

You also need to post up pictures of your current stock with crumbled up pieces of paper in front of them with meso, your username and the current date written on the crumbled paper.

Your website is remedial. And you aren't allowed to have any links to it or in the underground section.

Did I mention that your website sucks? Meh...who cares? I doubt y'all plan on doing shit right with this weak of an intro anyway...but for the record, if you want to post your website address, you have to use

I would recommend that you read a bunch of source threads so you know what we expect from you if you want to be welcomed here, although, to be honest, you are already off to a bad start.

Also, when I Google TN-Pharm, all I get are a bunch of results about Tennessee. I've never heard of TN-pharm yet they seem to be getting the brunt of your advertisement push, even over the actual pharmaceutical brands that you purport to offer. Tell us about TN-pharm.

Have you ever or are you currently sourcing anywhere else?

Do you have any testing of these products done of your own stock or are we just supposed to take your word that you aren't pushing Turkish or Bulgarian counterfeit products? You need to pay for testing if you haven't already and it's always a good idea to offer customer's credit for doing blind testing. You should also make a nice donation to anabolic labs.
TN Pharma is not pharma grade you fucking retarded drug dealer.

1)Not a single legal Pharma company can sell drugs that have not been approved by the FDA.
2)They are not referring about the one @MadBret mentioned, they are referring about Trusted Nutrients Pharma, an UGL of the lowest quality that has been around for a bit, trying to look as pharma grade when its not even registered, has no license and is selling illegal products.
3)Forgot to mention... their havent still changed their adress, their addy is a Boca Raton rent for sale office... that is for sale right now.
4)Not at any single fucking source can be an “official supplier” of a real Pharma company from USA or Europe.

TLDR: Dont buy from this source, their biggest selling point is a lie.
We want to introduce ourself

We are PharmGear the place for Pharm grade steroids ,pharma pct products ,HGH and anything steroid related

We carry most well known brands as Phyzer, Bayer, Sopharma,Ahfas Hellas, Organon,TN-Pharma , Biotech

We are group of people ,fellow and present bodybuilding competetors, who want to bring out the best top notch brands at one place at best prices.

We don't supply bunk UG labs , the brands we carry are lab tested ,as we are here for the long run ,our intend it's to develop this seller-user relationship over time.

We are mostly proud to be TN-Pharm supplier our top notch brand ,all of the injectables vials are overdosed in flaxseed oil , and orals as well.

Check out all of the TN-Pharm rare products as Testosterone Gel ,male and female variations as well DNP spay , thermogenic fat burners,for external use ultra fat burners in oral forms and many many more etc

This is our place where you can check our website PharmGear

We offer 10% discount on orders over 500$ and 15% on orders over 1000$

Worldwide shipping

Shipping from inside EU to EU

USA domestic Shipping for some products

We accept BTC,XMR,ETH,BCH, and soon more crypto currencies

100$ store credit if you buy from us and post the lab results here on Meso

Contact us for any questions, inqueries , bulk orders or cooperations at

Hope to see you soon
idk much about ETH but right on accepting XMR, hope you do well and not fuck members over lots of testing here. I'm pretty sure I've seen you on the darknet right?
.First thing First
We apologize for not followinf the forum rules and not posting price list, pictures and providing web address
Yes we are brand new here
And thank you @MadBret for breaking it down

2.Below it's our price list

3.Expected lab test on most common injectables Pharm sourced and TN-pharm will be available in 10 days

This is our price list
All products are available for shipping out of Europe
Few are available for USA domestic and it's stated which ones

5.Our Website might not be perfect as of now but it's in process we are working on it ,better appearance and easier to navigate features very soon

6.We are going to give free saples to any member who would like to lab test our products .Also we'll give out a discount next time he orders from us, although as mentioned above therr are going ti be lab results in 10-12 days

7.We are proud to offer to our members a real pharma sourced PCT and SERM 's as well the very last pharma manifactured Nandrolone Decanoate Gedeon Richter , Test E Galenika Pharma ,Sustanon Jelfa Swiss Pharma and Nandrolone Decanoate Norma Greece

