Planning a cycle for a fuck load of mass (health is not an object here)

thank you for that, I try to be open-minded because how else are you supposed to learn and grow.

So what steps do you think I should take to find/vet a coach giving the fact that I would only be able to see the fruits it a few months in
Check out some guys on instagram. Read their stories and check out their clients. I’d suggest starting with Dom Cardone, Bleu Taylor, Cameron Cheek and Justin Jacoby. Watch some podcasts they’ve done and check out the other coaches featured on those podcasts. Find an approach that resonates with you
*cough* you shouldn’t pass this sort of judgement different people have different goals and are willing to put in the work and sacrifice things including years of there life.

Also its “normalized” not normalised
"Normalised" is the British spelling of normalized so the poster you are quoting most likely is not from America.
Drop the tren
Up the anabolics
REALLY up the gh
Incorporate insulin
Massive clean food
Cardio, just to keep things relatively functioning
Bloodwork every 4-6 weeks so everything doesn't get DANGEROUSLY out of whack
No ego training, no pussy training either

Vaya con dios esse
Drop the tren
Up the anabolics
REALLY up the gh
Incorporate insulin
Massive clean food
Cardio, just to keep things relatively functioning
Bloodwork every 4-6 weeks so everything doesn't get DANGEROUSLY out of whack
No ego training, no pussy training either

Vaya con dios esse
I'm already doing the clean diet and cardio. I will up the dose to 10IUs based on what everyone is saying (thank you all). I'll up my timing on bloods to every 5 weeks and I'll drop the tren and increase the EQ and Mast. lastly, my training is pretty on point (or at least I think it is).
I am fascinated with the answers given when people ask about cycle critiques in an open steroid forum, with different advices coming from real ifbb pros, gymbros, forum vets and steroid users who probably look like they don’t lift.

It’s easy to pick out regurgitated opinions, protocols based off studies and research dat, brolore as well.

How do you guys make your informed decision? How do you take the calculated risk?

Or do people even really follow things being discussed here?
You're focusing on the wrong things. Your priority should be FOOD, not anabolics.

Honestly, you're carrying too much fat. Following your current plan will likely just make you gain more. Insulin sensitivity is extremely important.

If I were in your shoes and wanted to maximize progress, I'd first aim to get my body fat close to single digits or even single digits. I’d do this with low doses of test, EQ, mast, and HGH, combined with cardio and a solid diet.

Once your body fat percentage is under control, you can start increasing your carb intake, reduce your cardio by half, drop the mast, increase your test dosage, and keep EQ the same.

Monitor your progress weekly by checking the mirror and the scale. If you're growing, keep your plan unchanged. If you start losing definition or your waistline increases, consider adding a bit more gear. If you're not gaining size, add some more carbs. Repeat this process consistently and you'll grow.

This is essentially a blueprint from an excellent coach I've worked with. My perspective on the "off-season" and growth has completely shifted since he revamped my cycle. He showed me that I can grow better using a fraction of the AAS I used to take, as long as everything else is in place. He also emphasized staying relatively lean while growing, which I learned is crucial to true growth rather than just gaining fat.
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Oh, and definitely don't mess with the HGH dosage, you'll end up with a bunch of side effects. Stick to 5 IU for now.

But if you really want to try a higher dose of GH at this point (I did, and it wasn't pretty), let me know how your blood pressure, blood glucose, hands, water retention, and everything else are affected.
I'd first aim to get my body fat close to single digits or even single digits. I’d do this with low doses of test, EQ, mast, and HGH, combined with cardio and a solid diet.
Great advice. When you bulk to get huge, gears and GH adds a ton of water retention which stresses your kidney and heart for obvious reasons.

Starting lean as possible helps reduce the damage you're doing to your organs.
dont listen to people on internet forums to a point. Its pretty common sense on what to do. You just have to do it.

The more AAS the more sides but more muscle. Making sure diet is good. The more AAS while cutting you can keep muscle.

Depending on what or how much you blasted thus far. What you wrote is WAY overkill.

Have you ever run tren? Test and tren by itself is so dam strong. No need for anything else on top of that.

Also have you ever ran all these by themselves?

What number cycle is this for you?
Do you have anything on hand to combat anxiety? EQ and Tren is anxiety city! Goodluck.

Or just go for it, and do it, and see what happens.
-4iu hgh are nice, but if u want to build muscles mass you need 8iu+
This is nonsense

Your using cutting tools in your mass gaining plan
None of what he said are "cutting tools"

@griffinator like @Mac11wildcat said, if you aren't going to take your health seriously, you aren't going to get far and you aren't going to keep what you work so hard for.

You "came off gear and got fat" and fell into a depression. Stay the fuck away from tren and get yourself in the right space before you go balls out on reckless protocol.

At you're stage 50% of those drugs and dosages are being straight waisted, you simply don't need that and you're just trading marginally better progress for way worse health impact and sides.
None of what he said are "cutting tools"
I highly respect your opinion
He is senslisly throwing the kitchen sink at this bulk cycle design
My recommendation was to drop everything but Test,EQ and HGH and to up the HGH
Please explain how removing Mast and Tren which could be better suited when he cuts is a bad idea. Yes I know that cutting is done with food and not gear and they can be used to bulk but they are more commonly used in a cut aka cutting tools. Sorry you didn’t like my choice of words. Using 5 anabolics to bulk is definitely not the answer and those can be removed.
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I highly respect your opinion
He is senslisly throwing the kitchen sink at this bulk cycle design
My recommendation was to drop everything but Test,EQ and HGH and to up the HGH
Please explain how removing Mast and Tren which could be better suited when he cuts is a bad idea. Yes I know that cutting is done with food and not gear and they can be used to bulk but they are more commonly used in a cut aka cutting tools. Sorry you didn’t like my choice of words. Using 5 anabolics to bulk is definitely not the answer and those can be removed.
He's protocol is senseless and overdone. He would be better off cutting almost all of it out. I have no disagreements there.

My comment was that there are no "cutting" or "bulking" compounds. Any can be used at any point.

I know people who have peaked on nandrolone and anadrol and people who push their size phases with just test and mast.
The cutting vs bulking drugs misnomers are just broscience left overs that mean almost nothing except during extreme outlier situations like contest prep.
He's protocol is senseless and overdone. He would be better off cutting almost all of it out. I have no disagreements there.

My comment was that there are no "cutting" or "bulking" compounds. Any can be used at any point.

I know people who have peaked on nandrolone and anadrol and people who push their size phases with just test and mast.
The cutting vs bulking drugs misnomers are just broscience left overs that mean almost nothing except during extreme outlier situations like contest prep.
Yes, I fully agree with you
I definitely wouldn’t cut with Deca and dbol though lol
Yes, I fully agree with you
I definitely wouldn’t cut with Deca and dbol though lol
And thus lies the problem when everyone wants to believe someone that spouts off blanket statements. Its just not a good look. Some people really need to work on their delivery.

I would like to see how many out there have cut on deca and dbol myself. :D