Planning a cycle for a fuck load of mass (health is not an object here)

So I plan on doing open bodybuilding and I'm currently sitting at 230lbs ~17% 5'10 and I have experience with test(all esters), dbol, anadrol, npp, anavar, tren, clean, winstrol and a few I may have forgotten. When writing this, I've been just doing 500 tren E a week with 650 Test Cyp a week and I love the tren mentally.

my next cycle is going to be pretty rediculous and over-engineered so any help in minimising overlapping effects/wasted gear would be helpful

-Test 1g/w
-EQ 750mg/w
-Deca 500mg/w
-Tren 500mg/w
-HGH 4IU/day
-Mastron 400mg/w

so I don't sound like a retard just throwing shit at the wall (even though that's what it is) ill explain my choices. the test a 1g is just because I've found as long as I have my test higher than any other compounds it helps me not feel like shit, the EQ is going to work as an AI to an extent but also for lean tissue (and the hunger ig?), the deca self-explanatory standard bulking compound more lean tissue but importantly joint protecting/LUBE, Tren fucking love the shit and obviously very strong stuff, HGH you can only get so big without it and the sooner you start the better because the time to kick is long as hell, Mastron to keep me "dry" because I will probably be staying sub 16% as I'm currently cutting down to 12% and I usually without a genuine effort don't get back above 16% (but why am I 17%?!?!?!? because I came off gear for a few months and fell into a depression and got fat)

anyways long enough but please if you have anything to help me aside from just "that's fucking retarded" or "you'll die" id appreciate it highly

P.S ignore grammar its late

What will give you real size are Test and HGH and a bit of insulin pre and postwo.

I would run a max of 3g:
1500 Test
1500 EQ/Primo
10iu+ HGH
Insulin pre and postwo based on your diet

This fancy cycle you posted will lead to nowhere, just sides effects in a lot of vials.
So I plan on doing open bodybuilding and I'm currently sitting at 230lbs ~17% 5'10 and I have experience with test(all esters), dbol, anadrol, npp, anavar, tren, clean, winstrol and a few I may have forgotten. When writing this, I've been just doing 500 tren E a week with 650 Test Cyp a week and I love the tren mentally.

my next cycle is going to be pretty rediculous and over-engineered so any help in minimising overlapping effects/wasted gear would be helpful

-Test 1g/w
-EQ 750mg/w
-Deca 500mg/w
-Tren 500mg/w
-HGH 4IU/day
-Mastron 400mg/w

so I don't sound like a retard just throwing shit at the wall (even though that's what it is) ill explain my choices. the test a 1g is just because I've found as long as I have my test higher than any other compounds it helps me not feel like shit, the EQ is going to work as an AI to an extent but also for lean tissue (and the hunger ig?), the deca self-explanatory standard bulking compound more lean tissue but importantly joint protecting/LUBE, Tren fucking love the shit and obviously very strong stuff, HGH you can only get so big without it and the sooner you start the better because the time to kick is long as hell, Mastron to keep me "dry" because I will probably be staying sub 16% as I'm currently cutting down to 12% and I usually without a genuine effort don't get back above 16% (but why am I 17%?!?!?!? because I came off gear for a few months and fell into a depression and got fat)

anyways long enough but please if you have anything to help me aside from just "that's fucking retarded" or "you'll die" id appreciate it highly

P.S ignore grammar its late
Id pick either deca or tren I wouldnt run the two together personally. Otherwise yea big cycle here. More than most pros would run but hey to each their own. For sure would get blood work to check e2 and shit halfway thru.
What will give you real size are Test and HGH and a bit of insulin pre and postwo.

