Pinned primo and have crazy anxiety now


After a cruise my cruise, on monday i pinned:

2ml test e at 250mg/ml

2,5ml primobolan at 100mg/ml

Since then my heartbeat is very fast, i have trouble falling asleep because heart is racing...

Is it normal? Primo is from qsc
It's not normal.

And I doubt it's from the steroids. There hasn't been enough time for them to really even build up in your system.
So you pinned 500 mgs of test and 250 mgs of primo in one shot ?

And what does the first sentence mean ?

What’s your height and weight ?
So you pinned 500 mgs of test and 250 mgs of primo in one shot ?

And what does the first sentence mean ?

ah sorry, i was writing from phone and messed up editing, too late now, wanted to say "after a cruise"

i used two syringes, primo in one glute, test on the other...

i did primo years ago and didnt feel this but you know, sometimes cycles affect you differently so i ask if it can be normal just in case
You could be sensitive to dopamine spike that primo causes.

Even tho it’s an enanthate ester I feel primo effects same day. At least the mental ones. I take amphetamine meds for adhd and when I pin primo in higher amounts I feel the dopamine boost , which to an adhd person is opposite of neurotypicals. For me it makes me super drowsy and it’s calming. With primo it happens same day. With Masteron. Prop it’s not as pronounced but the mast effects are about a day after pin for me and only at 120+ mg daily pin

I’ve tried a number of DHT compounds and would say that primo hits the bullseye for dopamine. Only winny comes close (at 100mg IM daily )
I found this:

DHT has been shown to increase circulating epinephrine levels (adrenaline), this can cause anxiety in predisposed individuals, however, most of the time, this is not the case, since DHT also increases GABA activity in the brain, which is relaxing
Sometimes the simplest solution is the right answer. Drop the primo for now, let your symptoms clear then reintroduce, if you face the same problems, then you can conclude it's the culprit.

It's sometimes trial and error for we have different reactions to these drugs.
Can you check your blood pressure and heart rate? Primo gives me higher heart rate and higher blood pressure, and I take Nebivolol and Telmisartan to control it. You probably need to do the same thing.
Can you check your blood pressure and heart rate? Primo gives me higher heart rate and higher blood pressure, and I take Nebivolol and Telmisartan to control it. You probably need to do the same thing.
Sometimes the simplest solution is the right answer. Drop the primo for now, let your symptoms clear then reintroduce, if you face the same problems, then you can conclude it's the culprit.

It's sometimes trial and error for we have different reactions to these drugs.

I get increased BP and heart rate. Its a nightmare trying to fall asleep, even as i write (pinned yesterday) i have anxiety. Would love to take a nap but heart pounding wont let me.

Ive been pinning and paying attention to symptoms, its definitely the days i pin primo and also the next day.

I dont want to go to the "use meds so i can use more gear" route, i will simply drop it.
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I get increased BP and heart rate. Its a nightmare trying to fall asleep, even as i write (pinned yesterday) i have anxiety. Would love to take a nap but heart pounding wont let me.

Ive been pinning and paying attention to symptoms, its definitely the days i pin primo and also the next day.

I dont want to go to the "use meds so i can use more gear" route, i will simply drop it.
Make sure you check your blood pressure and heart rate regularly, on and off gear. Just because you don't feel anything doesn't mean both aren't too high. In the event that you figure out your blood pressure and heart rate are too high, with or without gear, you'll want to take blood pressure medications anyway.

Sometimes learning you have high blood pressure from gear can be a blessing in disguise, because it prompts you to treat it instead having decades go by untreated.
Since i starts 225mg of primo and 500mg test E. I wake up every night like so wide awake it’s crazy bc I sometimes can’t go back to bed