Primo : is small dose worth keeping in a stack?


Hi guys

Wanted to get your thoughts on whether or not I’m wasting money here keeping low dose primo

I’ve run primo pretty much year round , with 250-300 dose being my cruise dose (vs 175 test ) and taking it up to 800+ for blasts.

Now I am doing a lean bulk cycle with deca being the main driver of anabolism. First time running deca. Second week in for deca, which is replacing NPP.

Test-c 175 mg
Deca 400mg
Mast -E 800mg ((for mental benefits and some neural activation)
NPP currently 10mg/day , have tapered it from 60mg per day with addition of deca. I have elbow issues so keeping NPP 10mg until deca kicks in.
Primo 175. This is not enough for AI , I still use Aromasin 12.5 eod.
6ius of growth daily

Question: Would you guys pull out the primo ? I may need to up the Aromasin (I don’t get e2 lowering from mast ) I’ve never ran mast as the only dht. Always had primo or primo + mast.

The only reason I kept The primo is to transition into sports TRT later on (ie a cruise ). With 175
Test 175 primo , 100 deca 150 mast. Not having to load it back in

But wondering if there’s any merit to keeping primo in there. I’ve always feelt primo acted strongest (after winstrol ) on dopamine and Masteron acts stronger on adrenaline. So this cocktail maybe optimized for me mentally but I’m not sure if there are any physical benefits to
Keeping it ? Thinking of saving the money and just using the primo on the next cut.
Since it's not that high of a dose, you could probably keep it or take it out and it won't make too much difference. Definitely adding a little anabolism to the cycle, but not a ton. If you get other benefits from it then it may be worthwhile. If you want to save a little money and injection volume you won't notice it's gone. I would either drop it or lower the Mast and replace with Primo.
Don't see how it's worth anything if you're already running 800mg masteron. And npp is a phenylprop, not prop, so you could pin just 2 or 3 times a week instead of every day.
Don't see how it's worth anything if you're already running 800mg masteron. And npp is a phenylprop, not prop, so you could pin just 2 or 3 times a week instead of every day.

Thanks. I typically pin everyday but now that I’ve moved to longer (ish esters) I’m doing twice per week and loving it.
I had pulled NPP out because I front loaded deca when I started (800 mg pin ) but first week of deca I was getting elbow inflammation again so started re-pinning NPP.

Second week in and just today I started feeling a lot more swollen within the muscles. Like a perma pump. Not like NPP or even anavar. Not bloated either. Closest I can describe it is the feeling of when you have a carb heavy meal and muscles feel nice and full.

I’ve read it takes a month or more for deca to “kick in “ but I imagine anti inflammatory benefits should be showing up now.
175 mg of primo is to little. I prefer 800 mg - a gram of primo a week. Just make sure your lean for it to really shine. To many people cry primo is overrated when they try running it at like 20% body fat. Love me primo at a good dosage
More gear = more results.

With that dose of mast you may not even notice the change in e2 without the primo. So if you do decide to drop it, maybe see if you notice high e2 sides, before adding more AI.
id say if you know primo is a good anti estrogen for you. id pull the masteron down a bit a fill the mg amount with primo to take place of that AI. or just push the primo up until u dont need a ai without messing with the mas dose. primo is very tolerable for most people. its really not that expensive depending on where you get it form. Reason for this is im not big believer in a ai or serm. most people just dont know how to stack design so they have to run one
More gear = more results.

With that dose of mast you may not even notice the change in e2 without the primo. So if you do decide to drop it, maybe see if you notice high e2 sides, before adding more AI.
id say its very genetic. between mas primo and eq they all can be a good anti estrogen for people. but not everyone reacts the same so u gotta play with them all a bit to see what effects ur e2
Now I am doing a lean bulk cycle with deca being the main driver of anabolism. First time running deca

Mast -E 800mg ((for mental benefits and some neural activation)
NPP currently 10mg/day , have tapered it from 60mg per day with addition of deca. I have elbow issues so keeping NPP 10mg until deca kicks in.
Primo 175. This is not enough for AI , I still use Aromasin 12.5 eod.
6ius of growth daily

I’ve always feelt primo acted strongest (after winstrol ) on dopamine and Masteron acts stronger on adrenaline. So this cocktail maybe optimized for me mentally but I’m not sure if there are any physical benefits to
Keeping it ?

this is an awful cycle and you are an overthinker forum type, that compiles all the nonsense that sounds good from peoples anecdotes and creates a cycle from peoples offhand comments and delusions.

talking about neural activation, adrenaline, "OPTIMIZATION"

all of this goes out of the window because you are taking 400mg deca and 800mg masteron.

