Please comment my pct and DG reccomended pct


New Member
Hi guys!
I recently registered to the forum and while a was waiting for a confirmation i registered on a Dylan Gemelli's Adrenalinrushforum to get a pct advice.
I see you guys dont think highly of DG so that worried me a little because i just wanted to start a pct that he recomended.

So the situation is next:

I just finished a 20wk eq/test cycle (500/350mg) and was recomended by a friend of mine who is a ex bodybuilder (pretty succesfull) and a great guy to run a pct that looks like this:
7 days after the last pin 1xPregnyl, 2 days later 1xPregnyl and 4 days later 1x Pregnyl.
18 days after the last pin i would start with Clomid 150mg/day for three days, 100mg/day next 4 days and at last 50mg/day for the next 7 days.

I showed this on adrenalinrushforum and this is what Dylan Gemelli adised:

brother, listen, you NEVER and i mean NEVER use hcg in pct... that's literally the worst thing you could do unless you prefer to not recover, which i highly doubt is the circumstance... you use hcg the last 4 weeks leading up to pct but using it during will do nothing but cause you problems... your pct is very incomplete as well... please read my article on pct

here is the layout

clomid 50/50/25/25
nolva 40/20/20/20
aromasin 12.5 mg eod
mk-2866 25 mg day
gw-501516 20 mg day

So, now i am confused. What would you guys suggest i do for my pct?

Well he is right I dont think you should use hcg in pct but then again I dont think you should blast it 4 weeks pre. I think you should run it low dose all cycle up to 3 days pre pct at 250-500iu's-2x/week.
The other shit is just shilling product.
PCT should be clomid 100/50/50/50 & nolva 40/20/20/20
No ai, no sarms, no prar modulator.
Well he is right I dont think you should use hcg in pct but then again I dont think you should blast it 4 weeks pre. I think you should run it low dose all cycle up to 3 days pre pct at 250-500iu's-2x/week.
The other shit is just shilling product.
PCT should be clomid 100/50/50/50 & nolva 40/20/20/20
No ai, no sarms, no prar modulator.
Thanx man!
I should start the pct 3 weeks after the last pin right?