I would run a max of 3g:
1500 Test
1500 EQ/Primo
10iu+ HGH
Insulin pre and postwo based on your diet

This fancy cycle you posted will lead to nowhere, just sides effects in a lot of vials.
Yup this is correct .This is the best way to get massive. When bulking hard you want to run less compounds. for example
test 1g
eq or deca 600-800mg
arimidex 1mg 3 times a week
hgh6-8iu or as high as 10 if you can afford it
insuling on weak bodypart days post training 10iu
and then eat a ton of food. This cycle was the best for me and I got up to 259 on that cycle with abs and veins everywhere. Its the food dude that will get you big, gear helps but over doing gear will make it hard to get the food down. Just my experience.
Thank you all very much for the generally consistent information. I have learned quite a lot and thank you all for all the tips and critiques.

side note: I am aware what I posted was just suicide just a bit of rage bate to get more people to interact, sorry if that made anyone genuinely upset.
Yup this is correct .This is the best way to get massive. When bulking hard you want to run less compounds. for example
test 1g
eq or deca 600-800mg
arimidex 1mg 3 times a week
hgh6-8iu or as high as 10 if you can afford it
insuling on weak bodypart days post training 10iu
and then eat a ton of food. This cycle was the best for me and I got up to 259 on that cycle with abs and veins everywhere. Its the food dude that will get you big, gear helps but over doing gear will make it hard to get the food down. Just my experience.
In my opinion you should run as much HGH as you can afford, the higher the dose the more magic happens.

I know that a lot of people loves Nandrolone and/or Trenbolone but during off-season/growth phase, but the less things harsh you run the better.
Not only because of your health markers but because a stressed body doesn't seem to grow that well.

I leant this on my own, didn't grow much on Tren despite it is awesome.

I mean bb regarding chemicals it's not rocket science. You run high dose of not harsh stuff like Test EQ/Primo all the time of the year.
Then once 6w out and lean for a show you jump on test tren mast winstrol, some halo the last 2 weeks.
Wtf does this mean? So were you planning to ever run that stuff? Or just wanted to talk to people on the internet?
Sounds to me like he wanted to get people upset and start an argument on dosing protocol.under the guise that it would get people to discuss perhaps what are reasonable/healthy doses.

What I normally see here when a noob posts like that here is a handful that tell them how dumb they are and then the noob and the handful go back and forth.
Yup this is correct .This is the best way to get massive. When bulking hard you want to run less compounds. for example
test 1g
eq or deca 600-800mg
arimidex 1mg 3 times a week
hgh6-8iu or as high as 10 if you can afford it
insuling on weak bodypart days post training 10iu
and then eat a ton of food. This cycle was the best for me and I got up to 259 on that cycle with abs and veins everywhere. Its the food dude that will get you big, gear helps but over doing gear will make it hard to get the food down. Just my experience.
Juice head,
Do you find yourself using/needing the same AI dose for both EQ and Primo? I never used primo enough to know for myself but I’ve read that primo can decrease your estrogen and some people increase the test ratio in response.
Health not an issue for this? Man you'd be dead before 40 with running a stack like that without taking precautions to protect your health. You certainly can get nice gains out of this but at great cost to your health.
not even close pros take 3x this and are still alive and kickin
not even close pros take 3x this and are still alive and kickin
While there is truth to the much higher doses that pros take.
Here is the key takeaway
Most take all the precautions necessary to protect their health
Blood pressure medication, cardio, diet, statins, supplements to protect kidneys, liver, promote heart health, control lipids,…ect
Regular and constant bloodwork
These drugs dont kill like narcotics. You don’t take them and just drop dead. There are signs first. The problem some pros have is ignoring the signs and pushing past where they should, to try to win.
The problem the average Joe has is not taking all the precautions listed and just taking more gear than they should “because the pros do it and they are fine”
Truth be told I’m pretty sure most average Joes take way more gear then they need for their size, body fat % (yes this matters a lot), training quality and diet.
A healthy body grows best.
So I plan on doing open bodybuilding and I'm currently sitting at 230lbs ~17% 5'10 and I have experience with test(all esters), dbol, anadrol, npp, anavar, tren, clean, winstrol and a few I may have forgotten. When writing this, I've been just doing 500 tren E a week with 650 Test Cyp a week and I love the tren mentally.

my next cycle is going to be pretty rediculous and over-engineered so any help in minimising overlapping effects/wasted gear would be helpful

