Planning a cycle for a fuck load of mass (health is not an object here)

What ratio of eq and test is that? I’ve ran test and primo in the past but planning on test/eq/npp later this year due to lipids getting hit from all the DHTs. Primo crushes my e2 and i need to run test much higher usually
I usually will do like 750 test and 600 eq. Currently im on 500 test and 500 eq and ill be honest eq doesnt do much under 600mg. eq alone with test doesnt seem to have the same effect on e2 as running eq, test, primo. Idk something about that combo seems to lower e2 not sure why tho.
I usually will do like 750 test and 600 eq. Currently im on 500 test and 500 eq and ill be honest eq doesnt do much under 600mg. eq alone with test doesnt seem to have the same effect on e2 as running eq, test, primo. Idk something about that combo seems to lower e2 not sure why tho.
You sure it’s not the primo itself? By what percentage does the combo lower your e2?

I’m just curious, primo doesn’t really lower estrogen for me at a 1-1 test/primo combo.
I usually will do like 750 test and 600 eq. Currently im on 500 test and 500 eq and ill be honest eq doesnt do much under 600mg. eq alone with test doesnt seem to have the same effect on e2 as running eq, test, primo. Idk something about that combo seems to lower e2 not sure why tho.
ever run test, eq, and nandrolone and still find eq doesn’t do as much under 600? I hear that a lot but wonder if it could be more to do with a mg total or if 600 test, 400eq, 200npp may do quite a bit more than 600/600 alone?
You sure it’s not the primo itself? By what percentage does the combo lower your e2?

I’m just curious, primo doesn’t really lower estrogen for me at a 1-1 test/primo combo.
yeah primo just by itself for me lowers mine considerably. On 500 test, 500 mast my e2 is in the high 50s. On 600 test, 450 primo, my e2 is under 25
ever run test, eq, and nandrolone and still find eq doesn’t do as much under 600? I hear that a lot but wonder if it could be more to do with a mg total or if 600 test, 400eq, 200npp may do quite a bit more than 600/600 alone?
It could be synergistic for sure. Im one of those guys who will just push doses higher instead of adding compounds. I think ive ran eq with deca and test maybe once and to be honest when I start running a bunch of compounds I cant tell whats doing what and I dont like that so I just stick to test and one other compound and will just jack up the doses higher.
Wtf does this mean? So were you planning to ever run that stuff? Or just wanted to talk to people on the internet?
I was planning on running stuff but not that amount or design, I just opened with rage bate so I'd get more people putting actual cycles and or what's wrong with the cycle/compounds. TLDR: rage bate means more responses which means more answers.
I was planning on running stuff but not that amount or design, I just opened with rage bate so I'd get more people putting actual cycles and or what's wrong with the cycle/compounds. TLDR: rage bate means more responses which means more answers.
You want talk and comments go to Reddit. Don’t bring this kind of fake (rage bait - proper spelling) posting bullshit here.

Rage-baiting or rage-farming is internet slang that refers to a manipulative tactic to elicit outrage with the goal of increasing internet traffic, online engagement, revenue and support. Wikipedia
You want talk and comments go to Reddit. Don’t bring this kind of fake (rage bait - proper spelling) posting bullshit here.

Rage-baiting or rage-farming is internet slang that refers to a manipulative tactic to elicit outrage with the goal of increasing internet traffic, online engagement, revenue and support. Wikipedia

i think you can do all this IF you start with the test and EQ and add one compound at a time every 8 weeks.

forget the HGH, at best youll be bloated and at worst youll be uglier and that wont help your depression.

also if I have any sort of mental tendencies, i would stay the hell away from DECA. that stuff is depression and neuroticism for many men. I just saw a thread on reddit a few days ago of a guy who started a test and deca cycle and week 8 him and his wife seperated and he didnt connect the dots of why he suddenly got all werid emotionally, married 12 years and suddenly went to crap? Its the deca. More people are tlaking about it now.

