PIP Free Sources

Well, so far i haven't seen anyone crippling from a bad sq shot. Also haven't seen anyone with an abscess that needs to be drain or lead to a sepsis. Also i haven't seen anyone needing a deep tissue massage to reduce scar tissue..i'm only seeing post about lumps that if you're 8% bf and you do it on your abs it's awful to see, but if you pin in your buttcheeks and you have a lump here and there, yeah..not a big deal. I would propose everyone do whatever makes him happy and feel comfy enough. All roads lead to Rome..
U got me, I do use a thera gun on all my I'm injection sites.

Mainly because I'm super anal.
That’s an auto-injector not a vial of Test

Is it a test E in oil or not? The l-carnitine from the pharmacy has a big label on "intravenous only" but everyone inject it IM or SQ.. Also, we put shit in our bodies that are meant to be used by cows and horses, or HIV patients and females with breast cancer. I think a small deviation on how you pin it it's not a big deal lol
U got me, I do use a thera gun on all my I'm injection sites.

Mainly because I'm super anal.

Haha! Nice brother, it's the right thing to do if you care about the spots and the muscles you inject. Usually with low-mid oil volume you can get away if you rotate much, but still it's better if you take care of it
Is it a test E in oil or not? The l-carnitine from the pharmacy has a big label on "intravenous only" but everyone inject it IM or SQ.. Also, we put shit in our bodies that are meant to be used by cows and horses, or HIV patients and females with breast cancer. I think a small deviation on how you pin it it's not a big deal lol
My point is about the volume. An auto injector is a selected volume and it is designed for subQ. A vial of test is a vial of test and it’s up to the user to determine the volume. A vial of test subsequently says IM use only on it.
Also I’m not trying to argue. I understand your points. I personally could never do subQ on blast even if I wanted to because the volume of oil per week is way to high
I can see people using it for reasons they prefer with lower doses. I’m just not one of those people. I inject all my water based compounds IM also (hgh, peptides, preworkout, aminos) and I’ve never had a problem.
To each their own. That fair?
The OP’s problem I feel may be related to subQ but even more likely it’s because he’s sensitive to Test E or a carrier oil used by ugl?
Haha! Nice brother, it's the right thing to do if you care about the spots and the muscles you inject. Usually with low-mid oil volume you can get away if you rotate much, but still it's better if you take care of it
Yes sir, I'ma lower/medium volume guy. With some fast ester i gota inject more volume.

I use the thera gun with pressure for about 5 min each site once a week. I rotate between Bout 6 sites, takes me about 30 min a week, its do able on a busy schedule.

I learned the hard way, when I first started injecting I could only use my right hand so I abused a few spots. It taught my to be amadexrous.
U got me, I do use a thera gun on all my I'm injection sites.

Mainly because I'm super anal.
same dude. Psychologically I feel like it helps spread it around more/absorb faster (I don't know if this is necessarily true though, that's just what I tell myself). It definitely reduces PIP though.

Definitely worth investing in a massage gun
same dude. Psychologically I feel like it helps spread it around more/absorb faster (I don't know if this is necessarily true though, that's just what I tell myself). It definitely reduces PIP though.

Definitely worth investing in a massage gun
I inject everyday in the AM and I like to inject a muscle I’m going to use that day. Pecs or delts on chest day. Traps or lats on back day, quads or glutes on leg day.
I inject everyday in the AM and I like to inject a muscle I’m going to use that day. Pecs or delts on chest day. Traps or lats on back day, quads or glutes on leg day.
I've heard that before,

What do you think the benefits of that is?

Volumization or inflimation or somthing?
I usto think was probably mental but mabe theres more too it.
I inject everyday in the AM and I like to inject a muscle I’m going to use that day. Pecs or delts on chest day. Traps or lats on back day, quads or glutes on leg day.
Do you feel like it hinders your workout at all? I usually jab whatever muscle I worked the previous day (or the day before that) so that I'm 100% on whatever muscle im about to train. I guess it doesn't really matter though if you're not getting PIP that interferes with the lift, but I couldn't imagine pinning glutes then going and squatting lol, I feel like it would be a slight hindrance.
My point is about the volume. An auto injector is a selected volume and it is designed for subQ. A vial of test is a vial of test and it’s up to the user to determine the volume. A vial of test subsequently says IM use only on it.
Also I’m not trying to argue. I understand your points. I personally could never do subQ on blast even if I wanted to because the volume of oil per week is way to high
I can see people using it for reasons they prefer with lower doses. I’m just not one of those people. I inject all my water based compounds IM also (hgh, peptides, preworkout, aminos) and I’ve never had a problem.
To each their own. That fair?
The OP’s problem I feel may be related to subQ but even more likely it’s because he’s sensitive to Test E or a carrier oil used by ugl?

Yeah man, to each their own. If you do 10-15 ml per week it's impossible to do it sq and pointless to mix between the 2 because you ll mess up the absorption times. So far i'm speaking for myself, i'm on 215 test per week only and the volume is negligible. When i up the volume perhaps i'll need to switch, i don't know this yet. And i never said it's superior because i haven't tried IM to state a honest opinion. Many guys say that with 0,8ml or 1ml max per day they doin ok. I have quite sometime to reach that amount. Regarding the OP's problem, if it's a carrier oil intolerance i think it will persist even if he goes IM, i think a hs CRP would tell the truth. Is there a chance to has a reaction only on his skin/fat? Perhaps, i don't for sure..but if he gets it only on UGL and with pharma is ok, i blame it on the solvents/carrier oil and not on the way of pinning.

