Post your Controversial Opinions here

Some say he got bad gear (at his level? STRONG doubt)
Some say he is suffering addiction as mentioned
Maybe he had a health scare? He went from 0 to 100 in a few years, something has to give eventually.

This sport (lol) is killing its athletes quicker than bullets kill people in the hood. Something has to fundamentally change.

True, if you look at past pictures of him, he has changed a lot, very quickly.
I did hear about the kratom stuff, but I thought it was at least a year ago.
Surely, if that was the case, people around him would have tried to address this.
He has a lot to lose in terms of money and sponsorships.
He is not an idiot.
But obviously something is really not ok with this guy.
I am really sorry to see him like this.
I hope someone there will try to help him out, mentally.
Like who? Aceto is not a good match, he doesn't like mutants like Nick. That leaves Chad. Sure he is going to make an Olympian out of him, but at what cost? A kidney, a liver and unable to breath? Nah, f that.

It was just a thought.
I suppose I want to find something that is not him to blame, directly, because like that it is easier to make sense.
We will see.
Hopefully he will pick himself up and regroup.
when I watched the video he looked like he was on a bulk not a cut. So maybe he got his drugs mixed up.

Well, this may be fun to think but highly unlikely.
Yes, you are right, he looked the opposite of what he should look, at this point.
I know that, in the end, they all show up peeled, no matter what, but this was something else.

Thanks for the post.

Are you and I ending the week good?
Like this: with you not hating me for pissing on your jokes (with Lana the culprit, you know it) and your tren/var/primo/hgh plans shaping up well?
Some say he got bad gear (at his level? STRONG doubt)
Some say he is suffering addiction as mentioned
Maybe he had a health scare? He went from 0 to 100 in a few years, something has to give eventually.

This sport (lol) is killing its athletes quicker than bullets kill people in the hood. Something has to fundamentally change.
I heard the bad gear line this AM on another forum. Yeah, fuck that. Anyone who believes that one I have some oceanfront property in Montana to sell them
Are you and I ending the week good?
Like this: with you not hating me for pissing on your jokes (with Lana the culprit, you know it) and your tren/var/primo/hgh plans shaping up well?
I would never hate someone for stating what they think regardless if I agree or not.

Trying to get all the drugs lined up, then come up with a game plan that doesn't involve a mental or physical breakdown. I will be doing blood work every month to see how my body responds to new compounds (for science of course).
I also heard bad gear and I also don't believe.

As for kratom. I've never met anyone that was into it that wasn't a mess.

LOL, I just looked over at another window in which I have YT open and saw this:

Screenshot 2024-10-06 162830.webp
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I really do not know much about competitive body building but that would be hard to beleive that an athlete on that level would fall victim to such.
Nobody is buying it bro, and for very good reason as it’s utterly preposterous. People on his level get the Crème de la Crème that is meticulously tested.

I am not sure what exactly the issue is. Nobody knows except coach and inner circle, but I can say it’s not bad gear.
Nobody is buying it bro, and for very good reason as it’s utterly preposterous. People on his level get the Crème de la Crème that is meticulously tested.
That's what I would assume also but then I see how some of these movie stars hire ass hats for trainers to get big. Wonder if he had to ask what cap color Tren was...
Not judging, but how big does Nick's belly look in this photo? One week out.

Looks like he's been stress-eating for a while and missing a spot in the top 5 would be devastating to him.

Compare to Derek's death face.

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View attachment 297621

What you noticed is what most people probably have, too.
Nick looks unrecognisable.
But it must have been like this for a while.
Why not announce this, sooner?
What were they thinking was going to happen. with him in this condition?
Idk, it's all quite strange.
I hope he will be OK. He must be distraught.
I’m assuming it’s an underlying health issue. Matt mentioned in the video they have spoked to those above and that they were supportive on their decision. Which now saves Nick from potentially dealing with a Penalty issue due to contract. So they didn’t have to publicly say exactly why , as long they made an announcement Nick was pulling out for whatever reason it at least made fans and others now aware he was out.

Now far as him possibly using bunk gear i find that to be far from the truth! Want to know why?? Because Their are actually 4 who are competing in the Olympia and 1 who was top 4 last year that actually use the same source Before anyone says I’m full of shit, you can say whatever you want. My Brother is good friends with one of the coaches who must know the guy well and showed us messages of the source having proof of who they were and Nick included. So how are they looking like they should and not Nick ? Hmmm idk doesn’t add up.

I’m really hoping he didn’t drop out simply because he didn’t like his physique knowing everyone else was bringing it!
imo Nick Walker was not in good enough condition (notice his huge gut) so he pulled out knowing he wasn't even a contender for top 5 possibly,,,, Will we ever really know? probably NOT
If it was a health issue, I hope he recovers. Also if it truly is and not just because he didn't look good, or the health issue is why he didn't look good, he should probably be honest. People would have more respect and sympathy for that in general than thinking he quit just because he didn't think he would place well.
If it was a health issue, I hope he recovers. Also if it truly is and not just because he didn't look good, or the health issue is why he didn't look good, he should probably be honest. People would have more respect and sympathy for that in general than thinking he quit just because he didn't think he would place well.
I think he just did not want to deal with the spectacle and embarrassment of getting his ass handed to him, which was the inevitable result given that he looks like complete shit right now.

As far as what is going on with him that caused his deteriorating physique? Who knows, and we may never know. That is something he is going to have to deal with himself if he wants to be the A list competitor that he certainly has the potential to be. He has access to some of the best coaching and resources in the world, but some people still have demons that haunt them and cause them to self destruct. I am really hopeful that he is able to get his act together. It would be a shame to squander so much talent.