Prep cycle advice dhb300+ or tren 120mg


New Member
normal the last 6 weeks of prep I throw some tren in
Over the past few years I’ve really become intolerant to it and get the worse insomnia seems like the most tolerable dose I can handle is 100-125 mg a week

Should I just run that into the show alongside 600-700 mast an some orals near the end

Or do u you think I would get better results outta 350 dhb and 600 mast I had really good results with dhb in my last offseason at a lower dose but never ran it in prep
I had really good results with dhb in my last offseason at a lower dose but never ran it in prep

Sounds like you’re gonna be closer to answering this than anyone else.

I vote dhb. If it works, sweet. If not, you learned and you’ll come in better prepared next show.
Yeah agreed I feel like what ever is better on you mentally is the better choice because prep itself is a mf to begin with
Besides tren isn’t necessary I have 3 close friends that turned pro without it
The question is "do you think I would get better results outta 350 dhb vs 100-125mg tren?" correct?

The answer is no, no you will not.

If I am going to go through a prep, for a competition, better believe I will be using Tren at the very least 4 weeks out. Do you "need" to? Thats up to you.

Edit - Its interesting you started this thread, when you have 3 close friends who are professionals... who turned pro without using tren. I would think their opinion would hold more weight than some randoms on a web forum.
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The question is "do you think I would get better results outta 350 dhb vs 100-125mg tren?" correct?

The answer is no, no you will not.

If I am going to go through a prep, for a competition, better believe I will be using Tren at the very least 4 weeks out. Do you "need" to? Thats up to you.

Edit - Its interesting you started this thread, when you have 3 close friends who are professionals... who turned pro without using tren. I would think their opinion would hold more weight than some randoms on a web forum.
U understand completely u really think 120 mg of tren is stronger tho
What would you say DHB is comparable to? I've never used it, but seen the compound tossed around more recently, and it's kind of piqued my interest. Seems to be a newer compound in recent years.

As for the tren, you should honestly be fine at 100-200mg/week with sides. It was reccomended to me to add l-theanine with my tren cycle to help counter the trensomnia, and ive found it quite beneficial.

Is DHB + low dose tren off the table completely?
What would you say DHB is comparable to? I've never used it, but seen the compound tossed around more recently, and it's kind of piqued my interest. Seems to be a newer compound in recent years.

As for the tren, you should honestly be fine at 100-200mg/week with sides. It was reccomended to me to add l-theanine with my tren cycle to help counter the trensomnia, and ive found it quite beneficial.

Is DHB + low dose tren off the table completely?
To a point helps blood glucose like tren gives that vascular full look and thermogenesis like tren

Kinda like half way point of primo and tren

But i believe tren does have better nutrition sending properties and muscle preservation properties but the looks dhb and tren very similar
I'm going to have to do some more reading into it.

On paper it sounds good, but I'm skeptical of these newer-gen, possibly synthetic compounds with limited studies/data to support it.

It's still intriguing though. Heard it's a crossover between EQ and mast, and now a crossover between Primo and tren. Hopefully the negatives associated with it aren't too bad
I'm going to have to do some more reading into it.

On paper it sounds good, but I'm skeptical of these newer-gen, possibly synthetic compounds with limited studies/data to support it.

It's still intriguing though. Heard it's a crossover between EQ and mast, and now a crossover between Primo and tren. Hopefully the negatives associated with it aren't too bad

If I'm not mistaken i read somewhere it does some good damage to the liver. Also, what concerns me more is you won't see it in the stack of any serious bodybuilder, either competitive or not. I wonder, is it because of toxicity and side effects or is it garbage and doesn't do much? Because if it was that good i guess more people would use it instead of the classic EQ or primo or tren for example.
If I'm not mistaken i read somewhere it does some good damage to the liver. Also, what concerns me more is you won't see it in the stack of any serious bodybuilder, either competitive or not. I wonder, is it because of toxicity and side effects or is it garbage and doesn't do much? Because if it was that good i guess more people would use it instead of the classic EQ or primo or tren for example.
A lot of ifbb guys Ik personally they run it in the offseason Ik a few people the like it with low test and a micro dose of ment or npp and Ik a few people that run it with mast in the offseason at a low dose like 350-500 test 200 mast 200 dhb and really push the gh and slin I probably wouldn’t run it in the offseason because how strong it is at like 300 mg for 8 weeks last year Ligit felt like I was on 800 primo but better cardio capacity
I impulse bought a bunch of dhb a year or two ago but still haven’t done it. I’m a big primo fan and always end up going back to what I know works for me…. But I also don’t compete. Considering 400 dhb, 400 deca, 500 test cycle
I’m not saying dhb is supper amazing it does have some draw back but if your a primo fan and u only wanna run something for 8 weeks and have the results in 2 I would say 300 of dhb gave me the same look primo did with more strength but took 1/4 of the time to see the progress granite could run primo a lot longer but it’s definitely a nice compound
I had to pull DHB at 8 weeks and switch to Primo on my current blast.

300mg DHB was straight buzzsaw gains, strength, fullness and hardness, but the inflammation hit quick. By week 6 my brain started to feel like it was being dyson’d out through a straw, constant fatigue and brain fog. I’d 100% run it again though, short-term obviously.
Aren't most of the esters attached to DHB longe esters? Feel like you'd have to run it like 10-12 weeks+ (based on ester) to really see it shine, but no compound should cause that kind of inflammation honestly

I was thinking about trying dhb but I think I'd rather re-try EQ instead personally