8.We've been sourcing locally in the USA in few states as well Central and Eastern Europe
Never on Meso

9.And finally TN-pharm it's Europe located UG lab
It's been here for a while ,
We have been sourcing locally in Eastern and Central Europe their products nd we are going to prove the quality and purity of TN-pharm products
Someone was stating that TN-pharm it's a bunk , well that might have been a TN-pharm counterfeit product as many many miserable UG labs are trying to conterfeit their products

PCT and SERM's all Pharma grade sourced from Pharmacies

HCG Pregnyl Organon 5000 Units 45$
Aromasin/Exemestane Phyzer 30 x 25 mg 60$
Arimidex Neola Pharma 28 x 1 mg 55$
Arimidex Astra Zeneca Pharma 30 x 1 mg, 65 $
Letrozole Alvogen/Actavis Pharma 30 x 2.5 mg, 65$
Clomiphen citrate/Clomid Anfas Hellas Pharma 24 x 50 mg ,45 $
Tamoxifene/Nolvadex Sopharma 30 x 10 mg ,40$
Proviron Bayer 20 x 25 mg ,40$
Dostinex /Cabergoline Phyzer 8 x 0.5 mg ,65 $
Tiromel/T3 100 x 25 mg AbdiPharm 65 $

Fat Burners
Clenbuterol Sopharma 50 x 0.02 mg ,45 $
Ephedrine Liquid Sopharma 10 x 1ml ampules 45$

Pharma Grade injectables sourced from Pharmacies not UG

Omnadren/Sustanon Pharmaceutical Swiss Pharma 10x1 amps 250mg/1ml 65$
Omnadren/Sustanon Pharmaceutical Swiss Pharma 5x1 amps 250mg/1ml 40$
Testosterone Enanthate Galenika Pharma Grade 10x 1 ml amps/250mg/ml 60$
Testosterone Enanthete Galenika Pharma Grade 5 x 1 ml amps/250mg/ml 35$
Deca Durabolin /Nandrolone Decanoate Gedeone Richter 1 amp 50mg/ml 13$
Deca Durabolin/Nandrolone Decanoate Norma Pharma 2ml vial 200 mg/ml 12$


HGH Somatropin/Genotropin 36 I.U. Go Quick Pen 260$
HGH Humatrope 72 Lilly Pharm Units,280$ Mixer Included
HGH Genotropin Cartridge 36 Units Phyzer 160 $
HGH Norditropin Cardridge 45 Units Novo Nordisk 160 $/Mixed
HGH Omnitrope Sandoz Cardridge 45 units/Mixed 170$


Injectables: Vials of 10 ml
Orals: 100 tabs x 10 mg

2.ANAVAR ORAL 100 X 10mg 80$
3.ANDROPEN 375 MG (test acetate 40mg,test decanoate 150mg,Test P 65mg,test Phenylpropionate 65 mg,test C 95mg) 70$ 70$
4.ANADROL 50 mg x 50 tabs 80$
9.MULTITEST 350MG(Test Prop 42mg ,Test Phenylpropionate 84mg,test isocaproate 84mg,test decanoate 140mg) 65$
17.PROVIRON 50 X 25 MG-65$
18.SUSTANON 300 MG/ ML-70$
19.TEST OIL BASE 100mg/ml 60 $
21.TESTOVIS/Test Propionate 100mg/ml-50$
23.TN BULK MIX 650MG/ML(Drostanolone E 100mg,Trenbolone E 150mg,Testosterone E 200mg,Boldenone 200mg) 100$
24.TN CUT MIX 375 MG/ML(Nandrolone P Propionate 75mg,Tren A 75mg,Stanozolol 75mg,Drostanolone P 150mg) 90$
25.TN TROPIN 15MG/45 U.I. 150$
26.TRENABOL Trenbolone E 200 MG/ML 75 $
27.TRENABOL Trenbolone A 100 MG/ML 75 $
28.TRENBOLONE BASE 100mg/ml 75 $
29.TRI-TRENABOL 200mg/ml (Tren A 50mg,Tren E 100mg,Tren Hexa 50mg) 75$
30.TURANABOL 100 X 10 MG 75$
34.DIANABOL ORAL 100MG X 10 MG/ 45$
35.DIANABOL INJECTABLE 100 mg/ml 60$
36.DNP SPRAY 100ML 85$
37.ULTRA FAT BURNER 450 MG /60 80 $
38.ULTRA FAT BURNER 430 MG /60 75 $
44.HALOTESTIN 100 X 10 MG 100$
45.VIAGRA 100 MG /12 TABS 50$
46.VIAGRA 100 MG /6 TABS 40$

