Pinning Regiments

I do! I put multiple compounds in 1 load and throw it in!! I do the same with peptide 3 or 4 different peptides in one load and throw it in.
Why wouldn't you? If not since I pin 3 co.pounds daily that would be 21 different injection sites a week vs 7.
also some labs are making blends with multiple compounds it's not different than using those!
I agree. I use the 27g 1 1/2" for arms and it works great. Other areas it's just easier for me to use 25g. I have a hard time reaching a lot of spots anymore, so it takes me long enough just to push thru a 25g needle.
And I also always heat up the syringe under hot water as well.
27g takes forever to pin with GSO
Pinning EOD
Rotating VG and DG
Shallow IM with 0.5inch pin
Swabbing rubber stopper, then injection site, pin, swabbing injection site again
On iphone you can schedule your drugs in the Health app, so if you pin different drugs/peptides in different days you can be reminded and you can also log them
Damn thats a good way to keep up with you pinning

If I am running high doses of Test or other compounds.
If so I would inject 2 times a week-Monday and Thursday

Ex: Monday 250mg Test C

Thursday 250mg Test C
Also any other injectable compounds
IM for larger dose

Short Esters EOD
Sub Q

ATM I currently on low dose of test so I am trying out Sub Q 30 ml EOD

It was a weird adjustment after being used to IM but much more comfortable and less scar tissue.
Yo I just did a glute shot of 1ml 250test with 1" needle. I've been doing glute shots all along except for a few quad shots. Well today I injected my right glute but I went a little bit more on the side. It felt fine just like all the others but then I started thinking what if I'm not going deep enough. I buried the needle and then some like always, (relaxed/indented ass cheek) how do you know if your not going deep enough? I just order 1.5" for peace of mind.

Oh I do 250TE every 3 days and 100npp eod
Yo I just did a glute shot of 1ml 250test with 1" needle. I've been doing glute shots all along except for a few quad shots. Well today I injected my right glute but I went a little bit more on the side. It felt fine just like all the others but then I started thinking what if I'm not going deep enough. I buried the needle and then some like always, (relaxed/indented ass cheek) how do you know if your not going deep enough? I just order 1.5" for peace of mind.

Oh I do 250TE every 3 days and 100npp eod
1" should really be enough unless you are very obese, especially as you go more to the side
1" should really be enough unless you are very obese, especially as you go more to the side
Im probably >20%bf..If I flex my glute there's enough there to pinch buts it tough. Maybe I'm over thinking it. Is there any way to know if you didn't go IM? I've never gotten lumps or pip or anything like that.
Yo I just did a glute shot of 1ml 250test with 1" needle. I've been doing glute shots all along except for a few quad shots. Well today I injected my right glute but I went a little bit more on the side. It felt fine just like all the others but then I started thinking what if I'm not going deep enough. I buried the needle and then some like always, (relaxed/indented ass cheek) how do you know if your not going deep enough? I just order 1.5" for peace of mind.

Oh I do 250TE every 3 days and 100npp eod
I was doing a protcal like this. Before I went to daily.. if I was you I would just break your test up to eod injections with your npp. It would be less pinning in the long run.. just mo
Im probably >20%bf..If I flex my glute there's enough there to pinch buts it tough. Maybe I'm over thinking it. Is there any way to know if you didn't go IM? I've never gotten lumps or pip or anything like that.
I think your fine I do 1in in the glute and 1.5 and don't notice a difference
Im probably >20%bf..If I flex my glute there's enough there to pinch buts it tough. Maybe I'm over thinking it. Is there any way to know if you didn't go IM? I've never gotten lumps or pip or anything like that.
You’re fine I’ve done glutes with 1/2” slin pin when I wasn’t super lean and never had a problem
I've been rotating the 3 delt heads, lats, vg, and dorsoglute. Decided to try very high upper quads recently. Left side was easy. No issues. But damn I did right side today and just putting the needle in hurt. I only got 0.3cc in before I gave up from the burn running up and down my leg. Ouch. Luckily it went away in about minute and it hasn't hurt since. I'm open to trying again but moving slightly up or down to another spot. You think I hit a nerve? Using 29ga 1/2" insulin pins for IM everywhere. I have very thin skin
Anyone ever use 20g for glute shots. I have 20g 1.5" for refiltering purposes and was gonna try those but when i put that fat fucker on the rig and popped the cover off I pussed out
Anyone ever use 20g for glute shots. I have 20g 1.5" for refiltering purposes and was gonna try those but when i put that fat fucker on the rig and popped the cover off I pussed out
That sounds painful man. I would imagine the scar tissue build up would be an issue
My 25g 1.5" came in today and took my npp with one. I didn't notice a difference from the 1" but it gave me peace of mind so in that sense it was worth it. Again this is all probably me thinking to much about it. Thanks for the thread @Aheio