Pp LOG: Sustain Alpha/Toco 8 incl. before/after bloodwork!


New Member
After realizing I have a complete endocrine dysfunction back in February of this year, I undertook a huge quest to get to the root cause of my problems and get my hormones back on track... the right way. Fuck Androgel, make sure my diet is on, anything to avoid a lifetime of injectable therapy. I started to work with an 'enlightened' doc and a nutritionist to make dietary and lifestyle changes and saw improved (doubling, actually) of my levels but I was STILL out of range.

I started at 169 Total Test back in mid-May. I made a few key dietary and lifestyle modifications. I retested in late-September at 379 Total Test. Though I am still out of range, my levels are starting to come up naturally. I need something to enhance my natural testosterone production since it is there, its just not pumping effectively.

Enter Pp. I contacted Eric at Pp and he said he would sponsor me for Sustain Alpha and Toco8 but under one condition, I have to post:

-Initial bloodwork BEFORE Sustain Alpha and Toco8.
-Bloodwork AFTER a one month cycle of SA/T8.
-Bloodwork 4-6 WEEKS AFTER my trial of SA/T8.

Basically, I am putting SA/T8 to the test for Pp and giving all the forums the hard numbers involved.

In the interim, I will log what I am getting from SA/T8.

Testosterone, Total: 379 (250-1100)
Testosterone, Free: 86.4 (46.0-224.0)
Testosterone, Bioavailable: 192.8 (110.0-575.0)

LH: 5.38 (1.24-8.62)
FSH: 9.3 (1.27-19.26)

Begin Sustain Alpha and Toco8

End Sustain Alpha and Toco8

week of 11/24
Get Immediate Post-SA/T8 Bloodwork Done

11/24 + 4-6 weeks
Get Post-SA/T8 Bloodwork Done

First 2 Weeks Log
Week 1
Right BEFORE starting, I noticed it was the first time I was starting to get morning wood naturally in many, many months (maybe years). I was still relying on Levitra in order to keep the lady happy, though. After about 3-4 days on SA/T8, I noticed I was starting to get spontaneous erections. My ED finally disappeared. For the rest of the week I slowly started to notice the following:
-increased social confidence, words and ideas would start to flow out of me without me feeling it necessary to think about what I'm going to say first
-an increase up to full performance for reliable, potent erections
-slow increase in libido

As for the characteristics of the actual supplement, the Sustain Alpha isn't bad and the Toco-8 is great. First, the Sustain Alpha smell isn't great when applying. It smells like a mix of a light citrus scent and a strong salted sausage meat/pastrami scent. This is ONLY WHEN YOU APPLY, though. The first time I put it on, I applied it and immediately asked my roommate to take a whiff and see if he smelt anything because I was 'trying out a new lotion'. He said he couldn't smell anything. The lady also couldn't smell anything. I cannot smell anything after it is applied. In concentrated, unapplied form it is only slightly unpleasant. Applied, though, its completely unnoticeable. I have only a minor problem with the smell and it is that it seems to stick to your hands and not come out when you wash them (especially after many days of use). Then, when you go to eat, when your hands get near your face to shovel food in your mouth, the smell can sometimes waft off your hands. It is nothing unbearable though and doesn't bother me after getting accustomed to it.

Toco8 is GREAT. It is based in a tapioca powder so it’s like eating pudding. I love the taste and actually wish I eat more of it. :)

Week 2
Week 2 was much of the same except I am starting to notice a more powerful increase in libido. I was lying in bed with the girlfriend and noticed, for the first time, I was pushing for sex when she wasn't. We usually have sex at fairly consistent times. Oddly, though, as we were lying in bed falling asleep... I wanted seconds!! For the first time, I noticed myself trying to initiate in addition to the already satisfactory frequency that we have sex.