Biotech Pharma

Injectables 10 amps x 1 ml

Winstrol 100mg/ml 65$
Test Cypionate 200mg/ml 65$
Test Enanthate 250mg/ml 65$
Sustanon 300mg/ml 65$
Test Propionate 100mg/ml 60$
Boldenone Undecylenate/EQ 300mg/ml 70$
Trenbolon A 100mg/ml 100mg/ml 70$
Masterone/Drostanolone P 100mg/ml 70$
Deca durabolin 200mg/ml 65$
Deca Durabolin 300 300mg/ml 70$

Orals 100 x 10 mg

Dianabol/D-bol 100 x 10mg 50 $
Stanozolol 100 x 10 mg 55 $
Anavar 100 x 10 mg 80 $
Anapolon 100 x 25 mg 75 $
T-bol 100 x 10 mg 65 $

Libido Enhancers:

Cialis/Tadalafil Lilly Pharm 8 x 20 mg 35 $
Viagra Sildenafil ,Bayer 8 x 100 mg 30$

Products available for USA domestic shipping

HCG Pregnyl Organon 5000 Units 50$
Arimidex Neola Pharma 28 x 1 mg 55$
Arimidex Astra Zeneca Pharma 30 x 1 mg, 65 $
Clomiphen citrate/Clomid Anfas Hellas Pharma 24 x 50 mg ,45 $
Tamoxifene/Nolvadex Sopharma 30 x 10 mg ,40$
Proviron Bayer 20 x 25 mg ,45$
Tiromel/T3 100 x 25 mg AbdiPharm 65 $
Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/ml Galenika pharma 10x1ml amps 55$
Clenbuterol Sopharma 50 x 0.02mcg 50$


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What the absolute fuck....65$ for some test?
us domestic is basically nothing lol
I mean do people seriously buy from fucks like this??? Jesus there’s so many better US domestic around here I can’t believe someone would even contemplate using this guy
What the absolute fuck....65$ for some test?
us domestic is basically nothing lol
I mean do people seriously buy from fucks like this??? Jesus there’s so many better US domestic around here I can’t believe someone would even contemplate using this guy
First off
let me get this clear to you @LittleD90

There is a reason for those prices
TN-Pharma it's correctly dosed ,lab grade equipment has been used in the manufacturing process not to mention the substances source not China substances
Wait till you see the lab results before you talk tras ok

And let me tell you something yes people do buy TN at those prices and we ship a lot to USA, those same people who are tired of the so called 25-30$ a bottle bunk garage cooked gear ,underdosed no known source of the substances and getting PIP AF

We all know those labs some of them so cheaply made they they don't even put a label on the bottle those same labs that mostly use Test Propionate just because it's the cheapest substance to make if lucky maybe 30-40% Test E ,not to mention the expensive substances like Masterone ,Deca Durabolin , Tren,A,E,Heha , Primo the list goes on and on

What do you have to say about the Bulk Mix which has exactly 650mg TN BULK MIX 650MG/ML(Drostanolone E 100mg,Trenbolone E 150mg,Testosterone E 200mg,Boldenone 200mg),which if you have to buy it all separate it would cost you more than 200$ and its nearly impossible to find this kind of gear put together with this consistency

I won't even comment the orals ,maybe you are going to claim that you can gett a 100 tabs x 10 mg of anavar for 50$ ain't no way , you most likely will get 50% purity of a Stromba

