Well, now its my time to shatter you little shithead.
1)You pointed out that all your gear was Pharma, then i called you out and you said that TN was an UGL, but a good one.
2)There are only two places that make raws, China and India, Bayern and a lot of Pharma companies use those raws, but yeah “no China raws”, so basically that lab created the molecule from scratch right? Do you mind telling me which vegetable they used to synthesize them and how was the process?
3)Raws are cheap, same as HGH, the process is pretty simple, anyone telling you that you should pay overpriced gear is scamming you.
3)You didn’t show any lab tests to support your claims, so yeah, fuck off.
We totally believe you that this TN UG Lab use the same raw powders as Bayer.