Last night was, by far, the most obvious example of the SA/T8 combo increasing my libido. While we were watching a movie, we had sex. After returning from cleaning up in the bathroom afterwards, I laid back down and continued to watch the movie with her. By the time the scene was over, I was already whispering into her ear asking if she was ready for round 2. Indeed, the foreplay began and round 2 started. And round 2 was a slam dunk, too. This was within no more than 15 minutes of another ejaculation. My libido was up and one wasn't enough. It was like the sex center of my brain was on autopilot and it was unsatisfied with one round. Anyways... this was pretty big for me. 2 weeks ago I couldn't even achieve one erection on my own. Now I'm knockin two out within 15 minutes of each other. :)

Method of Administration
Sustain Alpha: In the shower, exfoliating with a washcloth on application areas. Applying to my torso (pecs and stomach), shoulders, and neck... spreading around to my back and my hips as necessary. I am not applying to the scrotum as a personal preference.

Toco8: Tossing a scoop into my mouth, enjoying the flavor, washing down with whatever I'm drinking.

Supplementation Profile and Diet
For the entire duration of the log, I will be taking the following:

Dr. Cranton's PrimeNutrients - Usually 1/2 serving/day but occasionally 1 serving/day... just my multi
Biotest Flameout - 1 Serving
Udos Choice 3-6-9 Omega Complex - 1 TBSP
500mg Calcium D-Glucarate
2mg Copper (to address copper deficiency)

and, of course...

5 pumps Sustain Alpha
1 scoop/serving Toco8

Please leave em.

I will update this thread as things roll in.
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this thread particularly interests me

i am at the same testosterone level as you around 400
i am being treated with dhea/hc and will get new results in anytime soon, hopefully this has increased testosterone and so forth

if it's still low i was thinking about trying something like clomid, but if this product from PP gives you a natural good performance like you described in bed, then i might try this as well ;)

curious as to what the results will be!

you are working with HAN he agreed to try this booster and get the tests?
Hi Krazy... I have bought a bottle of Dermacrine Sustain last year... What is the difference between it and the Sustain Alpha that you're using???

I noticed that you use Calcium D-Glucarate, have you tried DIM/I3C as well?

I am below 400 right now myself with lower FSH/LH than you so i am going to give Sustain a try as well.

Is 5 pumps the norm or are you increasing the dose for Sustain?
Hi Krazy... I have bought a bottle of Dermacrine Sustain last year... What is the difference between it and the Sustain Alpha that you're using???

Hey bud. So the Dermacrine contains DHEA and Pregnenolone. Sustain Alpha contains Resveratrol and 7,8 Benzoflavone. The Dermacrine has prohormones and Sustain Alpha does not. Sustain Alpha encourages endogenous testosterone production.

I noticed that you use Calcium D-Glucarate, have you tried DIM/I3C as well?

I tried DIM with CDG but it was nothing special.

I am below 400 right now myself with lower FSH/LH than you so i am going to give Sustain a try as well.
Toco8 would be the key for your. Toco8 increases testicular LH sensitivity by alot. One tester released results that showed downregulated LH but higher test levels because the testicles were so much more sensitized to the LH.

Is 5 pumps the norm or are you increasing the dose for Sustain?
5 pumps. Says so in the OP. ;)
...annnnd that's all folks!

One Sustain Alpha bottle lasted me until today, 11/15. I missed one day of dosage since starting so, at 5 pumps per dose, the bottle went for 23 days. Pretty accurate for the 25 days/bottle claimed on the label.

A few things from the last week or so of usage:
-Libido sustained and the girlfriend started to get used to going for 2 rounds back to back ;) (and more often, at that)

-The last 5 or so days of the bottle, the smell gets a little stronger. This may be because I frequently forgot to shake the bottle in the first part of the experiment so the active bits may have settled towards the bottom. BUT my girlfriend asked me about 5 days ago if I was wearing a new cologne and I said 'No, why?' and she said that, whatever it was, it smelled good. This was about 4-5 hours after application so, though it picks up, it has been positively interpreted, IME. :)

With that being said, I will be heading to the lab hopefully on Monday, 1.5-2 days after the last dose, and getting the bloodwork panel drawn.

