Primo adventure

I’ve copied and edited this from my post in steroid spotlight because I think I’ll make a cycle log of it.


I’ve done 7 cycles in the past, test only, test and deca, test and winstrol, test and tren. However the last 9 years has just been TRT of 80-100mg cypionate a week.

Recently I did 5 weeks of Dbol - which was excellent on top of TRT - very strong PED - or perhaps with its 4 hour half life, it’s just it’s at steady state within 24 hours.

I started a primo cycle on May 8th. It’s gone like this:

Before May 5th: TRT of 100mg cypionate per week.

May 5th: 250mg Sustanon (major shortage of cypionate and Enanthate in the uk)

May 8th: 250mg Sustanon, 100mg primo

May 10th: 250mg Sust only.

May 12th: 250mg Sustanon, 100mg primo

May 15th 250mg Sustanon, 80mg primo

May 17th: 250mg Sust only.

May 19th: 250mg Sustanon, 80mg primo.

Things I’ve learned so far!

Primo kicks in very very fast at lowering E2 - or because I’ve not had blood work this early in - “low E2 symptoms”. This is very surprising given it’s an Enanthate ester.

On my first day of primo, despite the Sustanon a few days before and it’s propionate ester, and having decent E2 from TRT - my joints became dry and cracking within 6 hours of the primo.

Man I became pretty depressed and unable to wake up that day and until
Thursday May 11th. Caffeine had zero effect at all (it usually is quite strong for me).

Libido disappeared.

But perhaps this is because E2 takes quite some time to build up from only slightly elevated testosterone (one shot of 250 Sust won’t be a big increase in test levels)?

So I may have still had normal E2 on my first primo shot, so it was very easy to push E2 down rapidly?

This is a guesstimate for all of us because I didn’t plan on getting bloods in the first two weeks.

Thursday May 11th my joints were feeling normal again. Mentally feeling normal Again

I figured with some more testosterone building up I’d be fine for 100mg primo on May 12th. But I had dry cracking joints again! Not as bad and not so strong negative mental effects.

Hence this Monday I reduced primo to 80mg and this has been great no problem all week including Friday 19th dose.

However today, Saturday 20th, joints cracking again and a bit down mentally, though nowhere near the “anastrozole hole” if you take too much of that.

My understanding is that Sustanon takes about 5 weeks to reach steady state and primo being Enanthate about the same.

Is this correct?

I think I’ll stop the Primo 2 weeks and let my testosterone and E2 rise and then reintroduce it.

What would you guys suggest?

I didn’t front load the Sust because of the PIP.

Unfortunately I don’t use UGL injectables and test Enanthate is not available here to front load.

I’m abroad but will try to get bloods done
soon and regularly to see E2 levels after dropping the Primo, then reintroducing it.

There’ll still be Primo kicking around for weeks, but I can still compare to TRT - which puts my free T at 90% of range and E2 at 65%.

How does that sound?

Does anyone else have such a dramatic effect from Primo?

For context I do aromatise quite a lot. 500 cyp per week will need 1/4mg anastrozole 3 times a week after a month and steady state.

In terms of mental side effects only nandrolone is negative, but thats fixed keeping test:nandrolone at 5:3.

Thanks all !
Primo kicks in very very fast at lowering E2 - or because I’ve not had blood work this early in - “low E2 symptoms”. This is very surprising given it’s an Enanthate ester.
That will be very interesting, logically it wouldn't make sense given the Enanthate ester like you mentioned.
My understanding is that Sustanon takes about 5 weeks to reach steady state and primo being Enanthate about the same.
Yes 5 weeks for steady state on Sus and therefore. For Primo being Enanthate 4 weeks based on EOD shots to reach steady state.
Rimo update

Ok so it’s been 11 weeks in Istanbul now and a bit of a wild ride this Sust/Rimo cycle.


Oh god the Sustanon. The PIP. It made it impossible to get decent steady state Test via front loading because the Sust PIP was beyond brutal.

I’m talking a half orange size lump in the glute for a week after 1ml of Sust diluted with 1ml Rimo

So it’s really taken up to 2 weeks ago to get steady Test that I would normally have by front loading 5x my weekly dose of Enanthate in week 1

Because in Turkey the only pharma Test is Sust or Nebido, this makes future ‘cycle vacations’ to Turkey a no go.

Rimo/ Primo. It’s an ok AAS but I’d say 25% of Test and maybe 10% of Nandrolone.

I’ve been running 250 Sust and 100 Rimo, 3 times a week and I’d say the gains are about the same as 1,000mg Test with an AI (to equal the dryness of Rimo)

Certainly 300mg nandrolone is way way more performance enhancing than that in Rimo.

The main negatives of Rimo have been quite a lot of hair loss and some prostate stuff (needing to pee more and more urgently)

I’ve not noticed any other subjective sides except usually a libido each morning that’s quite distracting, but not crazy. I kind of go a bit sex mad at 10am, jerk off then immediately think “thank god I’m returned to normal now” LOL

Here’s my photo from today - I do boxing training now though, not bodybuilding, so I haven’t gone after hypertrophy - quite the opposite.

I’m currently 73kg at 5’10

Strength and power are decent but not on par with Test + nandrolone.

Power endurance (3 minute boxing rounds) is very good

Long endurance is very good - I can do 20,000 steps a day no problem.

Overall - I think Rimo was priceless before AIs and also for those who could take 1 gram a week of it without crushed E2 depressed mood and hair rape.

Now with AIs I’m not sure Test + another anabolic would be inferior

I’ve got about 40 Rimo left for another cycle - WITHOUT SUST (!!) and will relish front loading Enanthate!!

I’ll see how that turns out, probably starting in January.

Here’s a photo from today
I don't think the active drug compound would change much. It hasn't peaked at 6 hours either...

So what you’re saying is you think your active drug compound which is not from
a pharmacy, is definitely methenolone

And on that confidence of UGL oils you question how I felt using pharmacy Rimo from my Turkish pharmacist girlfriend ?
So what you’re saying is you think your active drug compound which is not from
a pharmacy, is definitely methenolone

And on that confidence of UGL oils you question how I felt using pharmacy Rimo from my Turkish pharmacist girlfriend ?
So what you’re saying is you think your active drug compound which is not from
a pharmacy, is definitely methenolone

And on that confidence of UGL oils you question how I felt using pharmacy Rimo from my Turkish pharmacist girlfriend ?
There's this thing called lab testing.
So what you’re saying is you think your active drug compound which is not from
a pharmacy, is definitely methenolone

And on that confidence of UGL oils you question how I felt using pharmacy Rimo from my Turkish pharmacist girlfriend ?
Ummmmm… simple, primo is not doing what you said in 6 hours !! Period, I don’t care about whatever the hell you’re talking about above
Entire thread was “feelzzzz” report. Without bloodwork this may have all been placebo.

Sustanon has short ester prop in it so your testosterone levels wouldn’t have dropped at the beginning.
primo killed my libido in less than 24 hours.
Its basically liquid letro in terms of destroying your sexdrive

I haven't experimented enough with primo after that, but I guess you need to run low primo or really high test with primo