Pinning Regiments

Actual TRT 150mg IM on Mondays in Glute. Rotate cheeks every week. Have bumped it up to a “sports TRT “the last month same regiment.

Havent cycled in a few years as I came off TRT for fertility for 8 months and only been back on since may of this year. Baby is due next month and i want to it to just TRT+until I get a handle on being a father.

Going to be an older dad(45) so my cycle choices going forward will be different than if I was a bachelor. Have only used test and Anavar cycles in the past. This coming summer I’m planning on running 400-500 test and 600 primo with a anavar finish. Will likely do mon/thur injects on opposing glutes for this coming run. Have wanted to run primo for a while as it’s a nice and smooth compound for older lads and putting on size isn’t in my interests right now. I’m actually looking to lean out and be as functional and mobile as possible as my old ass will be chasing a kid around very soon!
I have zero experience with TRT, but will start next week. Just waiting for my script. The needle looks like a harpoon compared to what I use for my peptides. Holy shit it’s huge, and girthy…

I’m pondering splitting this in two doses and going SubQ instead of IM.
I have zero experience with TRT, but will start next week. Just waiting for my script. The needle looks like a harpoon compared to what I use for my peptides. Holy shit it’s huge, and girthy…

I’m pondering splitting this in two doses and going SubQ instead of IM.
All you need are 25g 1" pins.
Right now I pin daily on 400 Test C, 400 Mast P a week, which works out to about 0.85ml of oil per day. I rotate lateral delts, lats, VG, and glutes. Left lat and medial glute are having some tightness/muscle knot issues so i’m skipping those sites on the left side
What days are you pinning?
What spots do you rotate?
How much volume are you pinning?
Do you do any subq or all IM?
What is your hygiene/sanitation routine?
Any specific things you do that help with your schedule?

Daily administration
Quads and delts.
.3ml cruise, 1ml blast test C and primo 1:1
all IM, I get reactions from subq
alcohol spray my work area, my hands, alcohol wipe on the vial and injection site
backfill insulin syringes. 29ga, 1/2"
I am curious to know about everyone else’s pinning regiments.

What days are you pinning?
What spots do you rotate?
How much volume are you pinning?
Do you do any subq or all IM?
What is your hygiene/sanitation routine?
Any specific things you do that help with your schedule?
1) running enanthate esters so I pin twice weekly. The days are irrelevant, as long as they're evenly spaced. If running short esters, need to pin ED or EOD. The more stable the blood levels, the less sides you're likely to experience

2) Lats/Delts/Glutes. Used to pin quads too but have knicked a few veins and just find the other spots easier now

3) 2.5ML (1.5ML mast e 200 + 1ML test e 250)

4) IM only

5) Use 2 alcohol wipes. One wipe to sanitize the top of the vial before drawing the gear. One alcohol wipe to sanitize the injection site before jabbing. Syringes come sterilized and packaged to maintain sterilization.

6) I use a massage gun on the area after to reduce PIP/soreness. You can also lightly heat up the oil with a heating pad to make it draw/pin easier, and reduce pip as well
If you heat up the oil before drawing, all you need are 27g pins even for GSO (and they make 27g in 1.25" and 1.5" for VG/DG).

Planning to try 29g for the MCT based oils.
I agree. I use the 27g 1 1/2" for arms and it works great. Other areas it's just easier for me to use 25g. I have a hard time reaching a lot of spots anymore, so it takes me long enough just to push thru a 25g needle.
And I also always heat up the syringe under hot water as well.
I am curious to know about everyone else’s pinning regiments.

What days are you pinning?
What spots do you rotate?
How much volume are you pinning?
Do you do any subq or all IM?
What is your hygiene/sanitation routine?
Any specific things you do that help with your schedule?

Pinning EOD
Rotating VG and DG
Shallow IM with 0.5inch pin
Swabbing rubber stopper, then injection site, pin, swabbing injection site again
On iphone you can schedule your drugs in the Health app, so if you pin different drugs/peptides in different days you can be reminded and you can also log them
Pinning daily 1.1ml primo80/test85/npp60 I rotate 6 spots glutes quads and belts. Gonna keep the daily pinning until I get labs in a week then I may switch to eod and see if I can tell there is any difference feelz wise. I do 1 and 1.5 inch mostly 25gauge I sometimes use 23 in the glutes and quads.
This is one of the easiest and quickest ways to get the job done. Spray it down with ethanol and gtg.

I use the hair dryer for 10 sec, it does the job too. Some folks put the syringe in microwave for 10-12 sec..without the needle of course xD

Also i have to say that no matter where i looked in my country, i can't find 27G 1 1/4 or even 1in needles. Also for some reason the BD 1ml syringes with luer lock cost almost 40 bucks per 100 pieces without the needles while the 1ml slin pins from BD cost 12 bucks. Sucks.
Mix of test c, primo and tren hex ed rotating quads 29g 1/2” slin pin. Backload a bunch for the week and do one every morning
M,W,F split 200mg/1ML test-c into thirds (about 3.3ml per shot) and rotate stomach, delts, glutes, quads. 1/2 inch 27G needle. I preload a weeks worth of insulin needles on Sunday. swab the top of the vile with alcohol and swab the injection site before and after injection.
Do you guys mix oils in same syringe, for example test e and primo e?
Yes if it's convenient I do it. For example my TU/EQ run 2022 summer was 1x weekly injection all fitted in to single 3ml syringe.

P.S. carrier oil were gso and sesame.
Do you guys mix oils in same syringe, for example test e and primo e?
I do! I put multiple compounds in 1 load and throw it in!! I do the same with peptide 3 or 4 different peptides in one load and throw it in.
Why wouldn't you? If not since I pin 3 co.pounds daily that would be 21 different injection sites a week vs 7.