Subscribe to this thread to get an update on the results as they come in!!
12:30AM Bed with girlfriend (no sex)
8:30AM Awake
10:30AM 2 eggs, 1 whole grain bagel, 1 TBSP organic butter, my supplementation protocol (listed in OP)

Check back in a few days for the results.
12:30AM Bed with girlfriend (no sex)
8:30AM Awake
10:30AM 2 eggs, 1 whole grain bagel, 1 TBSP organic butter, my supplementation protocol (listed in OP)

Check back in a few days for the results.

Should you not have selected to draw blood first thing in the early morning???

I know it would have been the highest in the morning but 2PM was the soonest I could get out there. The testing facility is an hour away since I currently live in the middle of nowhere.

EDIT - Plus, I know it wouldn't be my optimal levels, but they will still give me a good ballpark to where I am at. And, personally, if anything, I'd rather handicap myself on the follow up and actually be better than I test at instead of always trying to get optimal results, all the time.
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Hi Krazy

Looks like your primary from good LH & FSH but low T - I am similar to this with LH & FSH 4.7 U/l and 300 ng/dL.

Therefore I am interested to know how Sustain alpha and Toco8 actually work??

I know you say it increases testicular LH sensitivty but never heard of these products - if they worked as well as you say why are more people not using them? :cool:

I would like to think there are supplements/drugs out there that can improve testicular function but I seriously doubt this since I've not read anything that would even indicate this - only to increase LH but this is not really improving underlying testicle function

I assume they are herbal supplements and available online?

Shit shit shit.

Sorry for the lack of update so far everyone. Last week was a break for me and I did some travelling for the week to visit family and had sporadic internet access. On top of that, during one of the few times that I booted up the computer to get online, my laptop died. So I'm now struggling to get back fully functional online.

Anyways, I have some bad news. I talked to my doc and he said he got the results back (though he hasn't had a chance to fax me a copy of them yet... I'm working on that). He said the fucking people at Quest messed up something and all of my testosterone results came back as "NT". Last time I got NT back on a Quest results, I remember it was when they fucked up the collection of the specimen (depending on the test, they have special rules like needing to be frozen for 2 hours before shipment to the lab or refridgerated or whatever). And, when I brought it in to the facility, I could hear the ladies in the office sounding clueless about what tests were being requested on the requisition form so I wouldn't be surprised.

Long story short, it looks like they fucked up the collection of the testosterone tests and I'm going to have to go back and get it redone. Sucks. I WILL be getting these numbers, regardless, they might just be a little off now that its going on 2+ weeks from stopping the SA/T8. I'm working on getting a hold of a scan of the results and will post them so you can see proof. My doc didn't mention anything going wrong my LH test and said my estradiol was 7 (it was Quest's ultrasensitive assay which I believe is ranged 1-20). Like I said, I'm still trying to get a hardcopy of these results and will post them when I do.

The Doc is going to call Quest's lab to make sure it isn't something on the lab side and that it can be redone with the same sample but I'm pretty sure that sample is a lost cause at this point.

Scans and more information as it unfolds...
Hi Krazy

Looks like your primary from good LH & FSH but low T - I am similar to this with LH & FSH 4.7 U/l and 300 ng/dL.

Therefore I am interested to know how Sustain alpha and Toco8 actually work??

I know you say it increases testicular LH sensitivty but never heard of these products - if they worked as well as you say why are more people not using them? :cool:

I would like to think there are supplements/drugs out there that can improve testicular function but I seriously doubt this since I've not read anything that would even indicate this - only to increase LH but this is not really improving underlying testicle function

I assume they are herbal supplements and available online?


Sorry for the long delay! Just noticed this post earlier today and just getting a chance to reply now.

Eh, I'm not primary. For some reason, my hormonal system tanked. Some dietary modifications helped and the hope is that, by using some natural products to push natural production back into place, my system will pick back up and get rollin.

The SA is a product which promotes testosterone production and the T8 is a product which increases LH sensitivity... hello, synergy!

I don't know, for sure, if this will work but that's my theory and, since I need bloodwork, anyways, I'm putting it to the test and seeing what I get.