-Test 1g/w
-EQ 750mg/w
-Deca 500mg/w
-Tren 500mg/w
-HGH 4IU/day
-Mastron 400mg/w

so I don't sound like a retard just throwing shit at the wall (even though that's what it is) ill explain my choices. the test a 1g is just because I've found as long as I have my test higher than any other compounds it helps me not feel like shit, the EQ is going to work as an AI to an extent but also for lean tissue (and the hunger ig?), the deca self-explanatory standard bulking compound more lean tissue but importantly joint protecting/LUBE, Tren fucking love the shit and obviously very strong stuff, HGH you can only get so big without it and the sooner you start the better because the time to kick is long as hell, Mastron to keep me "dry" because I will probably be staying sub 16% as I'm currently cutting down to 12% and I usually without a genuine effort don't get back above 16% (but why am I 17%?!?!?!? because I came off gear for a few months and fell into a depression and got fat)

anyways long enough but please if you have anything to help me aside from just "that's fucking retarded" or "you'll die" id appreciate it highly

P.S ignore grammar its late
Cut deeper to 8% and gain lean on
500test w
750 Bold w
50mg anadrol ed

Deca and tren not in 1 cycle !
While there is truth to the much higher doses that pros take.
Here is the key takeaway
Most take all the precautions necessary to protect their health
Blood pressure medication, cardio, diet, statins, supplements to protect kidneys, liver, promote heart health, control lipids,…ect
Regular and constant bloodwork
These drugs dont kill like narcotics. You don’t take them and just drop dead. There are signs first. The problem some pros have is ignoring the signs and pushing past where they should, to try to win.
The problem the average Joe has is not taking all the precautions listed and just taking more gear than they should “because the pros do it and they are fine”
Truth be told I’m pretty sure most average Joes take way more gear then they need for their size, body fat % (yes this matters a lot), training quality and diet.
A healthy body grows best.
Yep, there were signs yet they ignored it or added more drugs to counter act it instead of pulling back and getting some treatments.

One member here succumbed to kidney problems which he was advised to address on numerous occasions already.

How many here had CT calcium score test done? Most of us haven’t even checked in our organs for remodeling or have done any real damage assessment.

We love to criticize those who blast grams yet we ignore the fact that some of them actually have access to a medical system that allow them to check whatever they want, while there are some of us who cannot even be honest with our doctors because of certain repercussions.

Sad reality.
Yep, there were signs yet they ignored it or added more drugs to counter act it instead of pulling back and getting some treatments.

One member here succumbed to kidney problems which he was advised to address on numerous occasions already.

How many here had CT calcium score test done? Most of us haven’t even checked in our organs for remodeling or have done any real damage assessment.

We love to criticize those who blast grams yet we ignore the fact that some of them actually have access to a medical system that allow them to check whatever they want, while there are some of us who cannot even be honest with our doctors because of certain repercussions.

Sad reality.
Very true
While there is truth to the much higher doses that pros take.
Here is the key takeaway
Most take all the precautions necessary to protect their health
Blood pressure medication, cardio, diet, statins, supplements to protect kidneys, liver, promote heart health, control lipids,…ect
Regular and constant bloodwork
These drugs dont kill like narcotics. You don’t take them and just drop dead. There are signs first. The problem some pros have is ignoring the signs and pushing past where they should, to try to win.
The problem the average Joe has is not taking all the precautions listed and just taking more gear than they should “because the pros do it and they are fine”
Truth be told I’m pretty sure most average Joes take way more gear then they need for their size, body fat % (yes this matters a lot), training quality and diet.
A healthy body grows best.
I agree however the human body can handle alot more than ppl think
I agree however the human body can handle alot more than ppl think
Not more than I think lol
I’m a high dose user but I now take all the necessary precautions
“Handle” is relative
Will you die with a high dose cycle and no precautions? The answer is no to Most likely not but…will their be repercussions?
Juice head,
Do you find yourself using/needing the same AI dose for both EQ and Primo? I never used primo enough to know for myself but I’ve read that primo can decrease your estrogen and some people increase the test ratio in response.
yeah so if im running high test with eq AND primo I wont use an AI. But if im just running test and eq I will use and AI.
yeah so if im running high test with eq AND primo I wont use an AI. But if im just running test and eq I will use and AI.
What ratio of eq and test is that? I’ve ran test and primo in the past but planning on test/eq/npp later this year due to lipids getting hit from all the DHTs. Primo crushes my e2 and i need to run test much higher usually