Before you trash talk next time remember what cheap it ain't good and what's good ain't cheap !!!
First off
let me get this clear to you @LittleD90

There is a reason for those prices
TN-Pharma it's correctly dosed ,lab grade equipment has been used in the manufacturing process not to mention the substances source not China substances
Wait till you see the lab results before you talk tras ok

And let me tell you something yes people do buy TN at those prices and we ship a lot to USA, those same people who are tired of the so called 25-30$ a bottle bunk garage cooked gear ,underdosed no known source of the substances and getting PIP AF

We all know those labs some of them so cheaply made they they don't even put a label on the bottle those same labs that mostly use Test Propionate just because it's the cheapest substance to make if lucky maybe 30-40% Test E ,not to mention the expensive substances like Masterone ,Deca Durabolin , Tren,A,E,Heha , Primo the list goes on and on

What do you have to say about the Bulk Mix which has exactly 650mg TN BULK MIX 650MG/ML(Drostanolone E 100mg,Trenbolone E 150mg,Testosterone E 200mg,Boldenone 200mg),which if you have to buy it all separate it would cost you more than 200$ and its nearly impossible to find this kind of gear put together with this consistency

I won't even comment the orals ,maybe you are going to claim that you can gett a 100 tabs x 10 mg of anavar for 50$ ain't no way , you most likely will get 50% purity of a Stromba

Before you trash talk next time remember what cheap it ain't good and what's good ain't cheap !!!

You're acting cheap

At this prices, I'm sure you can afford and do double check your brews with third party HPLC testing?

If you are quite proud of you gear, which you should be if it is qaulity...
The. post up lab results for what you produce and put Meso members minds at ease.

Also, you've said a lot about "Lab grade gear"
Let's see it.
If it's that high qaulity and you're better than the competition...

You'll know how to scrub data from photos, ensure not to take a picture of the manufacturer plates and be able to post those pictures and.... once again... put members minds at ease.

If you're proud of your sterility and PIP free gear....

Then you wouldnt mind explaining to me your anti contamination protocols.
Laminar flow?
PAP enclosure?
Controlled negative pressure space?


Here is the issue my amigo
You're talking a BIG game
But you're not providing any evidence to support your claims of qaulity.

This is Meso,
there are no mods a d admins to background check you
Members do that

No one will buy from you until you follow the rules.

Let me tell you something else... you prove this shit to us.
You'll make a LOT of fucking cash here.
People will buy from you if they feel safe and secure... if not... good luck spinning your wheels

Fuck... I'm getting fucking soft . should have just posted a picture of a down syndrome chinaman and left.
Definitely getting soft.
First off
let me get this clear to you @LittleD90

There is a reason for those prices
TN-Pharma it's correctly dosed ,lab grade equipment has been used in the manufacturing process not to mention the substances source not China substances
Wait till you see the lab results before you talk tras ok

And let me tell you something yes people do buy TN at those prices and we ship a lot to USA, those same people who are tired of the so called 25-30$ a bottle bunk garage cooked gear ,underdosed no known source of the substances and getting PIP AF

We all know those labs some of them so cheaply made they they don't even put a label on the bottle those same labs that mostly use Test Propionate just because it's the cheapest substance to make if lucky maybe 30-40% Test E ,not to mention the expensive substances like Masterone ,Deca Durabolin , Tren,A,E,Heha , Primo the list goes on and on

What do you have to say about the Bulk Mix which has exactly 650mg TN BULK MIX 650MG/ML(Drostanolone E 100mg,Trenbolone E 150mg,Testosterone E 200mg,Boldenone 200mg),which if you have to buy it all separate it would cost you more than 200$ and its nearly impossible to find this kind of gear put together with this consistency

I won't even comment the orals ,maybe you are going to claim that you can gett a 100 tabs x 10 mg of anavar for 50$ ain't no way , you most likely will get 50% purity of a Stromba