You can check out the Pp website for more info on how the products work and the studies they use to stake their claims:

...eh the URL is starred but its primordialperformance (dot com, of course)
The results are in (sort of):

LH: 2.5 (1.5 - 9.3)
FSH: 4.2 (1.6 - 8.0)

Estradiol: 7 (<= 29)

...but fuck the numbers. It is worth noting that over 3 weeks later, I still feel like a champ. I'm waking up with a massive erection, got the libido of a 20 year old, and sex is getting even better. I mean it is one thing to physically be able to perform sex better (better erection quality, etc)... but its another thing to be a fucking champ in the bedroom and have sizzling hot sex. I've reached the sizzling hot stage.

Regardless of specifically what number my testosterone is, I feel great. That being said, I'm still confident that my testosterone numbers are jacked up. I certainly didn't feel this way prior to starting SA/T8 and, if anything, still had occasional ED prior to starting. Now, after SA/T8, I can't even think myself out of an erection (for fun, in the moment, I'd focus on my erection to try to see if I can psych myself out of it... I can't).

One last observation about SA/T8... it was only in the last week or so that I've noticed the 'citrus sausage' smell of the SA finally get out of my pores. I feel like some of it stays within the skin and hold there until you exfoliate it out or something. But for a good 2-3 weeks after stopping, if I were to put my nose into my shirt and take a big sniff, I could pick out the smell, still. But, of course, this isn't noticeable by anyone and only a minor observation.

Anyways, regarding my testosterone numbers, this whole trial is kind of fucked now but I've got to go back and get a retest. I will do so as soon as I can (it is exam week but I should be able to sneak out later this week). I'll get the retest done and be posting those when they come in.

I'll also be posting scans of the Quest paperwork results from above when I get the appropriate software on my computer. I have them in PDF right now but my personal info is in them and I need to edit them out and don't have the tools to do so right yet.
As soon as HAN gets my numbers back to me, they'll be up. :p

I did bloodwork on the 18th. With the holiday season right on its heels, it has been a bit difficult to get everything back. Stay tuned. :)
I feel great. I feel like a man again and that feeling is SUSTAINing (no pun intended... ok, a little).

I now wake up with erections fairly often (ALWAYS waking up with a hard on isn't reliable or accurate but it happens often enough). My voice goes lower than it usually has been (I'm 21). I'm noticing facial hair starting to take pigment which I hypothesize is connected to this (since puberty, I have had relatively slow facial hair growth and pigmentless hair at that... the dirty blonde stuff even though I'm brown haired). No more ED. I'm getting tired thinking about sex.

One thing I've noticed, and I think this is just related to emotional stress that is fairly chronic, I don't get EXCITED about having sex. On the Sustain, I'd get giddy-schoolgirl-like thinking about sex and have fairly vivid (and graphic) thoughts flash through my head spontaneously. I guess it could be best described more spontaneous libido and intense libido. While I still think about sex now (I'm fairly certain my test is restored), it is not as much as in an excited, graphic way. I attribute this to simply not taking a nutraceutical anymore that is actively boosting my libido... but Sustain was doing wonders in that department while on.
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Sounds great. Seems like you're ready to "endorse" the Sustain Alpha/Toco combo. I'll be interested in hearing how your bloodwork turns out.
krazy, i tried to send you a PM but it looks like you opted out of receiving them.

Hey, I am 20 years old and had my total T tested @ 361 ng/dL., so naturally I found your log on the SA/T8 stack very interesting and I am following it. How are you feeling? I am buying some SA and T8 right now. How many bottles of the stuff are you running?

I have a lot of the same symptoms as you do. Doc put me on Androgel @ 2.5g/day. Sucks.

As far as virilization goes, I am tall and lanky compared to my father and grandfather, as they are both 5'10. I have little body hair except in the pubic region and my hair is all very fine. I grow facial hair but not a whole lot, and I cannot grow a mustache. I tend to carry fat like a woman.

Estrogens - 58 pg/mL
LH - 28 miU/mL
Prolactin - 12.7 miU/mL
TSH - 2.630 uIU/mL
Test serum - 361 ng/dL
test free - 9.31 ng/dl (2.58%)
Thyroid Peroxidase - 23 IU/mL
T4 Free - 1.57 ng/dL