Pinning Regiments


I am curious to know about everyone else’s pinning regiments.

What days are you pinning?
What spots do you rotate?
How much volume are you pinning?
Do you do any subq or all IM?
What is your hygiene/sanitation routine?
Any specific things you do that help with your schedule?
On a small blast with long esters Monday Thursday quads and glutes if over 1ml tricep/delt if 1ml and under. All oil IM subq is for peptides and I’ll die on that hill. Swab vials swab injection site while alcohol dries on top of vials load with 18g swap to 25 or 23 tip or load and pin with a slin pin. If I miss a day of pinning I’ll just pin the next
I am curious to know about everyone else’s pinning regiments.

What days are you pinning?
What spots do you rotate?
How much volume are you pinning?
Do you do any subq or all IM?
What is your hygiene/sanitation routine?
Any specific things you do that help with your schedule?
I’m currently pinning Mon, Wed, Fri.
I do shoulders and lats.
I do ~2 cc.
All is going IM.
I do a 90% isopropyl alcohol clean on the counter then I clean all the vials with 70% wipes before pulling oil. I clean pinning area in a circular motion from the inside to outside 2 times and then I add pressure after I’m done with wipe as well.
I usually prep all my harpoons for the week on a Sunday.
I’ve been debating using quads or glutes but my glutes get huge knots after every pin. My shoulders have been like pinning into a rubber band need to find a different route. I’ve been debating using slin pins every day since I’m starting gh. Any of you do daily pins any recommendations?
Any of you do daily pins any recommendations?
I inject pretty much daily, Tuesday-Sunday between quads and shoulders.
1cc with a 30g 1 inch needle
Some people say they get PIP on quads (and can't walk) that lasts over 1 week and that's not from the oil but more like they injected right through a nerve. I've had that happen a few times so I learned quickly on which spots I can't inject lol.
I’m still trying to find my preferred frequency as I started out doing 1x week but that had me with a lil dip halfway through so I moved to 2x week n it’s a lot more stable but it’s not as much of a noticeable difference as it was when doing it once (when I did it once it felt fkin amazing, I’m guessing due to the higher dosages).

But since I’m going to be starting a blast real soon imma probably start out doing 2x a week but with the dosage I do total for cruise then taper up from there, so will start with 120 twice a week then if all is chill n no sides imma go up to 200 twice a week, oh n I always do IM in the glutes (need to find VG n figure out quads as I don’t want to build up scar tissue but yeah IM is the way idk why anyone would do SQ even if just for trt purposes like it’s the same thing you might as well do the more effective way, idk why tf sub cutaneous is so popular as it makes close to zero sense absorption wise n people end up with more lumps with that than with the good old classics, not saying it doesn’t absorb but why pin under the skin when the best way is IM? To me it seems more like people are afraid to put the needle deep so they do a halfway pin cos it makes em feel like they did something safer, which idk if it even is but I’m not sure so I’m not gonna speak on that specifically)
I inject pretty much daily, Tuesday-Sunday between quads and shoulders.
1cc with a 30g 1 inch needle
Some people say they get PIP on quads (and can't walk) that lasts over 1 week and that's not from the oil but more like they injected right through a nerve. I've had that happen a few times so I learned quickly on which spots I can't inject lol.
are are you doing your quad shots?
With longer esters I like Mon/Wed/Fri, on shorter esters I do it every day. I rotate delts, lats, and VG and rarely ever hit scar tissue. Also using 27G insulin needles
To me it seems more like people are afraid to put the needle deep so they do a halfway pin cos it makes em feel like they did something safer, which idk if it even is but I’m not sure so I’m not gonna speak on that specifically)

Well, you just said it..aren't you? You clearly believe that everyone is doing sq is a pussy, don't try to hide behind your finger. Do what you feel is best for you, there's no reason to throw shit if you can't support it with some facts. I've already told you the reasons i do sq and no, i don't think it's the only way or the best way. It's the most convenient for me at least for now. If i had started the gear 5-10 years ago i'd most definitely pin IM as this was the only known way to go, but now it seems it ain't the only one. I did bloodwork and levels are good, who knows..if i did IM they might be better. I don't f care if i waste 0,01ml in case if it doesn't absorbs all of it. It's cheap af, if i want higher test levels i'll up my dose. If someone's worried about the T being wasted so much i guess he's doing test suspension or at least prop so he can limit the waste of the ester, right?