Before you trash talk next time remember what cheap it ain't good and what's good ain't cheap !!!
Literally nothing but cheap ass talk lmao your a fuckin joke
Nothing but trash talking domestic sources you know NOTHING about
But yet have zero evidence to support any of the claims you’ve made
Where’s these pharm grade labs pics ????
Where’s the raws certification it’s not from China ??? And HPLC testing ?
You write big checks with no cash in the bank bud
Blah blah blah
Seriously didn’t even finish reading your shit post
Legit sounds like a used car dealer trying to sell me that 91 Ford with 600,000 miles
First off
let me get this clear to you @LittleD90

There is a reason for those prices
TN-Pharma it's correctly dosed ,lab grade equipment has been used in the manufacturing process not to mention the substances source not China substances
Wait till you see the lab results before you talk tras ok

And let me tell you something yes people do buy TN at those prices and we ship a lot to USA, those same people who are tired of the so called 25-30$ a bottle bunk garage cooked gear ,underdosed no known source of the substances and getting PIP AF

We all know those labs some of them so cheaply made they they don't even put a label on the bottle those same labs that mostly use Test Propionate just because it's the cheapest substance to make if lucky maybe 30-40% Test E ,not to mention the expensive substances like Masterone ,Deca Durabolin , Tren,A,E,Heha , Primo the list goes on and on

What do you have to say about the Bulk Mix which has exactly 650mg TN BULK MIX 650MG/ML(Drostanolone E 100mg,Trenbolone E 150mg,Testosterone E 200mg,Boldenone 200mg),which if you have to buy it all separate it would cost you more than 200$ and its nearly impossible to find this kind of gear put together with this consistency

I won't even comment the orals ,maybe you are going to claim that you can gett a 100 tabs x 10 mg of anavar for 50$ ain't no way , you most likely will get 50% purity of a Stromba

Before you trash talk next time remember what cheap it ain't good and what's good ain't cheap !!!
First off
let me get this clear to you @LittleD90

There is a reason for those prices
TN-Pharma it's correctly dosed ,lab grade equipment has been used in the manufacturing process not to mention the substances source not China substances
Wait till you see the lab results before you talk tras ok

And let me tell you something yes people do buy TN at those prices and we ship a lot to USA, those same people who are tired of the so called 25-30$ a bottle bunk garage cooked gear ,underdosed no known source of the substances and getting PIP AF

We all know those labs some of them so cheaply made they they don't even put a label on the bottle those same labs that mostly use Test Propionate just because it's the cheapest substance to make if lucky maybe 30-40% Test E ,not to mention the expensive substances like Masterone ,Deca Durabolin , Tren,A,E,Heha , Primo the list goes on and on

What do you have to say about the Bulk Mix which has exactly 650mg TN BULK MIX 650MG/ML(Drostanolone E 100mg,Trenbolone E 150mg,Testosterone E 200mg,Boldenone 200mg),which if you have to buy it all separate it would cost you more than 200$ and its nearly impossible to find this kind of gear put together with this consistency

I won't even comment the orals ,maybe you are going to claim that you can gett a 100 tabs x 10 mg of anavar for 50$ ain't no way , you most likely will get 50% purity of a Stromba

Before you trash talk next time remember what cheap it ain't good and what's good ain't cheap !!!
Well, now its my time to shatter you little shithead.

1)You pointed out that all your gear was Pharma, then i called you out and you said that TN was an UGL, but a good one.
2)There are only two places that make raws, China and India, Bayern and a lot of Pharma companies use those raws, but yeah “no China raws”, so basically that lab created the molecule from scratch right? Do you mind telling me which vegetable they used to synthesize them and how was the process?
3)Raws are cheap, same as HGH, the process is pretty simple, anyone telling you that you should pay overpriced gear is scamming you.
3)You didn’t show any lab tests to support your claims, so yeah, fuck off.
@pharmagear no offense but you should make check the pharmasource pharma only thread to compare prices.
the sopharma ephedrine, omnadren etc is literally less than half the price (almost a third).
and his is also pharma..
i guess your business here will be next to nothing with your prices and the established competition out there..