no one does this, there is a reason why no one does this , because it sucks and is bad, and you think you are smarter than everyone who has also read the same comments as you, but in reality, you are dumber because you believe you can put all these pieces that arent meant to be together, together into a cycle and have even more positives in this cycle than regular cycles.

here is why it is bad
1. test is low
2. deca is high
3. deca causes mood issues
4. masteron causes werid e2 effects
5. primo in there just for more e2 confusion
6. 4 different compounds that work differently together
7. taking 800mg of masteron just to try to make up for test being low and deca being high, this type of overthinking will never benefit you

take testosterone and if you must, a little bit of deca for joint issues, but unless you are old, your joint issues are caused by training issues that you should address instead of taking a 19nor compound for life.

too many compounds, for example, maybe you have joint issues due to your past experiences with masteron or primo
this is an awful cycle and you are an overthinker forum type, that compiles all the nonsense that sounds good from peoples anecdotes and creates a cycle from peoples offhand comments and delusions.

talking about neural activation, adrenaline, "OPTIMIZATION"

all of this goes out of the window because you are taking 400mg deca and 800mg masteron.

no one does this, there is a reason why no one does this , because it sucks and is bad, and you think you are smarter than everyone who has also read the same comments as you, but in reality, you are dumber because you believe you can put all these pieces that arent meant to be together, together into a cycle and have even more positives in this cycle than regular cycles.

here is why it is bad
1. test is low
2. deca is high
3. deca causes mood issues
4. masteron causes werid e2 effects
5. primo in there just for more e2 confusion
6. 4 different compounds that work differently together
7. taking 800mg of masteron just to try to make up for test being low and deca being high, this type of overthinking will never benefit you

take testosterone and if you must, a little bit of deca for joint issues, but unless you are old, your joint issues are caused by training issues that you should address instead of taking a 19nor compound for life.

too many compounds, for example, maybe you have joint issues due to your past experiences with masteron or primo
Hey man

Thanks a lot for your detailed reply. Standard disclaimer aside that people’s brain chemistry and physiology is not always the same let me address some of your points so you can understand why I chose the compounds and the ratios

Two things off the bat:
1. I pulled primo out completely. I am a heavy aromatizer so 175 is a drop in the bucket for AI benefits for me.

2. I am running Mast enanthate. If it were mast prop I’d be using a lower dose (500 or so ).

When it comes to neural activation I speak from personal experience. I have many years of experience with Rx amphetamines for ADHD and am in tune with my circuitry when something works or doesn’t work. For example , primo , for me , has a very powerful dopamine release and for someone with adhd too much dopamine is sedating , which is why 800 mg primo isn’t optimal , for mood and everyday life experience.

For neural activation with Masteron there is a unique blend of noradrenaline And dopamine release that heightens focus and drive. In my case , if I take a drug that’s mainly dopamine releasing it just causes me to hyper focus on one thing at best and at worst it sedates me.

Broderick Chavez did a long podcast episode on masteron and his experience with the compound is very similar to mine.

Regarding your points above :

1. Yes my test is low. I would LOVE to run it higher but I can’t tolerate it. My mood gets very unstable. And I think that’s mainly from aromatization. How much ? Wt 250 test and 600 primo my e2 is 90. This is at mid teens body fat. When I started TRT at 100mg per week , with no AAS, I was running 1mg arimidex 3x per week to have my e2 in mid 30s.

It’s not just the e2 conversion. I think just the overall androgenic sides don’t agree with me. I get bloat , leg swelling etc. all else kept the same. Diet. Ancillaries etc.

I’d love to not have to burn thru more expensive compounds and use home brewed test.

I’ve run cycles with Low (175-250) mid (300-350) and higher (500) test. I can tolerate 300-350 but it feels dirty for me , I am on edge. I have to take mode AI , a boatload of primo etc.

With 19nors I have zero mental sides UNLESS e2 starts creeping and/or test is higher than 200.

2. My understanding is that 400 Deca is a feasible mid dose. I’ve seen a number of guys who prefer low test and high 19nor cycles , whether deca or tren

3. No issues w 19nors for me unless e2 is high.

4. No e2 effects for me with Masteron. Current dosage replaced mast and primo. If I had like 300 primo in the stack I’d cut mast by half or more.

The way to avoid sexual and mental sides of 19nors for me is running DHTs at 2x the 19nor compound(s).

Btw I tried running low NPP and normal test and it’s been a disaster of mental sides for me.
if you think it works then do it but i think you should use testosterone (mast/primo if you must ) and control estrogen with a.i.

19nors are not natural for the body and i will never concede that someone can tolerate deca better than testosterone