Planning a cycle for a fuck load of mass (health is not an object here)

Agree with this statement

I'd do
1g test
1g eq
300-400 tren
Whatever dose primo you want to run
5-8iu gh

Gh will increase igf1 and tren will shuttle it into the muscles but if the trens too high it's going to be harder to make the scale move as it increases metabolism a good bit
Yeah that is much better than what he just posted for sure
I would run:
1500-2000 Test
8-12 IU HGH
EQ or Primo (dose individual dependent)

Have low body fat%
Be huge already
Perfect diet
Perfect training regimen
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Yeah that is much better than what he just posted for sure
I would run:
1500-2000 Test
8-12 IU HGH
EQ or Primo (dose individual dependent)

Have low body fat%
Be huge already
Perfect diet
Perfect training regimen
I definitely wouldn’t start trying to put mass on at 17% body fat. Recipe for getting even fatter. That’s just my thought though I guess
Yeah I missed that too. 17% is fat. Should be 8-10% before starting any bulk, 100% agree. If you can't diet to atleast 10%, probably shouldn't even be thinking of running that much stuff
Oh man I missed that

New plan:
2000 grams of zone 2 cardio lol

Then we can discuss mass building cycle design
Exactly 8% or go on a diet
This dude 17%???
I definitely wouldn’t start trying to put mass on at 17% body fat. Recipe for getting even fatter. That’s just my thought though I guess
Oh no I agree with you guys 100% on the starting a bulk you have to be low low bf%, not sure if i mentioned this but I am in the early stage of a cut and i will get down to 12% or leaner before i bulk.
So what I'm hearing is no Gh/Insuin for now at least and drop the deca. I do handle tren quite well so I'm keeping it nice and high but my "reworked" cycle is:

Tren E 500mg
Primo 500mg
Test 750mg
EQ 750mg
have you even ran eq and primo together before? Primo?
both lower estrogen idk what youre thinking.

if you crash your estrogen thats one of the worst things for your mental health and something you should be avoiding.
basically taking two injectable a.i's with an undeclyonate ester and enanthate ester that hit at different times.

forget the primo, you dont have estrogen problems, you dont need more variables with your mental health. just do a big cycle that goes smoothly, primo wont even get you jacked.

come on dude.
So what I'm hearing is no Gh/Insuin for now at least and drop the deca. I do handle tren quite well so I'm keeping it nice and high but my "reworked" cycle is:

Tren E 500mg
Primo 500mg
Test 750mg
EQ 750mg
dude I really would advise against using 4 compounds. Too many variables youre not going to know whats doing what and whats working. If youre wanting to push doses that high I mean were talking 2.5 grams here bro thats A LOT of gear.. Idk Id really consider just using two compounds like test 1 gram and eq maybe 800mg then just push food. You have to be able to eat your ass off if youre trying to get huge if you cant do that all that gear will be a waste. And like someone else said get leaner first. The point in getting lean before a bulk is to ramp of your appetite so when you start pushing doses you appetite wont dip within the first few weeks then youll just be treading water. Also getting leaner will increase insuling sensitivity which needs to be high. Pretend like your trying to rebound from a comp thats the ideal position to start a bulk. You dont have to diet that hard but you get what im trying to say. Ive made this mistake and it can make a cycle turn from a successful bulk to being shitty and really only end up adding a few pounds of muscle. Food is everything and appetite needs to be high as possible. Force feeding gets really old after a few weeks. just my opinion.
I definitely wouldn’t start trying to put mass on at 17% body fat. Recipe for getting even fatter. That’s just my thought though I guess

What kind of rule is this ?
You don't even know his goal.

You think Eddie Hall or Mariusz Pudzianowski cared to go single digit bodyfat before blasting grams and becoming the strongest men in the world ?

It's not a bodybuilding forum, it's a steroid forum, not everyone wants to go on stage with other oiled males in bikini.
What kind of rule is this ?
You don't even know his goal.

You think Eddie Hall or Mariusz Pudzianowski cared to go single digit bodyfat before blasting grams and becoming the strongest men in the world ?

It's not a bodybuilding forum, it's a steroid forum, not everyone wants to go on stage with other oiled males in bikini.
I know you quoted someone else by I also said he needs to lose weight first so I feel the need to reply
Coming from powerlifting to bodybuilding I understand your point
It still does not change the fact that OP post is about mass not strength
Reduced insulin sensitivity due to high body fat percentage will pack on fat not muscle in a bulk. I highly doubt his goal is to just get fatter
What kind of rule is this ?
You don't even know his goal.

You think Eddie Hall or Mariusz Pudzianowski cared to go single digit bodyfat before blasting grams and becoming the strongest men in the world ?

It's not a bodybuilding forum, it's a steroid forum, not everyone wants to go on stage with other oiled males in bikini.
My post was quite literally about wanting to go into open bodybuilding
What kind of rule is this ?
You don't even know his goal.

You think Eddie Hall or Mariusz Pudzianowski cared to go single digit bodyfat before blasting grams and becoming the strongest men in the world ?

It's not a bodybuilding forum, it's a steroid forum, not everyone wants to go on stage with other oiled males in bikini.
He literally posted about bodybuilding you boob