Post your Controversial Opinions here

I think he had already decided probably a month ago to pull out of the show and has been enjoying his food
Considering most said he looked basically full offseason, that is likely the case. Probably for at least two weeks he has been enjoying considerably more calories and the post contest rebound that happens if you are not very careful.
Now far as him possibly using bunk gear i find that to be far from the truth! Want to know why??

Not really. We don’t care if your brother’s cousin’s uncle knows his coach. Nobody actually believes it was bunk gear. I suppose it’s possible, but very, very unlikely.

I just hope he is in good health. My fear is that they are concealing serious health issues.
Probably for at least two weeks he has been enjoying considerably more calories and the post contest rebound that happens if you are not very careful.

Maybe, he just ate more as an emotional outlet, too.
@PermaBlastingTren no?

I can't see someone like that, after all the training and sacrifice, missing the Olympia for the second time and just shrugging it off.
Like everyone is saying, I hope there are no underlying health issues they are not making public.

What does everyone think about Neil Hill, as a coach?
Here’s my “educated guess” on the Nick Waller and Matt situation.

Imagine this, you have all the drive in the world and you have brought your best look yet. Couple weeks out u tear ur fkn hamstring. You are absolutely devastated because not only did you miss out on a potential Mr O title but you now are going to loose quite a lot of meat in your legs due to injury.

given this scenario, you are filled with a fire. Next year you are going. to. shock. The. world. And you know it.

Knowing you need to make up for the atrophy in the legs paired with the fact that you are so fed up with putting in so much work year after year only to be a top 5ver and have your MRO title fade before your eyes, you and your coach decide to REALLY push things.

You guys decide to run more anadrol and other orals than you have ever have ran before right out the gate and into the show with little to no breaks. You are here to take what’s yours.

Come prep time and you’re starting to notice a little bit of stress. Like by a little bit I mean QUITE A BIT. Enough to cause a bit of concern in you.

You express your concerns with your coach and he basically asks you how bad you want it. He insists you keep pushing.

You don’t want to let everybody down again, especially after the injury last year. You ARE going to prove EVERYONE WRONG. YOU ARE MR O. And health isn’t the priority anymore.

Even with all of this, you still have that feeling of un easiness in the back of your mind, but with a litle bit of convincing from your coach, you decide to lock it in.

You take the sdrol winny and halo to new heights, somewhat scary levels.

You notice more and more warning signs overtime, each time bringing it up with your coach, who insists you push through it. You need to win.

After a while of dealing with what seemed to be borderline cirrhosis, you wake up one morning feeling and looking like you are minutes from death. Something is very wrong. Pissing what looks like blood, puking, and being all swollen and distended is not normal.

At this point, you and your coach have an “oh f***” moment. You knew the whole time that something was going to go wrong, and with the pressure from the coach you followed through with it. The show is not at all a possibility.

You are absolutely crushed. You put your trust in your coach, and now you are out a second year in a row. You know how the internet is going to respond to this. Endless Insults and comments on your health. Your coach also reconizes that he is mainly responsible for what had went down. Because of this, the coach will be the main person speaking on the situation during the YouTube video as he has taken responsibility for the situation. You also come to the conclusion that you must deny any health problem allegations because this isn’t exactly good publicity already, and to reveal that major health issues was the reason for pulling out of the show reallly wouldn’t help.

Again, this is just a educated guess, so none of this happend and it is all just a made up fairy tail with zero truth to it.
Here’s my “educated guess” on the Nick Waller and Matt situation.

Imagine this, you have all the drive in the world and you have brought your best look yet. Couple weeks out u tear ur fkn hamstring. You are absolutely devastated because not only did you miss out on a potential Mr O title but you now are going to loose quite a lot of meat in your legs due to injury.

given this scenario, you are filled with a fire. Next year you are going. to. shock. The. world. And you know it.

Knowing you need to make up for the atrophy in the legs paired with the fact that you are so fed up with putting in so much work year after year only to be a top 5ver and have your MRO title fade before your eyes, you and your coach decide to REALLY push things.

You guys decide to run more anadrol and other orals than you have ever have ran before right out the gate and into the show with little to no breaks. You are here to take what’s yours.

Come prep time and you’re starting to notice a little bit of stress. Like by a little bit I mean QUITE A BIT. Enough to cause a bit of concern in you.

You express your concerns with your coach and he basically asks you how bad you want it. He insists you keep pushing.

You don’t want to let everybody down again, especially after the injury last year. You ARE going to prove EVERYONE WRONG. YOU ARE MR O. And health isn’t the priority anymore.

Even with all of this, you still have that feeling of un easiness in the back of your mind, but with a litle bit of convincing from your coach, you decide to lock it in.

You take the sdrol winny and halo to new heights, somewhat scary levels.

You notice more and more warning signs overtime, each time bringing it up with your coach, who insists you push through it. You need to win.

After a while of dealing with what seemed to be borderline cirrhosis, you wake up one morning feeling and looking like you are minutes from death. Something is very wrong. Pissing what looks like blood, puking, and being all swollen and distended is not normal.

At this point, you and your coach have an “oh f***” moment. You knew the whole time that something was going to go wrong, and with the pressure from the coach you followed through with it. The show is not at all a possibility.

You are absolutely crushed. You put your trust in your coach, and now you are out a second year in a row. You know how the internet is going to respond to this. Endless Insults and comments on your health. Your coach also reconizes that he is mainly responsible for what had went down. Because of this, the coach will be the main person speaking on the situation during the YouTube video as he has taken responsibility for the situation. You also come to the conclusion that you must deny any health problem allegations because this isn’t exactly good publicity already, and to reveal that major health issues was the reason for pulling out of the show reallly wouldn’t help.

Again, this is just a educated guess, so none of this happend and it is all just a made up fairy tail with zero truth to it.

Thank you for the speculation bonanza, Mr Perma.
That's all we can do, as the truth is obviously not out there, nor will it be (unless, someday, Nicholas decides to say something, going against all the agreements/advice given, surely).
But you are right in highlighting the coach started with the opening gambit and did most of the talking.

We can only hope he will be OK.
But also :

My Brother is good friends with one of the coaches who must know the guy well

We should invite Nick to join us on Meso, to keep his mind distracted from it all. So, he can check out the crazy stuff Permablasting tren is up to and have a look at the many crotch shots (aka "recognise my awesome quads") on Whoisthemostshreddedmesomember thread.
That will keep him busy and happy.
CBum is looking amazing. Vissers is a close second. Everyone else is a long ways off.
Agree 100%, I believe Ramon has fell to the same issues he has in his recent shows. Conditioning just isn’t quite there. After 4th place shit realy falls off. Only guys really are in the picture are the top 4-5. After that it’s pretty much just a lot of “Joes”
Agree 100%, I believe Ramon has fell to the same issues he has in his recent shows. Conditioning just isn’t quite there. After 4th place shit realy falls off. Only guys really are in the picture are the top 4-5. After that it’s pretty much just a lot of “Joes”

Bumalicious always brings it.
You could temporarily take a limb off of him and he'd still triumph.
Agree with Vissers looking fab.
Maybe next year...