I hope this clean up your thoughts a little.

I am curious to know about everyone else’s pinning regiments.

What days are you pinning?
What spots do you rotate?
How much volume are you pinning?
Do you do any subq or all IM?
What is your hygiene/sanitation routine?
Any specific things you do that help with your schedule?
Monday Wednesday Friday
Lats, Delts, ventrogluteal, glutes
4.2 ml per spot
all IM
desinfect, wait, inject, press on it to stop eventual bleeding, desinfect
I warm up my gear in the syringe for even better viscuosity
What days are you pinning?
Monday or tuesday.
What spots do you rotate?
Left cheek & right cheek ass that is lol.
How much volume are you pinning?
0.5ml (125mg), used to 1ml.
Do you do any subq or all IM?
Shallow IM if that's a thing, possibly sq.
What is your hygiene/sanitation routine?
Wipe vial before drawing and injection spot. 2 wipes per procedure.
Any specific things you do that help with your schedule?
Using good quality and reputable labs. Never had infections, 6th year of enhanced lifestyle.

Bonus question 1 - injection frequency:
1x week.

Bonus question 2 - substance:
Testosterone undecanoate.

Bonus question 3 - purpose:
Monday or tuesday.

Left cheek & right cheek ass that is lol.

0.5ml (125mg), used to 1ml.

Shallow IM if that's a thing, possibly sq.

Wipe vial before drawing and injection spot. 2 wipes per procedure.

Using good quality and reputable labs. Never had infections, 6th year of enhanced lifestyle.

Bonus question 1 - injection frequency:
1x week.

Bonus question 2 - substance:
Testosterone undecanoate.

Bonus question 3 - purpose:
Bonus question 4 - syringe type:
Insulin syringes (1ml)
29G x1/2” 0,33x12,7 mm.
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Well, you just said it..aren't you? You clearly believe that everyone is doing sq is a pussy, don't try to hide behind your finger. Do what you feel is best for you, there's no reason to throw shit if you can't support it with some facts. I've already told you the reasons i do sq and no, i don't think it's the only way or the best way. It's the most convenient for me at least for now. If i had started the gear 5-10 years ago i'd most definitely pin IM as this was the only known way to go, but now it seems it ain't the only one. I did bloodwork and levels are good, who knows..if i did IM they might be better. I don't f care if i waste 0,01ml in case if it doesn't absorbs all of it. It's cheap af, if i want higher test levels i'll up my dose. If someone's worried about the T being wasted so much i guess he's doing test suspension or at least prop so he can limit the waste of the ester, right?

I hope this clean up your thoughts a little.


Bro you’re drawing a pretty broad conclusion from a comment I wrote that doesn’t indicate that, unless you read it that way. Maybe I wrote it in a not so clear way but I never meant it to mean that, I just meant that many people doing SQ is something newer n that I don’t understand the reasoning behind it (as if you’re gonna pin you might as well do the thing that has the most proven efficacy), nothing more nothing less. Idk why you feel personally attacked or sumn cos I even replied to you in a very civil and curious way, you stressed out or sumn? Either way for real I repeat: to each their own I ain’t telling anyone what to do it’s just general curiosity and opinion that’s all, imma check out the vid you linked though n yeah mane chill out ahah I guess SQ must be working well if you’re getting so annoyed over a random comment :p (n to be clear this time, nah even this lil joke I just made is not me being sarcastic I’m just fkin around with ya so take it easy bro n thanks for the video imma check it out after I leave work)
Bro you’re drawing a pretty broad conclusion from a comment I wrote that doesn’t indicate that, unless you read it that way. Maybe I wrote it in a not so clear way but I never meant it to mean that, I just meant that many people doing SQ is something newer n that I don’t understand the reasoning behind it (as if you’re gonna pin you might as well do the thing that has the most proven efficacy), nothing more nothing less. Idk why you feel personally attacked or sumn cos I even replied to you in a very civil and curious way, you stressed out or sumn? Either way for real I repeat: to each their own I ain’t telling anyone what to do it’s just general curiosity and opinion that’s all, imma check out the vid you linked though n yeah mane chill out ahah I guess SQ must be working well if you’re getting so annoyed over a random comment :p (n to be clear this time, nah even this lil joke I just made is not me being sarcastic I’m just fkin around with ya so take it easy bro n thanks for the video imma check it out after I leave work)

