PIP Free Sources


New Member
I'm increasingly beginning to believe that PIP isn't normal and should not be tolerated under any circumstances. Used to regularly get severe PIP from UGL test cyp and deca, often forming what appeared to be large, red, painful abscesses. Never had PIP once since switching to prescription for both test and deca.

PIP is probably indicative of contamination, excess solvent, or some other kind of impurity. Not something normal and benign. In my case, extreme PIP persisted even after sterilizing with a syringe filter, indicating that it was something besides microbial contamination.

Hoping this thread can serve as a resource for labs with/without PIP. List sources you've used which either have PIP, or are completely PIP free here.
I'm increasingly beginning to believe that PIP isn't normal and should not be tolerated under any circumstances. Used to regularly get severe PIP from UGL test cyp and deca, often forming what appeared to be large, red, painful abscesses. Never had PIP once since switching to prescription for both test and deca.

PIP is probably indicative of contamination, excess solvent, or some other kind of impurity. Not something normal and benign. In my case, extreme PIP persisted even after sterilizing with a syringe filter, indicating that it was something besides microbial contamination.

Hoping this thread can serve as a resource for labs with/without PIP. List sources you've used which either have PIP, or are completely PIP free here
list your so called sources that give you such pip… or are you just not able to handle simple pinning. Trying to be as nice as possible here lol
list your so called sources that give you such pip… or are you just not able to handle simple pinning. Trying to be as nice as possible here lol
As I said in the OP, I pin prescription test + deca weekly, obtained through a clinic. I'm familiar with what a normal response to an injection should be. No bump, no redness, no pain. I've used various UGLs on and off since 2014. Most aren't around anymore. Only sources I don't recall getting PIP from were Astro and Bioniche, though I wasn't really paying attention back then. Worst PIP I've ever had was Pharmacom test E. Each pin produced an abscess the size of my fist. Had to toss 5 vials. That experience is what ultimately led me to get a script.
That is your problem. Just do i.m. injections like everyone else.
Though pharma gear still produces no PIP regardless of injection method? What is separating the two? I'm not convinced how you pin should matter. I used to pin IM quads/glutes/ventroglutes when I was a beginner. Stopped after getting localized numbness in my left quad from hitting nerves. Just seems like unnecessary damage to tissues, nerves, blood vessels, etc.. Plus if you ever end up with an infection, you're going to be worse off the deeper it is.

Edit: I'll also add that when you pin gear that produces severe PIP IM, you're likely still getting the same net inflammatory response. You're only pushing it deeper where it will have an even more damaging effect to actual muscle tissue, and/or just cause a larger influx of systemic inflammation.
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That is making assumptions and probably not necessarily jump right to it’s entirely sanitary related. It could be things like volume, pins, solvents, carrier, formulations, site, immune response, etc. or perhaps a combination of those. Maybe you are allergic to one of the commonly used substances in UGL gear. Many UGLs certainly don’t all have access to pharmaceutical grade supplies and equipment. To play devils advocate here Im not sure why it matters if you are getting pharma products? Most of us would say it’s just part of the beast that is UGL’s. Of course everyone is different and therefore different reactions to different substances. I’m certainly not saying that all UGLs have pharmaceutical safety and sanitation standards but the good ones have a pretty solid track record and reputation, others have failed and get exposed quickly thanks to our community.

No virgin ass here, but when I first pinned a reliable UGL high-concentration Primo it was a literal pain in the ass. So much so I was hesitant to pin it again but I knew the game and I also knew what normal PIP is and when it’s so bad medical care is necessary. By my 3rd pin it was effectively gone. Gear was solid but turns out excessive inflammation and pain was due to an allergy to the carrier oil.

Stick with your pharma if it’s necessary but eventually I’d bet you experience some level of PIP with that at some point too.
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In my opinion if you complain about pain then stop using the compound or the labs. You cannot base it off other people since we have different tolerances.

You might think you are not sensitive but compared to others you’re a little bitch, so your experience might differ even using the same gear at the same concentration.

Anyway, point is if you can’t tolerate the pain, its not for you.
I wonder that all the time. Every single thread, “how’s the pip?” Not sure if it’s because millennials and after are mostly all snowflakes or what.
Ya nailed it! I can only imagine what would happen when they hit their first nerve
Or the time you pull out the needle and blood shoots across the bathroom. They’ll probably pass out from the sight of blood.
Ha! It would be a full blown Medivac situation, with every first responders en route. I think I’m bleeding out…

Meanwhile I pin an artery with 18g… give me 5min, a little gauze, super glue and some wrap and I’ll back out there.

I’m scared and saddened by the pussification.
Ya nailed it! I can only imagine what would happen when they hit their first nerve
Or the time you pull out the needle and blood shoots across the bathroom. They’ll probably pass out from the sight of blood.

Try calves. They're like city street maps of nerves and pain receptors.

And my calves didn't even fucking grow (this was 20 years ago) (calves still haven't grown).
I wonder that all the time. Every single thread, “how’s the pip?” Not sure if it’s because millennials and after are mostly all snowflakes or what.
This isn’t about pip for you is it, what did those damn millennials do to you my friend. How did they hurt you lol.


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