I learned the hard way, when I first started injecting I could only use my right hand so I abused a few spots. It taught my to be amadexrous.

Weird thing, i'm right handed but my left hand shots are the most steady haha
Yes sir, I'ma lower/medium volume guy. With some fast ester i gota inject more volume.

I use the thera gun with pressure for about 5 min each site once a week. I rotate between Bout 6 sites, takes me about 30 min a week, its do able on a busy schedule.

I learned the hard way, when I first started injecting I could only use my right hand so I abused a few spots. It taught my to be amadexrous.
Are you still using regular 3ml syringes with 25g needles or became a bitch like me who switched to insulin needles?

I find scar tissue build up is way lower and definitely zero bruising since I switched even if I have used same insulin pins to inject 3x for 3ml loads. I know its 3 holes instead of 1 but still 29g feels nothing at all .
Do you feel like it hinders your workout at all? I usually jab whatever muscle I worked the previous day (or the day before that) so that I'm 100% on whatever muscle im about to train. I guess it doesn't really matter though if you're not getting PIP that interferes with the lift, but I couldn't imagine pinning glutes then going and squatting lol, I feel like it would be a slight hindrance.
Yeah it doesn’t affect my workout at all, but that’s just me. I could easily see where it might for some and then it wouldn’t be a good method for them. Since it doesn’t affect me I feel it gets the blood moving around in that muscle and makes a noticeable positive difference for me personally.
I get it, you’re trying to help this guy but he’s his own worst enemy. Pin IM or stop complaining. To the ppl that pin sub q nothing against them, hopefully it’s a good experiment for you but don’t complain of these side affects if you do.
Yeah 100% and I completely agree. I was trying to give a milder response after myself and others knocked OP’s dick off(or lips, or both) I don’t know?

Shit I’m growing a conscious as I get old, not good.

Surprised we haven’t seen the subcutaneous pep’s jump in here yet with studies proclaiming SC route is just as effective as IM…
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Yeah man, to each their own. If you do 10-15 ml per week it's impossible to do it sq and pointless to mix between the 2 because you ll mess up the absorption times. So far i'm speaking for myself, i'm on 215 test per week only and the volume is negligible. When i up the volume perhaps i'll need to switch, i don't know this yet. And i never said it's superior because i haven't tried IM to state a honest opinion. Many guys say that with 0,8ml or 1ml max per day they doin ok. I have quite sometime to reach that amount. Regarding the OP's problem, if it's a carrier oil intolerance i think it will persist even if he goes IM, i think a hs CRP would tell the truth. Is there a chance to has a reaction only on his skin/fat? Perhaps, i don't for sure..but if he gets it only on UGL and with pharma is ok, i blame it on the solvents/carrier oil and not on the way of pinning.

Weird thing, i'm right handed but my left hand shots are the most steady haha
Yeah I’m over 10 mL a week on blast

I agree about his reaction. He had his worst reaction on Pharmacom Test E I think he said. Just BA and BB in that but I forgot what they use for carrier. If it’s MCT maybe? Also could be the Test E raws he is having a reaction to. Test C is more user friendly for many.
Are you still using regular 3ml syringes with 25g needles or became a bitch like me who switched to insulin needles?

I find scar tissue build up is way lower and definitely zero bruising since I switched even if I have used same insulin pins to inject 3x for 3ml loads. I know its 3 holes instead of 1 but still 29g feels nothing at all .
Yea I'm still using 25ga 1" for gear
30ga 1/2 for gh. I tryed slin pins but cant draw gear with em,. Mabe I'll try a 29 ga but probably not much difference.

I'm a puss I'm afraid To pinn a full 3ml.
I could probably do 1ml of gear In a slin pin ed
Yeah it doesn’t affect my workout at all, but that’s just me. I could easily see where it might for some and then it wouldn’t be a good method for them. Since it doesn’t affect me I feel it gets the blood moving around in that muscle and makes a noticeable positive difference for me personally.
Makes a lot of sense. I might try experimenting with that method
Makes a lot of sense. I might try experimenting with that method
Thays want i was assuming a volumizing effect,

If i put 2ml In each of my side delts and did shit load of lateral raises. They would be popping big time. Might hurt though cuz,my delts tend to leak.
Yea I'm still using 25ga 1" for gear
30ga 1/2 for gh. I tryed slin pins but cant draw gear with em,. Mabe I'll try a 29 ga but probably not much difference.

I'm a puss I'm afraid To pinn a full 3ml.
I could probably do 1ml of gear In a slin pin ed
I backload mine, draw it with a different syringe using 20g. Load 3ml then just load same insulin syringe three times lol
U got me, I do use a thera gun on all my I'm injection sites.

Mainly because I'm super anal.
Haha! Nice brother, it's the right thing to do if you care about the spots and the muscles you inject. Usually with low-mid oil volume you can get away if you rotate much, but still it's better if you take care of it

TimTam has been a game changer for me. Plus it feels good, like a massage.