the best thing for your mental health is to take the compounds in slowly so you dont get sides, cause if you get sides your going to push the gear to compensate for your depression and viscious cycle

just stick to test and eq and add in like 210mg tren ace a few weeks here and there.
Makes sense
just saying, tren makes everyone nuts, we all know it, we are aware and can pull the plug, however deca is much more subtle and doesnt have the reputation for mental side effects that tren does and i think deca depression consumes a lot of guys and they dont think its deca because for awhile it was known as like pretty mild side effect wise, recent years more people are talking about the mental effects of deca, but many stil ldont know
just saying, tren makes everyone nuts, we all know it, we are aware and can pull the plug, however deca is much more subtle and doesnt have the reputation for mental side effects that tren does and i think deca depression consumes a lot of guys and they dont think its deca because for awhile it was known as like pretty mild side effect wise, recent years more people are talking about the mental effects of deca, but many stil ldont know
yeah deca can fuck with your head the only time in my like Ive felt depression was on deca and couldnt figure out why. Went to the doc and everything for it. Didnt realize until I stopped it after like a year long permablast on deca. Ha I stick with eq now and throw in tren low dose for a few weeks here and there. Tren doesnt make me depressed like deca it just makes me absolutely hate everyone and everything around me.
yeah deca can fuck with your head the only time in my like Ive felt depression was on deca and couldnt figure out why. Went to the doc and everything for it. Didnt realize until I stopped it after like a year long permablast on deca. Ha I stick with eq now and throw in tren low dose for a few weeks here and there. Tren doesnt make me depressed like deca it just makes me absolutely hate everyone and everything around me.
i think you can do all this IF you start with the test and EQ and add one compound at a time every 8 weeks.

forget the HGH, at best youll be bloated and at worst youll be uglier and that wont help your depression.

also if I have any sort of mental tendencies, i would stay the hell away from DECA. that stuff is depression and neuroticism for many men. I just saw a thread on reddit a few days ago of a guy who started a test and deca cycle and week 8 him and his wife seperated and he didnt connect the dots of why he suddenly got all werid emotionally, married 12 years and suddenly went to crap? Its the deca. More people are tlaking about it now.

the best thing for your mental health is to take the compounds in slowly so you dont get sides, cause if you get sides your going to push the gear to compensate for your depression and viscious cycle

just stick to test and eq and add in like 210mg tren ace a few weeks here and there.
So what I'm hearing is no Gh/Insuin for now at least and drop the deca. I do handle tren quite well so I'm keeping it nice and high but my "reworked" cycle is:

Tren E 500mg
Primo 500mg
Test 750mg
EQ 750mg
i think you can do all this IF you start with the test and EQ and add one compound at a time every 8 weeks.

forget the HGH, at best youll be bloated and at worst youll be uglier and that wont help your depression.

also if I have any sort of mental tendencies, i would stay the hell away from DECA. that stuff is depression and neuroticism for many men. I just saw a thread on reddit a few days ago of a guy who started a test and deca cycle and week 8 him and his wife seperated and he didnt connect the dots of why he suddenly got all werid emotionally, married 12 years and suddenly went to crap? Its the deca. More people are tlaking about it now.

the best thing for your mental health is to take the compounds in slowly so you dont get sides, cause if you get sides your going to push the gear to compensate for your depression and viscious cycle

just stick to test and eq and add in like 210mg tren ace a few weeks here and there.
Huh. Maybe my ex wife was on deca and I didn’t know it
I usually will do like 750 test and 600 eq. Currently im on 500 test and 500 eq and ill be honest eq doesnt do much under 600mg. eq alone with test doesnt seem to have the same effect on e2 as running eq, test, primo. Idk something about that combo seems to lower e2 not sure why tho.
It's because eq converts heavily to e1, a weaker estrogen which clogs up the estrogen receptors, making it harder for e2 to bind

Then you have primo lowering estrogen. So that combination would make sense why it lowers e2 more significantly

I've been debating adding low dose primo just for some e2 control, to rely less on AIs since I'm a heavy aromatizer
So what I'm hearing is no Gh/Insuin for now at least and drop the deca. I do handle tren quite well so I'm keeping it nice and high but my "reworked" cycle is:

Tren E 500mg
Primo 500mg
Test 750mg
EQ 750mg
This is almost exactly what you started with except you made it much worse
If you want mass the last thing you want to do is lower HGH and Test
This is almost exactly what you started with except you made it much worse
If you want mass the last thing you want to do is lower HGH and Test
Agree with this statement

I'd do
1g test
1g eq
300-400 tren
Whatever dose primo you want to run
5-8iu gh

Gh will increase igf1 and tren will shuttle it into the muscles but if the trens too high it's going to be harder to make the scale move as it increases metabolism a good bit
So what I'm hearing is no Gh/Insuin for now at least and drop the deca. I do handle tren quite well so I'm keeping it nice and high but my "reworked" cycle is:

Tren E 500mg
Primo 500mg
Test 750mg
EQ 750mg
You want HGH, getting down food will dictate if you need insulin or not.