Pal, you were like "i don't get why some guys pin sq on" the other thread, fair enough if you don't know and that's something not everyone knows or must know. I replied to you with many reasons that besides me i believe all the guys that pin sq can relate. 3 days after you're in another thread wondering why some guys pin sq while speculating they do it because they're afraid of large needles.. I just can't find any logic to this, if you know certain reasons pinning sq is bad or dangerous or less effective i'm interested to hear.
I am curious to know about everyone else’s pinning regiments.

What days are you pinning?
What spots do you rotate?
How much volume are you pinning?
Do you do any subq or all IM?
What is your hygiene/sanitation routine?
Any specific things you do that help with your schedule?
Monday - Saturday. Sundays off.
Delts, glutes and lats.
2.5ml of sust, npp and eq
all IM
Clean with an alcohol swab
Shoot first thing AM after meal 1
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I like Monday Saturday on a blast easy 6 spots glutes quads delts. No weird spots.

1 ampule sustanon ED in the off season 6ml total of testosterone not too much not too little.

On a cut half ml ripped mix half ml sustanon replace the sustanon with winstrol/sdrol/Tren to peak.

So Monday to Saturday for me no more than 1 ml anymore.

For cruising I prefer Monday/Thusday or just 1 ampule on thusday depends on lifestyle.

Also backfilling insulin syringes exclusively I’m not pining anymore with harpoons
Just started cycle. I inject 3.5ml ed, rotating between delts, lats, traps, pecs, vg, and arms sometimes.
Shot is divided between left and right when doing traps, pecs, and arms. Pecs provide 3 locations (upper, mid, lower), delts also ( front, mid, rear) lats I'll do close to same thing.
I don't do any shots below the belt except vg. Not that I can reach my ass anymore anyway lol. I have a hard enough time wiping my own ass! I actually time my shits for just before the shower.
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Just started cycle. I inject 3.5ml ed, rotating between delts, lats, traps, pecs, vg, and arms sometimes.
Shot is divided between left and right when doing traps, pecs, and arms. Pecs provide 3 locations (upper, mid, lower), delts also ( front, mid, rear) lats I'll do close to same thing.
I don't do any shots below the belt except vg. Not that I can reach my ass anymore anyway lol. I have a hard enough time wiping my own ass! I actually time my shits for just before the shower.

What size needle are you using for your pecs? I've only ever done 1ml in my pecs, you don't have any issues with that volume?
What size needle are you using for your pecs? I've only ever done 1ml in my pecs, you don't have any issues with that volume?
25g 1" needle. No issues with 3cc though it's usually closer to 2 or less. Front and rear delts never get more then 2ml. Most other areas are no problem with 3cc.
I am curious to know about everyone else’s pinning regiments.

What days are you pinning?
What spots do you rotate?
How much volume are you pinning?
Do you do any subq or all IM?
What is your hygiene/sanitation routine?
Any specific things you do that help with your schedule?
Pin everyday when on.
Rotate Delts, Quads, Ventroglutes, and calves.
Usually no more than 1cc unless i’m throwing in some B.
Alc swab vial then site then pin.
I prep my needles swabs and syringe before I go to bed so i just have to warm up vials in the morning.